Lecture 2
Nancy Cheng, 204c Pacific Hall, 346-3674 nywc@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Remember to Back up!
Removable storage
- CD-RW disks (readable from most computers, writable from some)
- 100MB Zip Disks (readable from most UO computers, convenient but vulnerable to damage)
Temporary file space (could be deleted at any time)
- Microsoft Windows Network > AAA > AAAFILESERVER > Mac-PC Exchange
- Darkwing, Gladstone /scratch directory: go up to the highest Root directory to find it
Weekly Objectives
- To understand the potential of web-authoring as a design communication tool
- To establish a course web-portfolio
Web Portfolio Notes in PDF format
Web Definitions
Network: a system of computers interconnected to share information
Server: a networked computer that supplies information or services
Client: a networked computer that uses server functions
The Internet: The network of networks
World Wide Web (WWW): A distributed global system for sharing over the Internet with cross-platform standards:
- Communication protocols: HyperText Transfer Protocol, http://
- Addressing system: Uniform Resource Locator, URL
- Document Language: HyperText Markup Language, HTML
Hyperlinks: shortcuts to other data
Hypermedia: Linked information (i.e. text, images, drawings, sound, video, 3D models, etc.)
Web page: HTML file w/ referenced components
Web Structure |
File naming conventions:
- case-sensitive (don't capitalize letters)
- use identifying extensions (i.e. .html, .gif, .jpg)
- avoid spaces and punctuation marks other than periods
Absolute addresses include the server information (i.e. "http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~graphics/lectures/acg00-2.html")
Relative or local addresses identify locations in relationship to the current file (i.e. "../lectures/acg00-2.html"
Web Site Management |
Incorrect references cause broken links. GoLive "filename.site" file stores family of files together and facilitates link correction.
Common Concepts to Design Software interfaces |
Select & Transform
Photoshop Transformations
- PhotoCorrection: Contrast/Brightness, Levels
- Geometric / Physical: Crop, Cut/Paste, Paste Into, Rotate, Skew
Organizing Information for reuse
Critical Skills |
0) GoLive interface basics:
- Using document views: Layout, Source for HTML & Preview (& Browser preview)
- Palettes: Inspector, Object, Color
1) Technical Essentials: All students must know how to:
- download and upload
- insert, edit and format text
- put images in the right folder
- insert and edit images
- create a link
2) File paths and Relative references:
- Understand why local and remote versions must be the same
- Learn how to fix a broken link by learning relative references
Common causes for broken links:
- File reference: looking in the wrong directory
- local & remote file systems don't match or
- absolute address given: file://Desktop%20Folder/Macintosh%20HD/arch510/..
- File name: reads differently on local and remote capitalization, spaces, punctuation
- File type: different than extension i.e. Photoshop file called JPG
3) Design elements:
- Layout grid & floating boxes
- Adjusting colors for the overall document (triangle near the “Welcome to GoLive” page name), grid, table
- Standard color palettes (use colors with names or numbers)
- Use relative font sizes +1, -1 rather than fixed
- Use Photoshop Save for Web GIF or JPG
4) Using helpful troubleshooting tools:
- Use a GoLive site files to manage a website
- New Site > import from folder
- Creating links with Point and Shoot
- Site view w/ link warnings
- Error checking: Edit file > check syntax (in older versions, Show link warnings)
- Site menu > FTP server > Connect (or connect by hitting icon)
- Dr. HTML website
5) OPTIONAL in order of difficulty:
- Tables
- Rollovers
- Frames
- Embedded sounds
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Forms
- JavaScript Actions
- etc.....