Grading Clarification, Jan. 26, 2009
Assignment grading guidelines (Specific evaluation criteria will be spelled out for each assignment)
- 7 points ~100% A+ Excellent Unusual degree of aesthetic and technical control
- 6.5 points ~93% A- Aesthetically pleasing and technically competent
- 6 points ~85.7% B Good Shows technical competency, fulfills requirements
- 5.5 points = 78% C+ Attempted the assignment, partially correct. Some problems in understanding or carrying out tasks.
- 5 points = 71.4% C- Fair Started assignment. Major omissions or errors.
- 0 - 4 points = F to D Didn't start or failed to address much of the assignment.
Timeliness is rewarded: up to .5 points / day discounted
Participation grading criteria (10 points of 100 total)
- communicates & seeks help (ePortfolio comments, class discussion, questions, attendance, email, survey, Wiki)
- accesses resources (Wed tutorials, Lynda.com videos, websites, readings)
- shows effort and improvement (revises work)
- receives peer votes for Most Helpful, Most Improved
Points given in 1/3 chunks of 3.3333 points, with possibilities for bonus points:
- 4+ = EXCELLENT level of engagement, thoughtful questions & comments, helps others, uses office hours
- 3 = GOOD: consistent attendance and/or Lynda.com access, useful comments, asks questions occasionally
- 2 = FAIR: some attendance, ~75% of required comments, rarely asks questions or contributes to class discussion
- 1 = POOR: attends less than half of classes, neglects comments, seeks one-on-one help without attending tutorial or trying other resources
- 0 = FAIL: Away WithOut Leave, minimal face-to-face or online contact
