Univ. of Hong Kong M.Arch Course 65741
Student Projects
The course emphasizes learning strategies through a series of short problems which lead up to student research projects. The projects require the students to focus in on an area of inquiry and find the resources for investigation. In fall of '95, the students generally looked towards library resources while in the spring some of they tried understanding new media through trying it out.
Physical and Digital Modelingby Humphrey Wong and Kenji Mantani
Documents process for using a simple 3D Digitizer. Has some spelling errors.
Digital Methods in the Virtual Design
Studio by Joey Ho and Vera Chan
Following general statements about design, the study documents and analyzes
the use of computer tools in a network collaboration project.
The Languages of Comics by Hogan Ho Kwan WONG.
Entertaining analysis of how comics show depth, motion, and sound with innovative use of graphics and framing devices.