Reference Materials and Reading Assignments
All reference materials may be found in the foyer outside
of my office. Please sign out materials.
Reading Assignments:
January 6, 1998
- First 4 chapters of The Mid-Oceanic Ridges
- Bill's recommended papers:
- Turcotte, D.L., Phipps Morgan, J., The Physics of Magma Migration and
Mantle Flow beneath a Mid-Ocean Ridge. Mantle flow and Melt Migration
at Mid Ocean Ridges. Geophysical Monograph 71, AGU 1992
- Sparks, D.W., Parmentier, E.M., The Generation and Migration of Partial
Melt beneath Oceanic Spreading Centers. Magmatic Systems. Ed. P.M. Ryan,
- More general review:
Forsyth, D.W., Geophysical Constraints on Mantle Flow and Melt
Generation Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges. Mantle flow and Melt Migration
at Mid Ocean Ridges. Geophysical Monograph 71, AGU 1992
- Rob's recommended papers:
- G. Ceuleneer, A. Nicholas, and F. Boudier, Mantle Flow Patterns at
an Oceanic
Spreading Centre: The Oman Peridotite Record. Tectonophysics, 151,
- P. Kelemen, G. Hirth, N. Shimizu, M. Spiegelman, and H. Dick, A Review
Melt Migration Processes in the Adiabadically Upwelling Mantle benath oceanic
spreading ridges. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A, 1997.
- For extra credit and some easier reading:
Chapters 6 and 7 of Adolph Nicholas' Book: The Mid-Oceanic Ridges.
January 13, 1998
- Andrew's recommended papers:
- Phipps Morgan, J., A. Harding, J. Orcutt, G. Kent, and Y. J. Chen,
observational and theoretical synthesis of magma chamber geometry and crustal
genesis along a mid-ocean ridge spreading center, in, Magmatic Systems,
M. P. Ryan, ed., Academic Press, pp 139-178, 1994 (mainly up to page 158)
- Sinton, J. M., and R. S. Detrick, Mid-ocean ridge magma chambers, J.
Res., 97, 197-216, 1992.
- Brandon's recommended papers:
- Good overview of magma chamber models, also mentions seismic velocity
Chapter 11 from Nicholas, A., Structures of Ophiolites and Dynamics of
Lithosphere. 1989, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 367 pp.
- Two short, more recent articles on magma chambers (although from the
same research group):
- Nicholas, A., Freydier, Cl., Godard, M., Vauchez, A., 1993, Magma
chambers at oceanic ridges: How large? Geology, v. 21, p 53-56.
- Boudier, F., Nicholas, A., Ildefonse, B., 1996, Magma chambers in the
ophiolite: fed from the top and the bottom. Earth and Planetary Science
v. 144, p. 239-250.
- Jennifer's recommended papers:
- Kelemen, PB, Koga, K, and Shimuzu, S, Geochemistry of gabbro sills
in the
crust/mantle transition zone of the Oman ophiolite: Implications for the
origin of
the oceanic lower crust, EPSL 146, in press.
- Kelemen, PB, and Aharonov, E, Periodic formatin of magma fractures
generation of layered gabbros in the lower crust beneath oceanic spreading
in press?
January 19-23, 1998
- Martin's recommended papers:
- Good overview of hydrothermal circulation:
- Wilcock, W.S.D., Delaney, J.R., 1996, Mid-ocean ridge sulfide deposits:
Evidence for heat extraction from magma chambers or cracking fronts?,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 145 (1996) 49-64
- Oman Ophiolite evidence:
- Nehlig,P., Juteau,T., 1988, Deep crustal seawater penetration and circulation
at ocean ridges: evidence from the Oman Ophiolite, Marine Geology,
84 (1988) 209-228
- Another REALLY GOOD, but long overview paper about hydrothermal circulation
fast and slow spreading ridges (optional --> not copied):
- Alt, J.C., 1995, Subseafloor Processes in Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal
Systems, from: Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: Physical, Chemical, Biological,
and Geological Interactions, Geophysical Monograph 91, 1995, AGU, p. 85-114