Arch 661, Teaching Seminar

for Technical Subjects in Architecture

3 Credits, M 9:00-10:50 in 207 Chapman, F 11:30-12:50 in 204 PAC, CRN 15865


Nancy Cheng



Course Description

How can we effectively engage students?  How can we provide appropriate instruction to students with different interests and preparation?

Students in the course will work on improving learning in the introductory computer graphics course, arch 410/510.  We will consider content choices in comparison with other schools.  We will strategize about what material is best delivered in lecture vs. lab vs. self-guided formats   To enliven the course, we will examine alternatives for delivery and interaction.  As time allows, we will discuss ways to improve the overall digital curriculum and the learning environment.



Course Objectives

In taking this course, students will:

          Become familiar with methods for teaching digital design

          Gain an understanding of how technical, artistic, pedagogical and pragmatic considerations can shape a course



Course Requirements

Students will participate in weekly course coordination meetings, revise or generate teaching material, and contribute to a presentation.   Throughout the term, students will keep a notebook for logging ideas.  At the end of the term, a summary of these reflections and recommendations will be submitted.



Evaluation Criteria

Students will be evaluated on the quality of their contributions and the amount of effort observed. 




Readings will be primarily taken from conference proceedings, websites, and journals on computer aided architectural design and teaching methods.