"Oregon exports of SIC-34, 'Fabricated Metal Equipment', for years 1989-1995, to the APEC region" Country\Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 World 54017806 66434056 63262682 76386064 108618467 91907151 105982304 APEC Total 40928794 50332056 46464534 54052513 76338940 64949758 77071653 APEC % of World 75.77% 75.76% 73.45% 70.76% 70.28% 70.67% 72.72% Australia 2351446 3446143 2728639 2831645 2385601 3025931 4161642 Canada 22054153 27101713 24561760 26519968 47363697 35779540 47038520 Chile 404057 1849071 1342082 1210080 1146863 1472074 2450022 China 407037 2480361 147821 451681 451685 491486 1006993 Hong Kong 413934 333923 503956 2693744 1045571 1549134 2286133 Indonesia 1713940 1645538 594285 689397 484004 19860 3441450 Japan 8446631 9437802 9170208 9121666 9737911 11482421 8295261 Korea, S. 953958 774442 1023165 476556 413831 1003145 934720 Malaysia 140711 157169 192355 306628 356827 110945 1208877 Mexico 936920 948066 1200858 1454114 2155344 1558481 821371 New Zealand 806402 554261 1157099 1500834 1044842 907564 783516 Papua New Guinea 30117 55857 97263 19580 37771 24275 28398 Philippines 489853 266550 446619 674918 540898 835755 559854 Singapore 1139436 521347 2693538 5356998 6324148 5703536 2851040 Taiwan 315903 672395 307465 441061 2748724 509188 1047910 Thailand 324296 87418 297421 303643 101223 476423 155946