Adamu1 Text Foodo
OSSOUMANOU Adamu - Text 1 12/11/93. Sur Cassette 93-T-A. Tones marked as in regular speech. Not too much work done on slow verses fast.
This is all possible because Gray Plunkett is either brilliant, or because God rewards fools.
(This is no slurr - it was brilliant fools who developed the latest-greatest methods of encryption and decryption.)
Tɔ́ɔ, |
ŋdɛɛ |
á_náa |
Kaasʊwa |
hálɩ. |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
ǹdɛ̀ɛ́ |
áˈnáá |
kààsʊ́wá |
háˈlɩ́ |
tɔ̀: |
Ǹdɛ̌: |
á-ná:=BH |
kà:sʊ́wá |
háˈlɩ́ |
B |
*BH |
H-H=B*H |
BH |
well |
yesterday |
1P-go=PRF |
Kasuwa |
interr |
adv:temp |
pr-vi=tam |
n:pr |
conj |
Well, yesterday when we had gone to Kasuwa.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
nɩ́ |
á_náa, |
[nɩ́] |
á_tula |
saŋdaalɩ_ána. |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
nɩ́ |
áˈnáá |
[nɩ́] |
átùlà |
zàǹdááˈmánà |
tɔ̀: |
nɩ |
á-ná:=BH |
nɩ |
á-tùlà |
sàǸdáalɩ̀-ánà |
B |
P |
H-H=B*H |
P |
H-B |
well |
and |
1P-go=PRF |
and |
1P-come.find |
police-SfN2 |
interr |
conj |
pr-vi=tam |
conj |
pr-vs |
n:1-sf |
Well, we went and we found the policmen.
náá náá
Tɔ́ɔ, |
nɩ́ |
ba_káŋ |
sa |
ayɩ |
yɛ |
: |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
nɩ́ |
ˈbákáŋ́ |
sà |
àyɩ́ |
yɛ̀ |
: |
tɔ̀: |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
sà |
àyɩ́ |
yɛ̀- |
B |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
BH |
B- |
well |
and |
3:2-speak |
1P:O |
interr |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr |
conj- |
Well, they said to us that:
Mɩnɛ |
nɩ |
fɩ́ɩ_ba |
bɩkɩyɛɛ |
mbɩ? |
mɩ̀nɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
fɩ́ɩ́bà |
bɩ̀kɩ́ʸɛ́ɛ́ |
ˈḿbɩ́ |
mɩ̀nɛ́ |
nɩ |
fÍ:-bà |
bI-kɩ́ɩ̂-á |
Ǹbɩ́ |
BH |
P |
H-B |
H*B-*HB-H |
BH |
what |
Foc |
2P-come |
Cl9N-look.for-NSf |
here |
Inter |
conj |
pr-vi |
clpr-vs-clsf |
adv:loc |
Well, they said to us, "What have you come looking for here?"
Nɩ́ |
á_káŋ |
yɛ |
: |
nɩ́ |
áˈkɛ́ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
: |
nɩ |
á-káŋÊ |
yɛ̀- |
P |
H-*HB |
B- |
and |
1P-speak |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj- |
And we said that:
Áaa, |
ayɩ_a_ba |
gɛ́ |
yɛ |
á_wu |
ayɩ-tɛdɛ |
ba_siŋ |
ʊŋ |
hálɩ. |
ááá |
àyɩ́àbà |
gɛ́ |
yɛ̀ |
áwù |
àyɩ́tɛ̀dɛ̀ |
bàsìŋ̀ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
áá: |
àyÍ-a-bà |
gɛ́ |
yɛ̀ |
á-wù |
àyÍ-tɛ̀dɛ̀ |
ba-sìŋÈ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
H |
BH-P-B |
H |
B |
H-B |
BH-B |
P-B |
B |
ah |
1P-Cmp-come |
Emp |
1P-see |
1P:Poss-younger.sibling |
3:2-shut |
3:1:O |
?? |
pr-asp-vi |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vs |
adj:poss-n:1 |
pr-vs |
pr |
conj |
"Ah, we have come to see our little brother that is imprissoned.
Gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á_ba |
yɛ |
á_dalɩ |
ʊŋ. |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
ábà |
yɛ̀ |
ádalɩ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á-bà |
yɛ̀ |
á-dàlɩ̀ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
H |
P |
H-B |
B |
H-B |
B |
Emp |
Foc |
1P-come |
1P-greet |
3:1:O |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr |
And we have come to greet him."
Nɩ́ |
ba_kusi |
ayɩ |
yɛ |
á_nyi |
ʊŋ-ɛɛ? |
nɩ́ |
bàkùsì |
àyɩ́ |
yɛ̀ |
áɲì |
ʊ̀ŋɛ̀ɛ̀ |
nɩ |
ba-kùsì |
àyÍ |
yɛ̀ |
á-ɲì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀-ɛ: |
P |
P-B |
BH |
B |
H-B |
B-P |
and |
3:2-ask(ques) |
1P:O |
1P-know |
3:1:O-PQM |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr-qm |
And they asked us if we knew him.
Nɩ́ |
á |
yɛ |
: |
nɩ́ |
á |
yɛ̀ |
: |
nɩ |
á-yɛ̀- |
P |
H-B- |
and |
1P-COMP- |
conj |
pr-conj- |
And we [said] that:
Ɛɛ́ɛ, |
á_nyi |
ʊŋ. |
ɛ̀ɛ́ɛ̀ |
áɲì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
ɛ̀ɛ́ɛ̀ |
á-ɲì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
H-B |
B |
yes |
1P-know |
3:1:O |
adv |
pr-vt |
pr |
"Yes, we know him."
Nɩ́ |
ba_káŋ |
sa |
ayɩ |
yɛ |
: |
nɩ́ |
ˈbákáŋ́ |
sà |
àyɩ́ |
yɛ̀ |
: |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
sà |
àyÍ |
yɛ̀- |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
BH |
B- |
and |
3:2-speak |
1P:O |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr |
conj- |
And they said to us
Á_naa |
ciná. |
ánàà |
cìná |
á-Ø-ná: |
Ø-cínâ |
H-B-H |
B-*HB |
1P-Imp-go |
Imp-sit |
pr-imp-vi |
imp-vi |
to go and sit down.
Á_náa |
á_tɛ. |
áˈnáá |
átɛ̀ |
á-ná:=BH |
á-tɛ̀ |
H-H=B*H |
H-B |
1P-go=PRF |
1P-be.seated |
pr-vi=tam |
pr-vst |
We went and sat down.
Á_tɛ, |
tɔ́ɔ, |
ɩ_ba |
nɩ́ |
ɩ_kɛ́ɛdɩ |
hálɩ, |
nɩ́ |
ba_káŋ |
sa |
mɩ́ɩ |
yɛ |
átɛ̀ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
ɩ̀bà |
nɩ́ |
ˈɩkɛ́ɛ́dɩ́ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ́ɩ́ |
ˈbákáŋ́ |
sà |
mɩ́ɩ́ |
yɛ̀ |
á-tɛ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
I-bà |
nɩ |
I-kɛ́:dɩ̂ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
sà |
mɩ̂: |
yɛ̀ |
H-B |
B |
P-B |
P |
P-*HB |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
HB |
B |
1P-be.seated |
well |
Nt-come |
and |
Nt-be.o.k |
and |
3:2-speak |
1S:EMP |
pr-vst |
interr |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr:emp |
conj |
mɩ́ɩ_naa |
sɔɔ_baa |
sa |
báa |
bɩ́dɛɛ. |
mɩ́ɩ́nàà |
sɔ̀ɔ̀bàà |
sà |
báá |
ˈbɩ́dɛ́ɛ̀ |
mɩ̂:-Ø-ná: |
Ø-sɔ̀:-bà: |
sà |
bâ: |
bI-dɛ̀-á |
HB-B-H |
B-B-B |
B |
HB |
H*B-B-H |
1S:EMP-Imp-go |
Imp-buy-DirT |
3:2:O |
Cl9N-dough-NSf |
pr:emp-imp-vi |
imp-vt-?? |
prep |
pr:obj |
clpr-n:9-clsf |
We were sitting, well, it went like that a little while and they said to me that I go and buy them some dough.
