arch 610 CRN 15338 2 credits |
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Nancy Cheng, 204c Pacific
Hall, 346-3674 | |||||||
SCHEDULE | LECTURE 8:00-9:50 M 204 Condon Hall
PREREQUISITES | Familiarity with a Mac or Windows operating system,completion of 1 design studio | |||||||
DESCRIPTION | This course introduces computer concepts and techniques for developing architectural design ideas. Students will study how to model and edit 3D forms and spaces, render them in light and present results on the Web. Lectures illustrate design and computing concepts in graphics software. The tutorials show how to use the software through hands-on exercises.See: | |||||||
OBJECTIVES | - To understand how design thinking is supported by computer software. - To develop competency in describing space and form with digital methods. - To develop learning strategies for adapting to changing technology. |
REQUIREMENTS | - Timely submission of weekly exercises and a summary portfolio - Participation in group discussions and collaborations (see rules) |
EVALUATION | 66% Weekly exercises 14% Summary portfolio 10% Practical Test 10% Participation (in-class & online discussions, quizzes) |
REQUIRED TOOLS | All students must have primary access to a computer, required software and manuals: Autodessys FormZ 3.9, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Adobe GoLive 6.0, Adobe Illustrator 10.
Spalter, Anne Morgan, The Computer in the Visual Arts Cohen, Jonathan, Communication and Design with the Internet Mitchell, William J. and Malcolm McCullough, Digital Design Media Ashford, Janet and John Odam, Getting Started with 3D: A designer's guide | |||||||