Lecture 5
Univ of Oregon, Dept of Architecture, Intro to Architectural Computer Graphics

  Nancy Cheng, 204c Pacific Hall, 346-3674 nywc@darkwing.uoregon.edu

Questions about Hybrid Drawings:

What kinds of design thinking are helped by computer modeling? What is done better by hand-drawing?

Which sketches exploit hand-drawing for design development best? How do they do that?

Identify your favorite images and consider what factors contribute to their success (i.e. viewpoint, contrast, spatial layout, texture, etc.)

Basic FormZ Skills
Modifiers & Basic Tools
  • create objects as 2D lines, walls or 3D forms
  • select geometry at the appropriate topological level
  • use transformation tools with self/copy selections

Navigation and Control

  • set up and use appropriate grid, angle and object snaps
  • alter layers, group objects, create and modify symbols

Generating form from form

  • make 3D from 2D with extrusion
  • using correct construction planes
  • insert segments, faces and opening

Basic Rendering

  • alter material properties, change materials.
  • use underlay. cone of vision, basic rendering

Terrain models or topographical representations:

  • grid of coords
  • spot elvations
  • contour lines
  • TIN (triangulated irregular network)

Pumpkins: lathing (revolve) and sweeps

Texture maps


  • for creating 2D diagrams
  • for 2D basis of 3D objects



Collaboration models

Shrage -social aspects

History, trajectory of collab practice

  • Master builder
  • TAC
  • Digital model through design - const - fm phases
  • Identity, personality, amount of interaction


  • live chat, audio, video (netmeeting)
  • asynchronous: ftp,web pages (centralized vs distributed)

What's necessary?

  • Team roles - aegis hypersurface
  • Comm media

Design Operations


Collage and Juxtaposition

  • John Heartfield
  • Le Corbusier
  • Barbara Kruger
  • Jan Dibbets

Assignment 5