Nɩ́ |
mɩ́ɩ_náa |
nɩ |
n_sɔɔ_baa |
sa |
báa |
bɩ́dɛɛ. |
nɩ́ |
mɩ́ɩ́ˈnáá |
nɩ̀ |
ǹsɔ̀ɔ̀bàà |
sà |
báá |
ˈbɩ́dɛ́ɛ̀ |
nɩ |
mɩ̂:-ná: |
nɩ |
*M-sɔ̀:-bà: |
sà |
bâ: |
bI-dɛ̀-á |
P |
HB-H |
P |
P-B-B |
B |
HB |
H*B-B-H |
and |
1S:EMP-go |
and |
1S-buy-DirT |
3:2:O |
Cl9N-dough-NSf |
conj |
pr:emp-vi |
conj |
pr-vt-?? |
prep |
pr:obj |
clpr-n:9-clsf |
And I went and I bought them some dough.
Ɩ_dála |
ókoo. |
ɩ̀dáˈló |
ókóó |
I-dɛ́là |
O-kò-á |
P-HB |
H*B-B-H |
Nt-COP |
Cl1-eight-NSf |
pr-vi:inc |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
It was 100F.
ɩ̀déˈló ókóó
Tɔ́ɔ, |
n_ba |
hálɩ, |
mɩ́-tɛdɛ |
nɩ́ |
ŋŋa_fee |
ḿ |
yɛ |
ba_á_tɩ́lɩ |
ʊŋ. |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
m̀bà |
háˈlɩ́ |
mɩ́tɛ̀dɛ̀ |
nɩ́ |
ŋ̀ŋá |
fèè |
ḿ |
yɛ̀ |
bàátɩ́lɩ́ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
*M-bà |
háˈlɩ́ |
mÍ-tɛ̀dɛ̀ |
nɩ |
Ø-*ŋá-fè: |
ḿ |
yɛ̀ |
ba-a-tɩ́lɩ̂ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
B |
P-B |
H-B |
P |
Ø-B*H-B |
B*H |
B |
P-P-*HB |
B |
well |
1S-come |
1S:Poss-ygr.sib |
Foc |
Cl1-Ana-tell |
1S:O |
3:2-Cmp-call |
3:1:O |
interr |
pr-vi |
conj |
adj:poss-n:1 |
conj |
clpr-pr-vt |
pr |
conj |
pr-asp-vs |
pr |
Well, when we came, my brother, he said to me that they called him(the one in prison).
Saŋdaalɩ_ána |
á_tɩ́lɩ |
ʊŋ |
nɩ́ |
ba_kusi |
ʊŋ |
yɛ |
Daamaanɩ |
zàǹdááˈmánà |
átɩ́lɩ́ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
nɩ́ |
bàkùsì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
sàǸdáalɩ̀-ánà |
a-tɩ́lɩ̂ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
nɩ |
ba-kùsì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
P-*HB |
B |
P |
P-B |
B |
B |
police-SfN2 |
Cmp-call |
3:1:O |
and |
3:2-ask(ques) |
3:1:O |
Damani |
n:1-sf |
asp-vs |
pr |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr |
conj |
n:pr |
mʊ-ásanɔ |
a_jɩ́ |
ánɛnɛ? |
mʊ̀ásánɔ̀ |
àjɩ́ |
ánɛ̀nɛ̀ |
mU-a-sà-nÓ |
a-jɩ́ |
a-nɛ̀nɛ̀ |
H*B-H*B-B-H |
H*B-H |
H*B-B |
Cl1-Cl4-fields-NSf |
Cl4-COP |
Cl4-how.many |
clpr-clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-vi:inc |
clpr-interr |
The policemen called him (Idi, the little brother of Damani) and they asked him, "Damani has how many fields?"
Yɛ |
ɔ_nyi |
ʊŋ-ɛɛ? |
yɛ̀ |
ɔ̀ɲì |
ʊ̀ŋɛ̀ɛ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
O-ɲì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀-ɛ: |
B |
P-B |
B-P |
3:1-know |
3:1:O-PQM |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr-qm |
[They asked him] if he knew him (Damani)?
Nɩ́ |
ɔ_káŋ_yɛ |
mʊʊ_nyi |
ʊŋ. |
nɩ́ |
ˈɔ́kɛ́ŋ̀ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ɲì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
nɩ |
O-káŋÊ-yɛ̀ |
mÙ:-ɲì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
P |
P-*HB-B |
B-B |
B |
and |
3:1-speak-divide |
Log:1-know |
3:1:O |
conj |
pr-vi-vt |
pr-vt |
pr |
And he said that he knew him.
Nɩ́ |
ba_kusi |
ʊŋ |
yɛ |
mʊ-ásanɔ, |
a_jɩ́ |
ánɛnɛ? |
nɩ́ |
bàkùsì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
mʊ̀ásánɔ̀ |
àjɩ́ |
ánɛ̀nɛ̀ |
nɩ |
ba-kùsì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
mU-a-sà-nÓ |
a-jɩ́ |
a-nɛ̀nɛ̀ |
P |
P-B |
B |
B |
H*B-H*B-B-H |
H*B-H |
H*B-B |
and |
3:2-ask(ques) |
3:1:O |
Cl1-Cl4-fields-NSf |
Cl4-COP |
Cl4-how.many |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr |
conj |
clpr-clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-vi:inc |
clpr-interr |
And they asked him, "His fields are how many?"
Nɩ́ |
ɔ_káŋ_yɛ |
mʊ-ásanɔ, |
a_jɩ́ |
asa. |
nɩ́ |
ˈɔ́kɛ́ŋ̀ |
mʊ̀ásánɔ̀ |
àjɩ́ |
ˈásá |
nɩ |
O-káŋÊ-yɛ̀ |
mU-a-sà-nÓ |
a-jɩ́ |
a-sá |
P |
P-*HB-B |
H*B-H*B-B-H |
H*B-H |
H*B-H |
and |
3:1-speak-divide |
Cl1-Cl4-fields-NSf |
Cl4-COP |
Cl4-three |
conj |
pr-vi-vt |
clpr-clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-vi:inc |
clpr-adj:num |
And he said that he (Damani) had three fields.
Nɩ́ |
ba_káŋ |
yɛ |
mɩnɛ |
la |
mɩnɛ |
nɩ |
ɔ_nɛ́ɛ_dɔɔ? |
nɩ́ |
ˈbákɛ́ɛ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
mɩ̀nɛ́ |
là |
mɩ̀nɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
ɔ̀nɛ́ɛ́dɔ̀ɔ̀ |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
yɛ̀ |
mɩ̀nɛ́ |
là |
mɩ̀nɛ́ |
nɩ |
O-nÉ:-dɔ̀: |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
BH |
B |
BH |
P |
P-B*HB-B |
and |
3:2-speak |
divide |
what |
with |
what |
Foc |
3:1-Incm-cultivate |
conj |
pr-vi |
vt |
Inter |
conj |
Inter |
conj |
pr-asp-vt |
And they said [to him]: "What does he cultivate?"
Nɩ́ |
ɔ_fee |
báa |
yɛ |
amoboyoo, |
la |
káka. |
nɩ́ |
òfèè |
báà |
yɛ̀ |
àmóbòyòó |
là |
káká |
nɩ |
O-fè: |
bâ: |
yɛ̀ |
àmóbòyò-á |
là |
káká |
P |
P-B |
HB |
B |
B |
H |
and |
3:1-tell |
3:2:O |
corn-NSf-NSf |
with |
peanut |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr:obj |
conj |
n:2x-clsf-clsf |
conj |
n:7 |
And he told them: "Corn and peanuts."
Tɔ́ɔ, |
nɩ́ |
ba_káŋ |
sa |
ʊŋ |
yɛ |
tɔ́ɔ, |
ɔ́_naa |
ciná. |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
nɩ́ |
ˈbákáŋ́ |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
ɔ́nàà |
cìná |
tɔ̀: |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
O-Ø-ná: |
Ø-cínâ |
B |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
B |
B |
B |
P-B-H |
B-*HB |
well |
and |
3:2-speak |
3:1:O |
well |
3:1-Imp-go |
Imp-sit |
interr |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr |
conj |
interr |
pr-imp-vi |
imp-vi |
Well, they told him to go sit down.
tɔ́ɔ̀ átɛ̀
Tɔ́ɔ, |
á_tɛ. |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
átɛ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
á-tɛ̀ |
B |
H-B |
well |
1P-be.seated |
interr |
pr-vst |
Well, we were sitting.
