Comparative Export Values Across Economic Regions

'Total nonclassifiable',(SIC-99)

for years 1989-1995

	Total Value, and Percentage of World**                                                             
Region     1989       1990       1991       1992       1993       1994       1995

World      44701993   13123908   18164448   16068962   14917106   16411513   22413628 
APEC       4296744    5883092    9883629    5704161    10370666   6679664    15406241
% of World 9.61%      44.83%     54.41%     35.50%     69.52%     40.70%     68.74%
ASEAN      59740      255294     328295     456288     510763     840684     2814808
% of World 0.13%      1.95%      1.81%      2.84%      3.42%      5.12%      12.56%
CARIB      0          0          0          0          7123       0          0
% of World 0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.05%      0.00%      0.00%
EU         5083835    7027585    7498671    7853250    4246051    9140362    6829166
% of World 11.37%     53.55%     41.28%     48.87%     28.46%     55.69%     30.47%
EFTA       35202003   95962      200982     67054      87405      23000      8899
% of World 78.75%     0.73%      1.11%      0.42%      0.59%      0.14%      0.04%
FSU        0          0          0          125669     0          0          0
% of World 0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.78%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%
LAFTA      44282      55323      74650      58228      117912     133469     161858
% of World 0.10%      0.42%      0.41%      0.36%      0.79%      0.81%      0.72%
ME-OIL     0          0          11875      28000      5743       28738      5325
% of World 0.00%      0.00%      0.07%      0.17%      0.04%      0.18%      0.02%
MENOIL     16271      11000      18154      0          0          0          0
% of World 0.04%      0.08%      0.10%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%
NAFTA      2077546    3234026    6686384    2928596    7171999    2735284    4077877
% of World 4.65%      24.64%     36.81%     18.23%     48.08%     16.67%     18.19%
PRC        2206249    2631066    3197245    2765850    3195917    3944380    11325544
% of World 4.94%      20.05%     17.60%     17.21%     21.42%     24.03%     50.53%
SASIA      3444       19539      0          8287       8721       0          0
% of World 0.01%      0.15%      0.00%      0.05%      0.06%      0.00%      0.00%
**Note:  Percentages will not add to 100% as some regions overlap                                                                   

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