Lecture 3
Nancy Cheng, 204c Pacific Hall, 346-3674 nywc@darkwing.uoregon.edu
I. Announcements
- Resources
- Help Session Timetable
- Lecture Notes online
- Online Tutorials
- Manuals in AAA Library, Klamath/Millrace
II. Vector Drawing
& Modeling |
A. Characteristics of Vector Graphics
1. Creates a database with multiple uses and formats
- Can easily change attributes (i.e. color & texture, plotted scale, line quality)
- Dimensions are in the graphics: i.e. stores a circle's center and radius
- Quantities can be taken from graphic input, i.e. counting furniture.
2. Clean manipulation of elements vs. Erasure marks with record of versions, trace of thoughts
3. Planned, precise information vs. Spontaneous, approximate gestures
- Specific representation - a box is a box: interpretation limited
- Powerful control of quantity & complexity
- Consistent style can unify a group presentation
B. Coordinate systems support vectors
- Relative vs. Absolute
- Rectangular vs Polar
- Collage of multiple coordinate systems (shifted, rotated, polar)
C. Spatial Representation via point, line, plane & volume
III. Common
Characteristics |
Features of Graphic Software
- File management
- Viewing / Navigation
- Element Creation
- Selection
- Element Attributes
- Transformations (geometric or processing)
- Organizing structures
- On-line help
? What tools do you see for these in GoLive and Photoshop?
3d Space and
2D Navigation |
2D Views of a 3D model
- Multiple orthogonal views (plan, section, elevation)
- Axonometric vs. Perspective
- Camera and Target analogy (Edit Cone of Vision)
Actual Dimensions vs. Viewed and Plotted Scales
- Screen views and printed versions are camera zooms on a static model
FormZ Interface |
What parts of the FormZ interface are similar to other programs such as Netscape & Photoshop?
- Icon toolbar
- Pull-down menus ( File, Edit, Windows, View, Help)
- Palettes (optional windows)
- Interface changes according to choices
What parts of FormZ's interface are different from other programs?
- 2-modes: 2D Drafting & 3D Modeling (including Rendering)
- Prompts window tells you what's going on
- Graphic Window with window-specific tools
- Can have many graphic windows to look at a drawing or model in different ways
Special quirks: Modifier Tools
- Icons: Aqua modifiers vs. Black & white commands
- Heights menu modifies 3D objects
Overview: Common Operations
- File management (File menu)
- Viewing / Navigation (Window Tools for Zoom & Pan, View menu, Display menu)
- Creating (Drawing Tools)
- Selecting/Editing (topological levels, Transformations
- Organizing structures
- Grouping systems: Layers, Symbols, Objects & Groups
- Control structures: Snaps, grids, coordinate systems
- Topologcal Levels
- On-line help