Ɩ_ba |
nɩ́ |
ɩ_kɛ́ɛdɩ |
hálɩ, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
ba_káŋ |
sa |
ayɩ |
yɛ |
mánam |
á_kii_baa |
ɩ̀bà |
nɩ́ |
ˈɩkɛ́ɛ́dɩ́ |
háˈlɩ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
bàkáŋ́ |
sà |
àyɩ́ |
yɛ̀ |
mánáḿ |
ákììbàà |
I-bà |
nɩ |
I-kɛ́:dɩ̂ |
háˈlɩ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
sà |
àyÍ |
yɛ̀ |
mánáḿ |
á-kí:-bà: |
P-B |
P |
P-*HB |
H |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
BH |
B |
H |
H-H-B |
Nt-come |
and |
Nt-be.o.k |
Emp |
and |
3:2-speak |
1P:O |
quickly |
1P-return-DirT |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr |
conj |
adv |
pr-vi-?? |
ɔ́pɩ |
la |
á_bɛɛ_cuu |
lɔ́ɔlɛ |
áyaam |
la |
á_naala |
ɔ́pɩ́ |
là |
ábèécùù |
lɔ́ɔ́ˈlɛ́ |
áyáám̀ |
là |
ánààlà |
O-pɩ̀ |
là |
á-bÈÉ-Ø-cú: |
lɔ́:lɛ̀ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
là |
á-Ø-ná:-là |
H*B-B |
B |
H-BH-B-H |
HB |
H*B-B-H |
B |
H-B-H-B |
Cl1-compound |
1P-F-Imp-take |
car |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
1P-Imp-go-APPL |
clpr-n:1 |
conj |
pr-asp-imp-vs |
n:1 |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
conj |
pr-imp-vi-dersf |
saŋdameeli, |
ikelefi |
ɩnaŋ |
déidei_déidei |
báa_mʊʊ_jóo |
zàǹdàmèèlî |
ìkéléfì |
ɩ̀náŋ̀ |
déídéídéídéí |
báámʊ̀ʊ̀jóó |
sàǸdàmè:lɩ̂ |
Ì-kéléfì |
I-náŋ̀ |
déí-déí-déí-déí |
bâ:-mÙ:-jò:=BH |
BH |
B-*HB |
H*B-HB |
H-H-H-H |
HB-B-B=B*H |
police.station |
Cl6-hour |
Cl6-four |
exactly-exactly-exactly-exactly |
3:2:O-Log:1-wait=PRF |
n:1 |
clpr-n:1 |
clpr-adj:num |
ideo-ideo-ideo-ideo |
pr:obj-pr-vt=tam |
ayɩ. |
ˈáyɩ́ |
àyÍ |
BH |
1P:O |
pr |
After a while they said to us that: "Quickly go back home and take the tires and bring them to the police station at 4 pm exactly, we will wait for you.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á_kʊ́sʊ |
nɩ |
á_kpé_baa. |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
áˈkʊ́sʊ́ |
nɩ̀ |
áˈkpébàà |
tɔ̀: |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á-kʊ́sʊ̂ |
nɩ |
á-kpé-bà: |
B |
H |
P |
H-*HB |
P |
H-H-B |
well |
Emp |
Foc |
1P-rise |
and |
1P-go.home-DirT |
interr |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vi-?? |
Well, we got up and we went home.
na akpe
Á_ba |
hálɩ, |
nɩ́ |
á_kɩ́ɩ |
cɛɛcɛwuta |
yɛ |
á_gba |
lɔ́ɔlɛ |
áyaam |
la |
ábà |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ́ |
áˈkɩ́ɩ̀ |
cɛ̀ɛ̀cɛ́wútá |
yɛ̀ |
áˈgbá |
lɔ́ɔ́ˈlɛ́ |
áyáám̀ |
là |
á-bà |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ |
á-kɩ́ɩ̂ |
cɛ̀:cɛ́wútá |
yɛ̀ |
á-gbà |
lɔ́:lɛ̀ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
là |
H-B |
P |
H-*HB |
BH |
B |
H-B |
HB |
H*B-B-H |
B |
1P-come |
and |
1P-look.for |
motorcycle |
1P-put.on.smth |
car |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
pr-vi |
conj |
conj |
pr-vs |
n:1 |
conj |
pr-vt |
n:1 |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
conj |
á_naala. |
ánààlà |
á-Ø-ná:-là |
H-B-H-B |
1P-Imp-go-APPL |
pr-imp-vi-dersf |
When we arrived, we looked for a motorcycle to put the tires on and carry them.
yà á gbà
Á_maŋ_nyɛ́ |
cɛɛcɛwuta. |
ámàɲ̀ɲɛ́ |
cɛ̀ɛ̀cɛ́wútá |
á-maN-ɲɛ́ |
cɛ̀:cɛ́wútá |
H-P-H |
BH |
1P-NgCmp-find.smth |
motorcycle |
pr-asp-vs |
n:1 |
We did not find a motorcycle.
Ówee |
a_tá |
hálɩ, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á_dɩ́. |
ówéé |
àtá |
háˈlɩ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
áˈdɩ̂ |
O-wè-á |
a-tá |
háˈlɩ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á-Î-dɩ̂ |
H*B-B-H |
P-H |
H |
P |
Cl1-sun-NSf |
Cmp-finish |
Emp |
Foc |
1P-FIm-lie.down |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
asp-vs |
conj |
?adv |
conj |
pr-asp-vi |
When it was nighttime [lit. when the sun was finished], we went to sleep.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
ɩ_kɛ |
hálɩ, |
ɩ_kɛ |
ŋdɛɛ |
hálɩ, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á_cúu |
nɩ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
ɩ̀kɛ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
ɩ̀kɛ̀ |
ǹdɛ̀ɛ́ |
háˈlɩ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
ácúú |
nɩ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
I-kɛ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
I-kɛ̀ |
Ǹdɛ̌: |
háˈlɩ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á-cú: |
nɩ |
B |
P-B |
P-B |
*BH |
H |
P |
H-H |
P |
well |
Nt-be.early.morning |
Nt-be.early.morning |
yesterday |
Emp |
Foc |
1P-take |
and |
interr |
pr-vi:inc |
conj |
pr-vi:inc |
adv:temp |
conj |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vs |
conj |
á_náala. |
ánáálà |
á-ná:-là |
H-H-B |
1P-go-APPL |
pr-vi-dersf |
Well, when it was early morning, yesterday early morning, we took and we brought [them].
Mɩ́ɩ |
la |
Ídi |
la |
Alɩfaa |
Koopaa |
ŋ́_náa. |
mɩ́ɩ́ |
ˈlá |
ídí |
là |
àlɩ̀fáà |
kòòpáá |
ˈńnáá |
mɩ̂: |
là |
ídí |
là |
àlɩ̀fâ: |
kò:páà |
N-ná: |
HB |
B |
H |
B |
*BHB |
P-H |
1S:EMP |
with |
Idi |
with |
alfa |
Kopa |
FocS-go |
pr:emp |
conj |
n:pr |
conj |
n:1 |
n:pr |
asp-vi |
It was Idi, Alfa Kopa and me who went.
