Currently there is a debate among Oregonians on how to improve the standard of living and
accelerate economic development in Oregon. The main question is what economic activities
make Oregon, and regions within Oregon grow? To find out where Oregon's economic strength
and weaknesses lie, first we have to understand the income and employment contributions of
different industries in Oregon. Second, decisions for improving Oregon's economic growth may
be guided by investment in the production of goods for which Oregon is competitive relative to
other goods in domestic and international regions. Third, we can investigate and hypothesize
about reasons for strengths and weaknesses of Oregon's industries relative to other industries
locally, nationally, and internationally.
To provide a guideline for Oregon economic development, first Oregon's economic activities
are classified into eight major economic sectors: agriculture, lumber and wood, high-tech, other
manufacturing, non-financial private services, financial services, other private services, and
government services. In 1995, it is estimated that these sectors generated about $72 billion in
gross state product (GSP) for Oregon's economy, employed over 1.4 million people and
provided total payroll of about $36.5 billion. Oregon's aggregate service sector, which includes
both non-government private services and government services, generated about 76% of
Oregon's gross state product (64% and 12% respectively), received about 76% of Oregon's
payroll (58% and 18% respectively), and employed about 80% of Oregon's total employment
(64% and 16%respectively). The wood sector (timber and lumber, wood products, and paper
products) contributed about 7% to Oregon's GSP, received 6% of Oregon's payroll, and
employed about 5% of Oregon's employment. The agriculture sector (farm products, food
processing, and related services) generated about 7% of Oregon's GSP, received about 4% of
Oregon's payroll, and accounted for about 5% of Oregon's employment. The high-tech
industries (industrial machinery, electronic equipment, and instruments and related products)
contributed about 5% of Oregon's GSP, received 7% of Oregon's payroll, and employed about
4% of employment.
Oregon exported about $ 9.43 billion in 1995. High-tech equipment exports were about
46% of Oregon's total exports. The agriculture sector accounted for 26%, of exports, the wood
sector exported 15%, and other manufacturing products 13%. While Oregon's recent growth
has accrued mostly through aggregate service activities, the trade oriented sectors including
agriculture, wood, and high-tech injected nearly nine and half billion dollars of foreign revenue
into the state's economy in 1995.
Second, utilizing state-level statistics along with "revealed comparative advantage"
methodology, competitiveness indexes are calculated for individual industries in Oregon relative
to the Pacific Northwest and the United States economies to illustrate the strengths and
weaknesses of the Oregon economy. The comparison of Oregon's efficiency in the agricultural
sector relative to the PNW and U.S. indicates that, in the last seven years, Oregon's comparative
advantage in agricultural farm production (crops) has increased but its comparative advantage in
food processing has been declining since 1992.
In fact, in 1994 and 1995 Oregon exhibited a comparative disadvantage in food products
relative to both the PNW and the United States economies.
A plausible hypothesis is that such decline may be due to the Oregon's higher labor costs
relative to other states in the PNW and U.S. The possibility that Oregon pays higher wages to
workers in food production relative to the PNW and U.S., combined with the notion that food
production in Oregon is more labor-intensive relative to the PNW and U.S. may account for the
fact that Oregon's comparative advantage in food processing has declined in recent years.
With regard to the wood sector, Oregon has a comparative advantage in lumber and wood
products relative to both the PNW and U.S. economies.
In the furniture and fixtures category Oregon holds a clear comparative advantage against the
PNW region, however it has a distinct disadvantage compared to the United States economy.
In the paper products, Oregon holds a comparative advantage relative to the U.S., however,
Oregon is at a comparative disadvantage relative to the PNW (except for 1991 and 1992 when
Oregon had a slight comparative advantage).
During the 1989-1995 time period, Oregon has been more competitive relative to the PNW
region in industrial machinery and computer equipment . However, the degree of advantage
has declined from 157% in 1989, to 105% in 1995. Relative to U.S., Oregon improved its
comparative advantage in the production of same goods from -16% comparative disadvantage in
1989, to being +25% more efficient in 1995.
Similarly, Oregon held its comparative advantage in the production of electric equipment and
measuring instruments relative to PNW during 1989-1995 time period. Relative to U.S., Oregon
improved its efficiency in the production of electric equipment from 37% inefficiency in 1989, to
+5% of comparative advantage in 1995. Oregon's comparative advantage in measuring
instrument varied between 11% and 26% over 1989-1995 time period.
Contrarory to recent arguments advanced against high-tech industries, Oregon is becoming
more efficient (regionally as well as nationally) in manufacture of high-tech products, this may be
partially be due to economies of scale associated with this sector. With regards to food
processing industries, it may be that costs associated with labor, materials, capital investment, and
other inputs are high relative to other regions. Hence, we cannot be competitive in those
industries. Alternatively, one may argue that labor productivity in Oregon's food industry is
lower than other regions. If this is the case, increasing training and education programs to
increase labor productivity, in addition to changing infrastructure, could improve efficiency in
food industries and thereby improve Oregon's economic development.
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