Math 231: Elementary Discrete Mathematics I, Syllabus, Winter
Instructor: Prof. Boris
Botvinnik :
251 Straub Hall: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3:00--3:50 pm,
Office hours: Tuesday, 4--5 pm, Wednesday 11 am -- 12 pm or by
Discrete Mathematics and Applications. Kenneth H. Rosen, Either the
7th or 8th edition.
You are expected to read the textbook carefully, and
will be responsible for all the material in those sections that are
covered in class. The text contains solutions or hints for odd
numbered problems. The homework assignments will consist mostly of
even numbered problems, although I strongly recommend that you try
some of the odd numbered problems on your own. The accompanying study
guide contains a great deal of additional information that you should
find helpful.
Course Content:
The course has a few main topics:
Week 1-3: COUNTING. Mostly
sections 6.1 and 6.3 of text, plus a little bit of 6.4. Factorials,
counting arrangements of words with repeated letters ("spelling
problems"), binomial coefficients. Counting poker hands of various
types, ways of picking r elements from n different elements when order
matters and does not matter. Pascal's triangle and the binomial
theorem. Balls-in-boxes/stars-and- bars problems with lots of
variations. Inclusion/exclusion principle and more examples.
Week 3-4: LOGIC. Material
extracted from sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 from the textbook
(which contain a lot more than we will actually cover in
class). Propositions and the truth tables for the basic logical
connectives. Proving logical equivalences via truth tables.
Predicates as propositions with variables. Quantifiers "for all"
and "there exists." More complicated logical sentences written
using predicates and quantifiers, and practice of negating such
statements. The difference between the mathematician's "if and
only if" symbol with double thickness left/right arrow and the
underlying logical connective with single thickness left/right
arrow should be explained since this is confusing—the former means
the statement involving the latter is a tautology.
WRITING. Sections 1.7, 1.8 and 2.4. Lots of examples of proofs
in elementary mathematics, prac- tice of writing proofs of various
types. Definitions of "even" and "odd" and proofs using them and
“contrapositive,” definition of rational and irrational and proofs
using them and "contrapositive" or "proof by contradiction,"
e.g. square root or cube root of 2 is irrational. Some other examples
of direct proofs especially "if and only if" proofs getting used to
the word "converse." Proofs involving inequalities, proofs involving
summations and the method of differences. Formulas for the sums
1+2+...+n, 12+22+...+n2,
13+23+...+n3, geometric progressions
and so on.
AND FUNCTIONS. Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. CS majors are
familiar with the notion of "type" of a variable, and throughout this
material it is helpful to see that in mathematics the basic type is
"set" but subsequent constructions are refining this notion to
introduce higher level objects. The notion of sets, elements, subsets,
supersets, and equality of sets. Intersections, unions, complements,
set minus. Examples of proofs of equality of sets by establishing both
containments, and translation of set-theoretic identities to logic
identities and truth tables as seen in chapter 1. Recursive
definition of natural numbers starting from 0 being the empty
set. Power sets, ordered pairs and Cartesian products, size of a set.
Definition of a function: domain, range, image. Notions of injective,
surjective and bijective, the set Y X of all functions from X to Y ,
ordered tuples. Examples of bijections appearing in counting, with
more practice of counting.
ARITHMETIC and REVIEW. Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3. Greatest common divisors
and the Euclidean algorithm (the most important recursive algorithm of
all). Prime numbers. Lowest common multiples. The statement of the
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic (without proof), and practice using
it. Parts of sections 11.1, 11.2, 11.3. Basic terminology of trees and
forests, formulae for their number of edges. Then ordered rooted
trees and some of their applications, ending with the connection
between binary rooted trees and Catalan numbers.
Homework is due by 11:59 pm on Wednesdays, beginning January
Late homework will not be accepted. There will be 9
homework assignments, the last of which will not be
graded. Your lowest homework score will be dropped. You may
collaborate with other class members on your homework, although
you must each write up your solutions independently and in your
own words. To avoid falling behind, you should do the reading
and homework as the material is presented in class, rather than
leaving it all until the last minute.
The homework should be
uploaded to Canvas by the deadline.
Graded homework will be returned electronically, using
here will be two in-class midterm exams and a final
exam. No cell phones and computersm are alloowed. You may have
one 3x5 index card with everything you wish written there.
First Midterm Exam: 3:00-3:50 pm, Thursday, January 30, 2025
Second Midterm Exam: 3:00-3:50 pm, Thursday, February 27, 2025
Final Exam: 2:45-4:45 pm, Monday, March 17, 2025
Important: There will be no makeup for these exams, except
for documented medical Emergencies.
Homework: | 20% |
First Midterm Exam: | 20% |
Second Midterm Exam: | 20% |
Final Exam: | 40% |
Classroom behavior
Students are expected to behave
respectfully toward each other and toward the instructor during class
time. This includes refraining from using cell phones during
Academic conduct
The code of student conduct and community
standards is
here. In this course, it is appropriate to give and obtain
help on homeworks so long as the work you are submitting is your own
and you understand it. It is not appropriate to obtain help on exams
or to give help to other students with their exams. Cheating hurts the
cheater and all the other honest students in the system, basically:
Learning environment and AEC accommodations
The University of
Oregon strives for inclusive learning environments. Please notify me
if the instruction or design of this course results in
disability-related barriers to your participation. You are also
encouraged to contact the Accessible Education Center at
Accommodations for religious observances
The university makes
reasonable accommodations, upon request, for students who are unable
to attend a class for religious obligations or observance reasons, in
accordance with the university discrimination policy which says ``Any
student who, because of religious beliefs, is unable to attend classes
on a particular day shall be excused from attendance requirements and
from any examination or other assignment on that day. The student
shall make up the examination or other assignment missed because of
the absence." To request accommodations for this course for religious
observance, visit the Office of
the Registrar's website
and complete and submit to the instructor the ``Student Religious
Accommodation Request" form prior to the end of the second week of the
Basic needs
Any student who has difficulty affording
groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks
a safe and stable place to live and believes this may affect their
performance in the course is urged to contact the Dean of Students
Office (346-3216, 164 Oregon Hall) for
support. This UO
webpage includes resources for food, housing, healthcare,
childcare, transportation, technology, finances, and legal support.
Inclement weather
It is generally expected that class will
meet unless the University is officially closed for inclement
weather. If it becomes necessary to cancel class while the University
remains open, this will be announced on Canvas and by email.
Mental health and wellness
Life at college can be very
complicated. Students often feel overwhelmed or stressed, experience
anxiety or depression, struggle with relationships, or just need help
navigating challenges in their life. If you're facing such challenges,
you don't need to handle them on your own--there's help and support on
campus. Getting help is a courageous thing to do-for yourself and
those you care about. University Health Services help students cope
with difficult emotions and life stressors. If you need general
resources on coping with stress or want to talk with another student
who has been in the same place as you, visit the Duck Nest (located in
the EMU on the ground floor) and get help from one of the specially
trained Peer Wellness Advocates. Find out more
Last modified December 28, 2025 by
Boris Botvinnik.