Á_fʊ |
hálɩ, |
nɩ́ |
á_lɛ́ɛlɩ |
áyaam |
ámɔɔm. |
áˈfʊ́ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ́ |
áˈlɛ́ɛ́lɩ́ |
ˈáyááˈḿ |
ámɔ́ɔ́m̀ |
á-fʊ̀=BH |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ |
á-lɛ́:lɩ̂ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
amU-àm̀ |
H-B=B*H |
P |
H-*HB |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B |
1P-arrive=PRF |
and |
1P-take.away |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl4-DetSp |
pr-vi?=tam |
conj |
conj |
pr-vs |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj |
When we arrived, we took out the tires.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
ɩ_ba |
nɩ́ |
ɩ_kɛ́ɛdɩ |
hálɩ, |
nɩ́ |
ba_káŋ |
sa |
ayɩ |
yɛ |
tɔ́ɔ, |
áyaam |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
ɩ̀bà |
nɩ́ |
ˈɩkɛ́ɛ́dɩ́ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ́ |
ˈbákáŋ́ |
sà |
àyɩ́ |
yɛ̀ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
áyááˈḿ |
tɔ̀: |
I-bà |
nɩ |
I-kɛ́:dɩ̂ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
sà |
àyÍ |
yɛ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
a-yà:-ḿ |
B |
P-B |
P |
P-*HB |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
BH |
B |
B |
H*B-B-H |
well |
Nt-come |
and |
Nt-be.o.k |
and |
3:2-speak |
1P:O |
well |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
interr |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr |
conj |
interr |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
ámɔɔm |
a_máŋ_jɩ́ |
diŋsili |
dʊkʊlaŋdɩ, |
ɩ_jɩ́ |
ŋmaanɩ |
ŋmaanɩ. |
ámɔ́ɔ́m̀ |
àmáɲ́jɩ́ |
ˈdíńsílì |
dʊ̀kʊ̀láńdɩ́ |
ɩ̀jɩ́ |
ŋmàànɩ̀ |
ŋmàànɩ̀ |
amU-àm̀ |
a-maN-jɩ́ |
dI-Ńsî-lÍ |
dI-kʊ̀láŋ́-lÍ |
I-jɩ́ |
ŋmà:nɩ̀ |
ŋmà:nɩ̀ |
H*B-B |
H*B-P-H |
H*B-*HB-H |
H*B-BH-H |
P-H |
B |
B |
Cl4-DetSp |
Cl4-NgCmp-COP |
Cl5-eye-Cl5 |
Cl5-one-Cl5 |
Nt-COP |
different |
different |
clpr-adj |
clpr-asp-vi:inc |
clpr-n:5-clsf |
clpr-adj:num-clsf |
pr-vi:inc |
adv |
adv |
Well, after a little while, they said to us that these tires are not the same, they are different.
««a máŋ jɩ́ diŋsili dʊkʊlaŋdɩ» expression pour dire "ils n'ont pas la même chose."
Ɩ_máŋ_jɩ́ |
áyaam |
ámɔɔm |
ŋ́nɛ. |
ɩ̀máɲ́jɩ́ |
áyááˈḿ |
ámɔ́ɔ́ˈḿ |
ńˈnɛ́ |
I-maN-jɩ́ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
ámɔ́:m̀ |
Nˈnɛ́ |
P-P-H |
H*B-B-H |
*HB |
Nt-NgCmp-COP |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
DetS:4 |
? |
pr-asp-vi:inc |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
dem |
?? |
They are not the tires.
Nɩ́ |
á_káŋ |
yɛ |
ámɔɔ |
ŋnɛ. |
nɩ́ |
áˈkɛ́ɛ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
ámɔ́ɔ̀ |
ǹnɛ́ |
nɩ |
á-káŋÊ |
yɛ̀ |
ámɔ̂: |
Nˈnɛ́ |
P |
H-*HB |
B |
*HB |
and |
1P-speak |
3:4:O |
? |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr |
?? |
And we said that it was they (the tires).
Nɩ́ |
saŋdaalɩ |
kusi |
mɩ́ɩ |
Adamu |
yɛ |
fɩ́ɩ_náa |
nɩ |
fɩ́ɩ_lóo |
yɛ |
nɩ́ |
zàǹdáám̀ |
kùsì |
mɩ́ɩ́ |
àdàmú |
yɛ̀ |
fɩ́ɩ́ˈnáá |
nɩ̀ |
fííˈlóò |
yɛ̀ |
nɩ |
sàǸdáalɩ̀ |
kùsì |
mɩ̂: |
àdàmú |
yɛ̀ |
fÍ:-ná:=BH |
nɩ |
fÍ:-lô:=BH |
yɛ̀ |
P |
B |
HB |
*BH |
B |
H-H=B*H |
P |
H-*HB=B*H |
B |
and |
police |
ask(ques) |
1S:EMP |
Adam |
2P-go=PRF |
and |
2P-enter=PRF |
conj |
n:1 |
vt |
pr:emp |
n:pr |
conj |
pr-vi=tam |
conj |
pr-vi=tam |
conj |
fɩ́ɩ_cúu |
áyaam |
hálɩ, |
áyaam |
anyɔ |
nɩ |
fɩ́ɩ_tula |
tʊ́lɔ-aa? |
fííˈcúú |
áyááˈḿ |
háˈlɩ́ |
áyáám̀ |
àɲɔ́ |
nɩ̀ |
fíítùlà |
tʊ́lɔ̀-àà |
fÍ:-cú:=BH |
a-yà:-ḿ |
háˈlɩ́ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
a-ɲɔ́ |
nɩ |
fÍ:-tùlà |
tʊ́lɔ̀-ɛ: |
H-H=B*H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-H |
P |
H-B |
HB-P |
2P-take=PRF |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl4-two |
Foc |
2P-come.find |
there-PQM |
pr-vs=tam |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
conj |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num |
conj |
pr-vs |
adv:loc-qm |
And the policeman asked me, Adam: "When y'all went and entered to take the tires, was it two tires that you found there?
fɩ́ɩ́ˈnáá fííˈlóó dans l'enregistrement mais tous (même Adamu) disent que ce doit avoir un nɩ entre les deux phrases verbales.
Ɩ_máŋ_jɩ́ |
kʊcɔ-áa? |
ɩ̀máɲ́jɩ́ |
kʊ̀cɔ́áá |
I-maN-jɩ́ |
kʊ̀cɔ́-ɛ: |
P-P-H |
BH-P |
Nt-NgCmp-COP |
a.lot-PQM |
pr-asp-vi:inc |
adv-qm |
Were there not a lot?
kʊ̀cɔ́áá le ɔ́ est tres courte.
Ɩ_máŋ_jɩ́ |
áyaam |
dukoi-ɛɛ? |
ɩ̀máɲ́jɩ́ |
áyáám̀ |
dùkóíɛ̀ɛ̀ |
I-maN-jɩ́ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ-ɛ: |
P-P-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H-P |
Nt-NgCmp-COP |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5-PQM |
pr-asp-vi:inc |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf-qm |
Were there not eight tires?"
Nɩ́ |
á_káŋ |
yɛ |
aayɩ, |
ɩ_máŋ_jɩ́ |
áyaam |
dukoi, |
nɩ́ |
áˈkɛ́ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
ààʸɩ́ |
ɩ̀máɲ́jɩ́ |
áyáám̀ |
dùkʷóì |
nɩ |
á-káŋÊ |
yɛ̀ |
à:yɩ́ |
I-maN-jɩ́ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ |
P |
H-*HB |
B |
BH |
P-P-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
and |
1P-speak |
divide |
no |
Nt-NgCmp-COP |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
conj |
pr-vi |
vt |
adv |
pr-asp-vi:inc |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
áyaam |
anyɔ |
nɩ |
á_wu |
nɩ́ |
á_cúu_baa. |
áyáám̀ |
àɲɔ́ |
nɩ̀ |
áwù |
nɩ́ |
ácúú |
bàà |
a-yà:-ḿ |
a-ɲɔ́ |
nɩ |
á-wù |
nɩ |
á-cú:-bà: |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-H |
P |
H-B |
P |
H-H-B |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl4-two |
Foc |
1P-see |
and |
1P-take-DirT |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num |
conj |
pr-vs |
conj |
pr-vs-?? |
And we said: "No, there were not eight tires, there were two tires that we saw and took."
àɲɔ́ ˈnɩ́ áˈwú nɩ́
Nɩ́ |
saŋdaalɩ |
mʊʊ, |
ɔ_káŋ |
sa |
mɩ́ɩ, |
Adamu, |
yɛ |
fʊ_máŋ_wáŋla |
nɩ́ |
zàǹdáám̀ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
ɔ̀káŋ́ |
sà |
mɩ́ɩ́ |
àdàmú |
yɛ̀ |
fʊ̀máŋ́wáńlà |
nɩ |
sàǸdáalɩ̀ |
mʊ̀: |
O-káŋÊ |
sà |
mɩ̂: |
àdàmú |
yɛ̀ |
fU-maN-wáǸlà |
P |
B |
P-*HB |
B |
HB |
*BH |
B |
P-P-°HB |
and |
police |
DetS:1 |
3:1-speak |
1S:EMP |
Adam |
2S-NgCmp-want |
conj |
n:1 |
adj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr:emp |
n:pr |
conj |
pr-asp-vt |
fʊ́_kaŋ́ |
laakpalɩ. |
fʊ́ˈkáŋ́ |
lààkpàlɩ̀ |
fU-Ø-káŋÊ |
là:kpàlɩ̀ |
P-B-*HB |
B |
2S-Imp-speak |
truth |
pr-imp-vi |
n:1 |
And the policeman said to me, Adam: "You do not want to tell the truth.
