Oregon exports of SIC-25; 'Furnitures and Fixtures', to the EEU region, text version

Oregon exports of SIC-25 to the European Econ-Union Countries

'Furnitures and Fixtures'

for years 1989-1995

Country\Year    1989       1990       1991       1992       1993       1994       1995 
World           5015060    9328447    16745421   16095956   16653198   13385451   14867879 
EEU Total       775797     1952851    1841637    1489718    1635024    874119     1213302 
EEU % of World  15.47%     20.93%     11.00%     9.26%      9.82%      6.53%      8.16%
Austria         3558       0          0          2942       6140       18714      5280 
Belgium         14955      0          0          18918      51345      0          34981 
Denmark         0          0          0          3585       6981       2547       0 
Finland         0          5000       3785       9185       4250       52121      5678 
France          20748      24153      33440      118571     25184      131607     46494 
Germany         0          0          0          405004     980768     148583     215370 
Greece          15920      0          7267       0          0          2563       0 
Ireland         0          0          30364      0          7081       0          123124 
Italy           56223      98235      22871      84962      89682      47006      220731 
Netherlands     99600      180989     177739     71307      44895      65048      84877 
Portugal        0          0          0          6913       0          0          0 
Spain           5212       23673      435230     143998     55970      8303       0 
Sweden          14874      0          53631      5975       19158      0          0 
UK & N. Ireland 512483     809364     586223     618358     343570     397627     476767 
W. Germany      32224      811437     491087     0          0          0          0 

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