TECH-NIQUES, Ready-To-Use Activities
for Language and Internet Technology


Age: U.S. Elementary Grade 3 through Adult
Language Level:
Beginner - Advanced
Technical Level: Intermed. - Adv.


Students must identify the item for each letter of the alphabet, working from a group of pre-selected sites. The sites are all clustered around a specific topic or theme. This is a thematic, task-based / information-gap style of activity. Students can comfortably work on this activity individually or collaboratively.

A-to-Z Eugene
  • To provide a cohesive, start-up set of pre-screened links on a specific topic in lieu of sending students out to the millions of links in search engines.
  • To provide students with information about a specifc topic in a fun, interactive way .
  • Assign letters or groups of letters to students. Have them "research" their respective letter(s) independently, then report back (orally and/or in writing) on their findings to the group.

Website Users:
  • Look for ready-to-use puzzles on search engines such as Lycos and Dogpile

  • Can't find what you need on the 'Net and can't make your own? Do it on good ol' paper and make a list of URL addresses for students to type in and look up!

Website Creators:

Copyright 1997, 1998 Deborah Healey, Email:
Leslie Opp-Beckman,E-mail:

This page last updated 29 April 1998