Loó |
oboo |
dɔ, |
loó |
sálɩka |
bóo. |
lòó |
ˈóbóó |
dɔ̀ |
lòó |
sálɩ́ˈká |
bóó |
Ø-lô: |
O-bó-á |
dɔ̀ |
Ø-lô: |
sálɩ́kà |
Ø-bó-á |
B-*HB |
H*B-H-H |
B |
B-*HB |
*HB |
B-H-H |
Imp-enter |
Cl1-hut-NSf |
in |
Imp-enter |
prison |
Cl1-hut-NSf |
imp-vi |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
post |
imp-vi |
n:1 |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
Go into the room, go into the prison."
Nɩ́ |
n_yɛ |
áa, |
ba_nɛ́ɛ_lóo |
sálɩka |
bóo |
yém |
yém |
gɛ́-ɛɛ? |
nɩ́ |
ɲ̀yɛ̀ |
áá |
bànééˈlóò |
sálɩ́ˈká |
bóó |
yéḿ |
yéḿ |
gɛ́ɛ́ɛ̀ |
nɩ |
*M-Ø-yɛ̀ |
á: |
ba-nÉ:-lô: |
sálɩ́kà |
Ø-bó-á |
yéḿ |
yéḿ |
gɛ́-ɛ̀: |
P |
P-Ø-B |
H |
P-B*HB-*HB |
*HB |
B-H-H |
H |
H |
H-Ø |
and |
1S-[say]-divide |
ah |
3:2-Incm-enter |
prison |
Cl1-hut-NSf |
zero |
zero |
Emp-PQM |
conj |
pr-v-vt |
interj |
pr-asp-vi |
n:1 |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
adv |
adv |
?adv-qm |
And I said: "Ah, does one go into the prison for nothing?
N_máa_lóo |
sálɩka |
bóo, |
n_máŋ_yúuli. |
m̀mááˈlóò |
sálɩ́ˈká |
bóó |
m̀máɲ́yúúlî |
*M-má:-lô: |
sálɩ́kà |
Ø-bó-á |
*M-maN-yú:lî |
P-H-*HB |
*HB |
B-H-H |
P-P-*HB |
1S-FutNg-enter |
prison |
Cl1-hut-NSf |
1S-NgCmp-steal |
pr-asp-vi |
n:1 |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
pr-asp-vs |
I will not go into the prison, I have not stolen."
Tɔ́ɔ, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
ba_tɩ́lɩ |
Daamaanɩ |
nɩ́ |
ba_káŋ |
sa |
ʊŋ |
yɛ |
áyaam |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
bàtɩ́lɩ́ |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
nɩ́ |
ˈbákáŋ́ |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
áyááˈḿ |
tɔ̀: |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
ba-tɩ́lɩ̂ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
nɩ |
ba-káŋÊ |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
B |
H |
P |
P-*HB |
P |
P-*HB |
B |
B |
B |
H*B-B-H |
well |
Emp |
Foc |
3:2-call |
Damani |
and |
3:2-speak |
3:1:O |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
interr |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vs |
n:pr |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
pr |
conj |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
ámɔɔm, |
a_máŋ_jɩ́ |
akʊlam, |
sʊ_hálɩ |
ɔ́_kaŋ́ |
laakpalɩ. |
ámɔ́ɔ́m̀ |
àmáɲ́jɩ́ |
àkʊ̀láḿ |
sʊ̀háˈlɩ́ |
ɔ́ˈkáŋ́ |
lààkpàlɩ̀ |
amU-àm̀ |
a-maN-jɩ́ |
a-kʊ̀láŋ́-ḿ |
sʊ̀-háˈlɩ́ |
O-Ø-káŋÊ |
là:kpàlɩ̀ |
H*B-B |
H*B-P-H |
H*B-BH-H |
P-B-*HB |
B |
Cl4-DetSp |
Cl4-NgCmp-COP |
Cl4-one-NSf |
on-MBI |
3:1-Imp-speak |
truth |
clpr-adj |
clpr-asp-vi:inc |
clpr-adj:num-clsf |
post-conj |
pr-imp-vi |
n:1 |
Well, then, they called Damani and they said to him that those tires, they are not the same, for this reason, may he speak the truth.
On recording «ááà, gɛ́ nɩ̀, tɔ́ɔ̀, gɛ́ nɩ̀» but seems to be from hesitation and thus edited out.
gɛ́ nɩ̀ Dààmáánɩ̀ kɛ́ŋ̀ áá ámɔ́ɔ̀ ǹnɛ́
Gɛ́ |
nɩ |
Daamaanɩ |
káŋ |
yɛ |
áa, |
ámɔɔ |
ŋnɛ. |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
kɛ́ŋ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
áá |
ámɔ́ɔ̀ |
ǹnɛ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
káŋÊ |
yɛ̀ |
á: |
ámɔ̂: |
Nˈnɛ́ |
H |
P |
*HB |
B |
H |
*HB |
Emp |
Foc |
Damani |
speak |
ah |
3:4:O |
? |
?adv |
conj |
n:pr |
vi |
conj |
interj |
pr |
?? |
And then Damani said that ah, it is them.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
óbee |
maŋ, |
Baaba |
Ámidu |
mbee |
maŋ |
ŋŋa_yúuli |
nɩ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
óbéé |
ˈmáŋ́ |
bààbá |
ámídù |
m̀béé |
ˈmáŋ́ |
ŋ̀ŋáyúúlí |
nɩ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
O-bì-á |
màŃ |
bà:bá |
ámídù |
mU-bì-á |
màŃ |
Ø-*ŋá-yú:lî |
nɩ |
B |
H*B-B-H |
BH |
BH |
*HB |
H*B-B-H |
BH |
Ø-B*H-*HB |
P |
well |
Cl1-child-NSf |
ProR:1 |
father |
Amidu |
Cl1-child-NSf |
ProR:1 |
Cl1-Ana-steal |
and |
interr |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
pr |
n:1 |
n:pr |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
pr |
clpr-pr-vs |
conj |
ɔ_fɛ́la |
ʊŋ |
hálɩ, |
nɩ́ |
ŋŋa_káŋ |
yɛ |
a_máŋ_jɩ́ |
akʊlam, |
ɔ̀fɛ́là |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ́ |
ŋ̀ŋákɛ́ŋ́ |
yɛ̀ |
àmáɲ́jɩ́ |
àkʊ̀láḿ |
O-fɛ́-là |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ |
Ø-*ŋá-káŋÊ |
yɛ̀ |
a-maN-jɩ́ |
a-kʊ̀láŋ́-ḿ |
P-H-B |
B |
P |
Ø-B*H-*HB |
B |
H*B-P-H |
H*B-BH-H |
3:1-sell-APPL |
3:1:O |
and |
Cl1-Ana-speak |
Cl4-NgCmp-COP |
Cl4-one-NSf |
pr-vt-dersf |
pr |
conj |
conj |
clpr-pr-vi |
conj |
clpr-asp-vi:inc |
clpr-adj:num-clsf |
a_jɩ́ |
ŋmaanɩ |
ŋmaanɩ. |
àjɩ́ |
ŋmàànɩ̀ |
ŋmàànɩ̀ |
a-jɩ́ |
ŋmà:nɩ̀ |
ŋmà:nɩ̀ |
H*B-H |
B |
B |
Cl4-COP |
different |
different |
clpr-vi:inc |
adv |
adv |
Well, Baaba Amidu's child, who stole and sold to him (Daamani), he said that they are not the same, they are different.
Nɩ́ |
Daamaanɩ |
ŋŋa_káŋ |
yɛ |
ámɔɔ |
ŋnɛ. |
nɩ́ |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
ŋ̀ŋákɛ́ŋ́ |
yɛ̀ |
ámɔ́ɔ̀ |
ǹnɛ́ |
nɩ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
Ø-*ŋá-káŋÊ |
yɛ̀ |
ámɔ̂: |
Nˈnɛ́ |
P |
Ø-B*H-*HB |
B |
*HB |
and |
Damani |
Cl1-Ana-speak |
3:4:O |
? |
conj |
n:pr |
clpr-pr-vi |
conj |
pr |
?? |
And Daamani said that it's them.
