Creating a Form-z rendering file to scale

1. Use measurement tools witn "Interactive Point to Point" and "End-snap" to find out the dimension of the width of the floor ( which is 64' ).

2. Render the image and save as image file.

3. Open the image file in photoshop. Then use the "Measure Tool" to measure the width of the floor ( which is 6.408" ).

4. In this case, using a 1/16"=1'-0" as scale. Therefore the width of the ground plane is 4" in real scale.
5. To rescale the image precisely, first find out the ratio ( 4 / 6.408=62.42% ), and then resize the image with "image size" option.
6. Make sure use "percent" under pixel dimensions and check the "constrain proportions", and then click OK.

7. Use the "measure tool" again to check the dimension and save the file.