communicating my understanding of architecture and computing is a wonderful challenge. I encourage students to take an active approach in their learning and exchange ideas within the local and global learning communities.
appreciation goes out to the stellar students who catch the essence of my
teaching and enrich the assignments with great effort and
A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n S t u d i o s
Sustainable Architectural Design
Sustainable Communities
Real and Virtual Connections
Core undergraduate studios:
Shaping Light with Digital Fabrication
UO White Stag Building : documents LEED sustainable historic renovation, Winter-Spring 2008
Other Design Communication courses
Intro to Architectural Computer Graphics, Winter'09, Fall '06, Fall '05, Fall '02, Fall '97
Web Portfolios that Work , AIA National Convention
Building Information Modeling, Spring 2010. Eugene and Portland students share visiting professionals.
Diget: a portable
dietary scanner concept, Fall'01. interaction design independent study
Summer Modeling & Rendering Workshop, Summer '98
Understanding CAD, Spring '97
Changes in Architectural Depiction, HKU, '93-'96. Case studies on theories of representation.