Ɔ_ɔ́_fɛ́la |
mʊʊ |
dʊkʊ |
suŋdaa, |
nɩ́ |
ɔ_fɛ́la |
mʊʊ |
ɔ̀ɔ́fɛ́là |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
dʊ̀kʊ́ |
sùǹdáá |
nɩ́ |
ˈɔ́fɛ́là |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
O-a-fɛ́-là |
mÙ: |
dU-kʊ́ |
sùǸdá-á |
nɩ |
O-fɛ́-là |
mÙ: |
P-P-H-B |
B |
H*B-H |
BH-H |
P |
P-H-B |
B |
3:1-Cmp-sell-APPL |
Log:1 | |
last.year-NSf |
and |
3:1-sell-APPL |
Log:1 |
pr-asp-vt-dersf |
pr |
clpr-adj |
n:1-clsf |
conj |
pr-vt-dersf |
pr |
dʊkʊ |
késuwa |
kánɩ, |
anyɔ |
nɩ |
mʊʊ_wu. |
dʊ̀kʊ́ |
késúʷà |
kánɩ̀ |
àɲɔ́ |
nɩ̀ |
mùùwù |
dU-kʊ́ |
ka-sù-á |
ka-nɩ̀ |
a-ɲɔ́ |
nɩ |
mÙ:-wù |
H*B-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B |
H*B-H |
P |
B-B | |
Cl7-year-NSf |
Cl7-DetPt |
Cl4-two |
Foc |
Log:1-see |
clpr-adj |
clpr-n:7-clsf |
clpr-adj |
clpr-adj:num |
conj |
pr-vs |
He (the child) sold him one (of the tires) last year and he sold him one (of the tires) this year, it was two that he (Damani) found [lit. saw]
I hear that there is vowel harmony with the mʊʊ in mʊʊ wu [mùùwù] when compared to mʊʊ tɔ
Nɩ́ |
óbee |
mʊʊ |
káŋ |
yɛ |
áyaam |
dukoi |
nɩ́ |
mʊʊ_bala |
nɩ́ |
óbéé |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
kɛ́ŋ́ |
yɛ̀ |
áyáám̀ |
dùkʷóˈí |
nɩ́ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀bàlà |
nɩ |
O-bì-á |
mʊ̀: |
káŋÊ |
yɛ̀ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ |
nɩ |
mÙ:-bàlà |
P |
H*B-B-H |
B |
*HB |
B |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
P |
B-B |
and |
Cl1-child-NSf |
DetS:1 |
speak |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
Foc |
Log:1-bring |
conj |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
adj |
vi |
conj |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
conj |
pr-vs |
sa |
Daamaanɩ, |
nɩ́ |
Daamaanɩ |
yɛ |
kpátaa. |
sà |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
nɩ́ |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
kpátáá |
sà |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
nɩ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
yɛ̀ |
kpátá: |
B |
P |
B |
H |
Damani |
and |
Damani |
completely |
prep |
n:pr |
conj |
n:pr |
conj |
adv |
And the child said that it was eight tires that he brought for Daamani and Damaani [denied it] completely.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
tʊ́lɔ |
hálɩ, |
saŋdaalɩ_ána |
nɩ́ |
ba_nyɛ́ |
dɩŋtɩŋdɩ, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
ba_ŋmɛ́yɩ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
tʊ́ˈlɔ́ |
háˈlɩ́ |
zàǹdáàlàánà |
nɩ́ |
ˈbáɲɛ́ |
ˈdɩ́ńtɩ́ńdɩ̀ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
bàŋmɛ́ɩ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
tʊ́lɔ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
sàǸdáalɩ̀-ánà |
nɩ |
ba-ɲɛ́ |
dI-Ǹtɩ́Ń-lÍ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
ba-ŋmɛ́ɩ̂ |
B |
HB |
P |
P-H |
H*B-BH-H |
H |
P |
P-*HB |
well |
there |
police-SfN2 |
and |
3:2-find.smth |
Cl5-anger-Cl5 |
Emp |
Foc |
3:2-beat |
interr |
adv:loc |
conj |
n:1-sf |
conj |
pr-vs |
clpr-n:5-clsf |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vb |
Daamaanɩ |
kpaasaa, |
nɩ́ |
ba_lɔ́la |
nɩ |
ba_siŋ |
ʊŋ. |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
kpààsáá |
nɩ́ |
ˈbálɔ́lá |
nɩ̀ |
bàsìŋ̀ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
kpà:sá-á |
nɩ |
ba-lɔ́lâ |
nɩ |
ba-sìŋÈ |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
BH-H |
P |
P-*HB |
P |
P-B |
B |
Damani |
whip-NSf |
and |
3:2-resume |
and |
3:2-shut |
3:1:O |
n:pr |
n:1-clsf |
conj |
pr-vs |
conj |
pr-vs |
pr |
Well, at that moment the policemen got angry and they beat Damani with a whip and they locked him up again.
Originally tʊ́lɔ hálɩ saŋdaalɩ ána nɩ́ ba nyɛ́ dɩŋtɩŋdɩ, but Molu says this is incorrect and correcte it to the above. Adamu now says he prefers zàǹdáàlàánà to zàǹdaamˈanà.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
ayɩ |
la |
Daka |
bɛ́ɩ |
nɩ́ |
á_káŋ, |
nɩ́ |
á_yɛ |
tɔ́ɔ, |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
àyɩ́ |
là |
dàkà |
bɛ́ɩ̀ |
nɩ́ |
áˈkáŋ̀ |
nɩ́ |
áyɛ̀ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
àyÍ |
là |
dàkà |
ba-ɩ̀ |
nɩ |
á-káŋÊ |
nɩ |
á-Ø-yɛ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
B |
H |
P |
BH |
B |
B |
H*B-B |
P |
H-*HB |
P |
H-Ø-B |
B |
well |
Emp |
Foc |
1P |
and |
Daka |
Cl2-POSD |
and |
1P-speak |
and |
1P-[say]-divide |
well |
interr |
?adv |
conj |
pr |
conj |
n:pr |
clpr-pr |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-v-vt |
interr |
nɛnɛ_sʊ |
nɩ |
á_wáa |
ásʊm |
ámʊnɩ? |
nɛ̀nɛ̀sʊ́ |
nɩ̀ |
áwáá |
ásʊ́m̀ |
ámʊ́nɩ̀ |
nɛ̀nɛ̀-sʊ̀ |
nɩ |
á-wálâ |
a-sʊ̀-ḿ |
amU-nɩ̀ |
B-B |
P |
H-*HB |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B |
how.many-on |
Foc |
1P-make |
Cl4-problem-NSf |
Cl4-DetPt |
interr-post |
conj |
pr-vt |
clpr-n:4x-clsf |
clpr-adj |
Well, the people of Daka (neighborhood of Semere) and ourselves, we [said] that, well, what are we going to do about this problem?
Nɩ́ |
á_káŋ |
sa |
Baaba |
Ámidu, |
Baaba |
Ámidu, |
waá |
suulu, |
Yʊkʊm |
sʊ |
la |
nɩ́ |
áˈkáŋ́ |
sà |
bààbá |
ámídù |
bààbá |
ámídù |
wàá |
ˈsúúlù |
yʊ̀kʊ̀ḿ |
sʊ̀ |
là |
nɩ |
á-káŋÊ |
sà |
bà:bá |
ámídù |
bà:bá |
ámídù |
Ø-wálâ |
sùúlù |
yʊ̀kʊ̀-ḿ |
sʊ̀ |
là |
P |
H-*HB |
B |
BH |
*HB |
BH |
*HB |
B-*HB |
B-H |
B |
B |
and |
1P-speak |
father |
Amidu |
father |
Amidu |
Imp-make |
patience |
God-NSf |
on |
conj |
pr-vi |
prep |
n:1 |
n:pr |
n:1 |
n:pr |
imp-vt |
n:1 |
n:1-clsf |
post |
conj |
bá_nyaŋ́ |
báa. |
báˈɲáŋ́ |
báà |
ba-Ø-ɲáŋÊ |
bâ: |
P-B-*HB |
HB |
3:2-Imp-leave |
3:2:O |
pr-imp-vs |
pr:obj |
And we said to Baaba Amidu: "Baaba Amidou, forgive in the name of God and let them go."
