University of Oregon - Department of Architecture - ARCH 424/524 Cheng - Advanced Design Development Media

Symbols Workshop

Hand out: 10:10 a.m.
Hand in: 10:40 a.m.

1. From the Options menu, select Symbols > Symbols Libraries to bring up the Symbols Libraries dialogue box.

2. Load the Kitchen.zlb from the Course Disks > HOME > NYC > Shared Class Folder > formZ DEMO! > formZ Libraries folder.

Load room.fmz from the Course Disks > HOME > NYC > Shared Class Folder > Session Seven folder.

3.In the Symbols Library dialog box, Save as a local library on your local disk. Choose one of the chairs.

4. Use the Place Symbol command (9th row icon with Place Text) and locate a copy in your room.

5. From the Options menu, select Symbols > Symbols Libraries to bring up the Symbols Libraries dialogue box again.

Select a table and place the symbol.

6. Copy / Multiple plus geometric transformations to fill out the table with additional chairs.

7. Highlight the grouping and Create (9th row icon) a new compound symbol called Cluster which incorporates the table and chairs.

8. Use the Copy plus geometric transformations to fill the floor plan with the new Clusters. (note the original chairs and tables are replaced with an instance of the Cluster definition.

9. Insert a new copy of the same chair, explode it, stretch it and supplement it to change the design.

10. Redefine the chair symbol by using the Create Symbol tool and giving the old symbol name. Note that all instances of the symbol change to give your restaurant a new look.

11. For the ambitious: change the table and develop the windows, doors, floor, ceiling and walls to create a total environment.

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edited Jan 25, 1996 by nywcheng