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 Zionist Socialists of MirZionist Socialists 1905

Photo of Mir residents from around 1905

English caption under photo: A group of Zionist Socialists of Mir, Russia, taken a quarter of a century ago. Most of them have since arrived in this country.

The English caption of this newspaper photo is not a verbatim translation. Ted Hyman who sent this copy of the newspaper photo to the Mir web site translates: " A group of Zionist socialists from Mir, Minsk Gebernya, in year 1905. The majority of them are found now in America and belong to the Mirer Young Mens'."

Note: Ted Hyman's mother had strong ties to Mir. Her parents Isser Popok and Chosha Meirka Epstein came from Mir. She would never part with anything that had to do with that precious heritage associated with "The Mir". We are thankful she held on to it and thank her son Ted for providing the photo for this web site.


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