Nɩ́ |
Baaba |
Ámidu |
káŋ_yɛ |
áa, |
la |
mʊ-dʊkɔlɩ |
waa |
yém-ɛ́ɛ? |
nɩ́ |
bààbá |
ámídù |
kɛ́ŋ̀ |
áá |
là |
mʊ̀-dʊ̀kɔ́lɩ́ |
wàà |
yéméé |
nɩ |
bà:bá |
ámídù |
káŋÊ-yɛ̀ |
á: |
là |
mÙ-dI-kɔ́-lÍ |
??-wálâ |
yéḿ-ɛ: |
P |
BH |
*HB |
*HB-B |
H |
B |
B-H*B-H-H-*HB |
H-P |
and |
father |
Amidu |
speak-divide |
ah |
3:1:Poss-Cl5-debt-Cl5-make |
zero-PQM |
conj |
n:1 |
n:pr |
vi-vt |
interj |
conj |
adj:poss-clpr-n:5-clsf-vt |
adv-qm |
And Baaba Amidu said that oh, is his debt nothing?
Áyaam |
dukoi |
la |
mʊʊ_waá |
suulu |
la |
ɩ́_ta-aa? |
áyáám̀ |
dùkʷóì |
là |
mʊ̀ʊ̀wàá |
ˈsúúlù |
là |
ɩ́tààà |
a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ |
là |
mÙ: |
Ø-wálâ |
sùúlù |
là |
I-Ø-tá-ɛ: |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
B |
B |
B-*HB |
B |
P-B-H-P |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
Log:1 |
Imp-make |
patience |
Nt-Imp-finish-PQM |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
conj |
pr |
imp-vt |
n:1 |
conj |
pr-imp-vs-qm |
It's eight tires that he will forgive and it's over?
Anɩ |
nɩ |
ɩ́_tɔ |
mʊʊ-áyaam |
dukoi? |
ànɩ́ |
nɩ̀ |
ɩ́tɔ̀ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀-áyáám̀ |
dùkʷóì |
ànɩ́ |
nɩ |
I-tɔ̀ |
mÙ:-a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ |
BH |
P |
P-B |
B-H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
who |
Foc |
Nt-pay |
Log:1-Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
interr |
conj |
pr-vt |
pr-clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
Who will pay the debt of his eight tires?
Nɩ́ |
Baaba |
Ámidu |
kína. |
nɩ́ |
bààbá |
ámíˈdú |
kínâ |
nɩ |
bà:bá |
ámídù |
kínâ |
P |
BH |
*HB |
*HB |
and |
father |
Amidu |
refuse |
conj |
n:1 |
n:pr |
vs |
And Baaba Amidu refused.
Originally «Nɩ́ Baaba Amidu nɩ́ ɔ kína.» but this is incorrect.
Nɩ́ |
ɔ_káŋ_yɛ |
sé |
Daamaanɩ |
káŋ |
laakpalɩ. |
nɩ́ |
ˈɔ́kɛ́ŋ̀ |
sé |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
káŋ́ |
lààkpàlɩ̀ |
nɩ |
O-káŋÊ-yɛ̀ |
sé |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
káŋÊ |
là:kpàlɩ̀ |
P |
P-*HB-B |
H |
*HB |
B |
and |
3:1-speak-divide |
Oblig |
Damani |
speak |
truth |
conj |
pr-vi-vt |
?? |
n:pr |
vi |
n:1 |
And he said that Damani must tell the truth.
Áyaam |
dukoi |
ámɔɔm, |
ɔ́_ŋ́_káŋ_yɛ |
ɔ_ɔ́_wu |
ámɔɔ, |
áyáám̀ |
dùkʷóˈí |
ámɔ́ɔ́m̀ |
ɔ́ŋ́kɛ́ŋ̀ |
òówù |
ámɔ́ɔ̀ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ |
amU-àm̀ |
O-Ń-káŋÊ-yɛ̀ |
O-a-wù |
ámɔ̂: |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B |
P-H-*HB-B |
P-P-B |
*HB |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
Cl4-DetSp |
3:1-Cond-speak-divide |
3:1-Cmp-see |
3:4:O |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
clpr-adj |
pr-asp-vi-vt |
pr-asp-vs |
pr |
tɔ́ɔ, |
sáa |
mʊʊ |
hálɩ, |
mʊʊ_ɩ́_nyáŋ |
la |
bá_lɛɛ́_baa |
ʊŋ, |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
táá |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
háˈlɩ́ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ɩ́ˈɲáŋ́ |
ˈlá |
báˈlɛ́ɛ́bàà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
sá: |
mʊ̀: |
háˈlɩ́ |
mÙ:-Î-ɲáŋÊ |
là |
ba-Ø-lɛ́ɛ̂-bà: |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
B |
H |
B |
B-HB-*HB |
B |
P-B-*HB-B |
B |
well |
time |
DetS:1 |
Log:1-FIm-leave |
3:2-Imp-take.away-DirT |
3:1:O |
interr |
adv:temp |
adj |
conj |
pr-asp-vs |
conj |
pr-imp-vs-?? |
pr |
ba_máa_náala |
ʊŋ |
Náatʊtʊŋgʊ. |
bàmááˈnáálà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
nááˈtʊ́tʊ́ŋ́gʊ́ |
ba-má:-ná:-là |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
Ná:tʊ̀tʊ́Ńgʊ́ |
P-H-H-B |
B |
3:2-FutNg-go-APPL |
3:1:O |
Natitingou |
pr-asp-vi-dersf |
pr |
n:pr |
Those eight tires, if he says that he saw them, well, at that time he would allow that they would take him (Damani) out, they would not take him to Natitingou (where the prison is).
Tɔ́ɔ, |
nɩ́ |
á_wáa_wáa |
fɩɩ |
fɩyaa, |
nɩ́ |
á_tɩ́lɩ |
Daamaanɩ |
nɩ́ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
nɩ́ |
áˈwááˈwáá |
fɩ̀ɩ̀ |
fɩ̀yàá |
nɩ́ |
áˈtɩ́lɩ́ |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
nɩ́ |
tɔ̀: |
nɩ |
á-wálâ-wálâ |
fɩ̀: |
fɩ̀yàá |
nɩ |
á-Î-tɩ́lɩ̂ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
nɩ |
B |
P |
H-*HB-*HB |
B |
*BH |
P |
H-HB-*HB |
P |
well |
and |
1P-make-make |
as |
like.this |
and |
1P-FIm-call |
Damani |
and |
interr |
conj |
pr-vt-vt |
conj |
adv |
conj |
pr-asp-vs |
n:pr |
conj |
á_kusi_kusi |
ʊŋ, |
nɩ́ |
Daamaanɩ |
káŋ_yɛ |
mʊʊ_á_táŋla |
ákùsìkùsì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
nɩ́ |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
kɛ́ŋ̀ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀átáńlà |
á-kùsì-kùsì |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
nɩ |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
káŋÊ-yɛ̀ |
mÙ:-a-táŋÉ-là |
H-B-B |
B |
P |
*HB-B |
B-P-H-B |
1P-ask(ques)-ask(ques) |
3:1:O |
and |
Damani |
speak-divide |
Log:1-Cmp-thank-APPL |
pr-vt-vt |
pr |
conj |
n:pr |
vi-vt |
pr-asp-vt-dersf |
Yʊkʊm, |
áyaam |
anyɔ |
nɩ |
óbee |
mʊʊ |
bala |
sa |
ʊŋ, |
yʊ̀kʊ̀ḿ |
áyáám̀ |
àɲɔ́ |
nɩ̀ |
óbéé |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
bàlà |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
yʊ̀kʊ̀-ḿ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
a-ɲɔ́ |
nɩ |
O-bì-á |
mʊ̀: |
bà-là |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
B-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-H |
P |
H*B-B-H |
B |
B-B |
B |
B |
God-NSf |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl4-two |
Foc |
Cl1-child-NSf |
DetS:1 |
come-APPL |
3:1:O |
n:1-clsf |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num |
conj |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
adj |
vi-dersf |
prep |
pr |
ɔ_máŋ_bala |
dukoi. |
ɔ̀máḿbàlà |
dùkʷóì |
O-maN-bà-là |
dI-kò-lÍ |
P-P-B-B |
H*B-B-H |
3:1-NgCmp-come-APPL |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
pr-asp-vi-dersf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
Well, we dit everything and then we called Damani and we asked him a lot and Damani said that he swore [in the name of] God that it was two tires that that child brought to him, he did not bring him eight.
Actually said «nɩnáa tɩlɩ» but this is a mistake.
