Some suggestions for obtaining references for your paper...

Most important!  Use one of the library Indexes--they'll provide a list of magazine and journal articles which pertain to your subject.  To use them, go to the UO library homepage to Janus.  Under "Indexes and Abstracts" click on "Science Indexes"--and from there, pick an index.  For this project, I suggest using the index "Article first" in the General Science indexes--but others should also work well.  Once there, type in the topic you're interested in and... there you are!  Just make sure you narrow your subject enough so that you don't get TOO MANY hits!

Some other suggestions...
for those of you reporting on a National Parkland--try the book by Harris and others: Geology of the National Parks-it's on reserve now in the Science Library.  Also, the National Park Service has a geology web site: for that, click here.

For those of you reporting on something in the state of Oregon.. Try Geology of Oregon by Orr and Orr.  Also, Geology of the Pacific Northwest by Orr and Orr should be helpful too.  And... the journal "Oregon Geology" (in the Science Library) has some excellent articles on Oregon Geology--but you'll probably need to look through a lot of issues to find one that relates to your particular subject.

For information on the web, first go to the site, Inside Geology  --it provides many links to all sorts of different geologic topics.

For the USGS site, click here.

Check back here for more ideas as they arise. 

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