Mʊʊ_á_táŋla |
Yʊkʊm |
áyaam |
anyɔ |
nɩ |
óbee |
mʊʊ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀átáńlà |
yʊ̀kʊ̀ḿ |
áyáám̀ |
àɲɔ́ |
nɩ̀ |
óbéé |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
mÙ:-a-táŋÉ-là |
yʊ̀kʊ̀-ḿ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
a-ɲɔ́ |
nɩ |
O-bì-á |
mʊ̀: |
B-P-H-B |
B-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-H |
P |
H*B-B-H |
B |
Log:1-Cmp-thank-APPL |
God-NSf |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl4-two |
Foc |
Cl1-child-NSf |
DetS:1 |
pr-asp-vt-dersf |
n:1-clsf |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num |
conj |
clpr-n:1-clsf |
adj |
bala |
sa |
ʊŋ, |
mʊʊ_maŋ_wu |
áyaam |
dukoi, |
sʊ_hálɩ, |
bàlà |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
mùùmàŋ̀wù |
áyáám̀ |
dùkʷóì |
sʊ̀háˈlɩ́ |
bà-là |
sà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
mÙ:-maN-wù |
a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ |
sʊ̀-háˈlɩ́ |
B-B |
B |
B |
B-P-B |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
come-APPL |
3:1:O |
Log:1-NgCmp-see |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
on-MBI |
vi-dersf |
prep |
pr |
pr-asp-vs |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
post-conj |
ɩ́_ŋ́_jɩ́ |
áyaam |
dukoi, |
aayɩ, |
ɔ́_ŋ́_nɛ́ɛ_náala |
mʊʊ |
ɩ́ɲ́jɩ́ |
áyáám̀ |
dùkʷóì |
ààʸɩ́ |
ɔ́ńnɛ́ɛ́ˈnáálà |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
I-Ń-jɩ́ |
a-yà:-ḿ |
dI-kò-lÍ |
à:yɩ́ |
O-Ń-nÉ:-ná:-là |
mÙ: |
P-H-H |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B-H |
BH |
P-H-B*HB-H-B |
B |
Nt-Cond-COP |
Cl4-feet-NSf |
Cl5-eight-Cl5 |
no |
3:1-Cond-Incm-go-APPL |
Log:1 |
pr-asp-vi:inc |
clpr-n:4-clsf |
clpr-adj:num:8-clsf |
adv |
pr-asp-asp-vi-dersf |
pr |
Náatʊtʊŋgʊ-ʊʊ, |
ɔ́_ŋ́_nɛ́ɛ_mɔ́ɔ |
mʊʊ, |
tɔ́ɔ. |
nááˈtʊ́tʊ́ŋ́gʊ́ʊ́ʊ́ |
ɔ́ńnɛ́ɛ́ˈmɔ́ɔ́ |
mʊ̀ʊ̀ |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
Ná:tʊ̀tʊ́Ńgʊ́-ɛ́ |
O-Ń-nÉ:-mɔ́: |
mÙ: |
tɔ̀: |
P-H-B*HB-H |
B |
B |
Natitingou-INTS |
3:1-Cond-Incm-wound |
Log:1 |
well |
n:pr-interr |
pr-asp-asp-vs |
pr |
interr |
He swore [in the name of] God that it was two tires that that child brought him, he did not see (find) eight tires, for that reason, if it were eight tires, no, if he wants to take him to Natitingou, if he wants to kill [him], fine.
Gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á_kói-ɛ́, |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á_cʊŋ |
nɩ́ |
á_kpé_baa. |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
ákóíˈɛ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ̀ |
ácʊ̀ŋ̀ |
nɩ́ |
áˈkpébàà |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á-kóî-ɛ́ |
gɛ́ |
nɩ |
á-cʊ̀ŋÈ |
nɩ |
á-kpé-bà: |
H |
P |
H-*HB-H |
H |
P |
H-B |
P |
H-H-B |
Emp |
Foc | |
Emp |
Foc |
1P-leave |
and |
1P-go.home-DirT |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vs-interr |
?adv |
conj |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vi-?? |
And we were not able (to do anything to resolve the problem), and we left and we went home.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
á_ba |
nɩ́ |
á_fee |
ábɩlɛɛ |
hálɩ, |
nɩ́ |
ábɩlɛɛ |
yɛ |
báa_mʊʊ, |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
áˈbá |
nɩ́ |
áfèè |
ábɩ́lˈɛ́ɛ́ |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ́ |
ábɩ́lˈɛ́ɛ́ |
yɛ̀ |
báámʊ̀ʊ̀ |
tɔ̀: |
á-bà |
nɩ |
á-fè: |
a-bɩ̀lɩ̀-á |
háˈlɩ́ |
nɩ |
a-bɩ̀lɩ̀-á |
yɛ̀ |
bâ:-mÙ: |
B |
H-B |
P |
H-B |
H*B-B-H |
P |
H*B-B-H |
B |
HB-B |
well |
1P-come |
and |
1P-tell |
Cl2-ripen-NSf |
and |
Cl2-ripen-NSf |
3:2:O-Log:1 |
interr |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vt |
clpr-vi-clsf |
conj |
conj |
clpr-vi-clsf |
conj |
pr:obj-pr |
ba_máa_nyɛ́ |
mbɔm |
sɔ́ɔm |
la |
bá_tɔ. |
bàmááˈɲɛ́ |
m̀bɔ́ḿ |
sɔ́ɔ́m̀ |
là |
bátɔ̀ |
ba-má:-ɲɛ́ |
N-bɔ́Ń-ḿ |
sU-àm̀ |
là |
ba-Ø-tɔ̀ |
P-H-H |
H*B-H-H |
H*B-B |
B |
P-B-B |
3:2-FutNg-find.smth |
Cl9-money-NSf |
Cl8-DetSp |
3:2-Imp-pay |
pr-asp-vs |
clpr-n:8x-clsf |
clpr-adj |
conj |
pr-imp-vt |
Well, when we arrived and told the elders, the elders [said] that they could not find the money to pay.
Sʊ_hálɩ, |
áa, |
Daamaanɩ, |
ɔ́_ŋ́_nɛ́ɛ_náala |
ʊŋ |
sálɩka |
Náatʊtʊŋgʊ, |
sʊ̀háˈlɩ́ |
áá |
Dààmáánɩ̀ |
ɔ́ńnɛ́ɛ́ˈnáálà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
sálɩ́ˈká |
nááˈtʊ́tʊ́ŋ́gʊ́ |
sʊ̀-háˈlɩ́ |
á: |
Dà:má:nɩ̀ |
O-Ń-nÉ:-ná:-là |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
sálɩ́kà |
Ná:tʊ̀tʊ́Ńgʊ́ |
H |
P-H-B*HB-H-B |
B |
*HB |
on-MBI |
ah |
Damani |
3:1-Cond-Incm-go-APPL |
3:1:O |
prison |
Natitingou |
post-conj |
interj |
n:pr |
pr-asp-asp-vi-dersf |
pr |
n:1 |
n:pr |
ɔ́_naala |
ʊŋ. |
ɔ́nààlà |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
O-ná:-là |
ʊ̀ŋ̀ |
P-H-B |
B |
3:1-go-APPL |
3:1:O |
pr-vi-dersf |
pr |
For this reason, ah, Damani, if he want to take him (Damani) to prison in Natitingou, let him take him.
Tɔ́ɔ, |
bʊŋaŋ |
ásʊm |
ámɔɔm, |
a_náa |
nɩ |
a_yɩ́lɩ |
ŋnɛ. |
tɔ́ɔ̀ |
bʊ̀ŋàŋ́ |
ásʊ́ˈḿ |
ámɔ́ɔ́m̀ |
ànáá |
nɩ̀ |
àyɩ́lɩ́ |
ǹnɛ́ |
tɔ̀: |
bU-màŃ |
a-sʊ̀-ḿ |
amU-àm̀ |
a-ná: |
nɩ |
a-yɩ́lɩ̂=BH |
Nˈnɛ́ |
B |
H*B-BH |
H*B-B-H |
H*B-B |
P-H |
P |
P-*HB=B*H |
well |
Cl9-ProR:1 |
Cl4-problem-NSf |
Cl4-DetSp |
3:4-go |
and |
3:4-stop=PRF |
? |
interr |
clpr-pr |
clpr-n:4x-clsf |
clpr-adj |
pr-vi |
conj |
pr-vi=tam |
?? |
Well, this is how that problem went and finished.
Ɩ_ɩ́_tá. |
ɩ̀ɩ́tá |
I-a-tá |
P-P-H |
Nt-Cmp-finish |
pr-asp-vs |
That's the end.