Appendix B.  The Kredit-biuro:  the database and its creation



Kredit-biuro was a state-owned corporation, founded in late 1922 to assess the creditworthiness of applicants for loans and commercial credit.  Reports were confidential, though Iurii Larin was able to consult with them for his 1927 analysis of the private sector, Частный капитал в СССР.  To my knowledge, I am the first person to use them since.  The operational activities of Kredit-biuro devolved onto its regional branch offices, which investigated the assets and fiscal outlook not just of private businesses but of such diverse public institutions as jails, schools, hospitals, ispolkoms, factories, syndicates, and party committees.  How exactly they obtained financial information is unclear:  most of Kredit-biuro’s organizational documents were either shipped to the repository in Ialutorovsk or destroyed.  Records that remain in RGAE f. 7624 are classified by region and by type of enterprise or institution.  All of the records with which my book is concerned fell under the heading “Private entrepreneurs.”  The vast majority of these turned out to be traders.  Extant case records of private entrepreneurs number in the tens of thousands (for Ukraine, for example, there were roughly 13,000 individual reports).  To construct the database, I selected every eighth casefile (unnumbered packets within the larger, alphabetically-ordered дело) of every tenth дело for Ukraine and every eighth file of every seventh дело for northwestern Russia and Central Asia.


I chose those regions for the pragmatic reason that they were among the few listed as available in RGAE; most other regions are marked “destroyed” in the catalog for this fond.  Returning to the Kredit-biuro fond in 2003 in connection with a new project, I discovered (with the assistance of some extremely helpful archivists) that these marks were false; other regions are, in fact, available at RGAE.  Had I known that when I used this source the first time, I might have made a different choice of regions.


Listed below are simply the numbered cases as I initially recorded them.  I then transferred them into a rudimentary database, using an antiquated program, Squarenote.  My aim was simply to be able to cull out businesses with particular characteristics:  year or years of operation, sales volume, objects of trade, ownership structure, retail setting, etc. The word database is, in a sense, misleading, since I was not primarily interested in developing a quantitative portrait of Soviet private trade.  Given the fact that most petty traders were not in a position to obtain bank credit, the 1923 trade census and the 1926 Soviet census are better sources by far for a big quantitative breakdown.  The unique interest of the Kredit-biuro materials, to my mind, is that they offer a window into business trajectories.  Thus, I was interested in identifying businesses that expanded, contracted, remained steady, or failed; I used the database to draw analytical conclusions about the factors that affected business performance.




The cases


Northwest Russia



SZ-1.  Al’per, Solomon Moiseevich (50, family).  Leningrad. not trade:  construction.


SZ-2.  Antonov, father and sons.  bak trade, bulochnaia, pekarnia.  g. Liuban - at rr station.  3 raz.  Son in whose name patent = 40, family.  11/26:  Opened at end of 1925.  Father had a bak store prerev and renskovoi pogreb.  One of the brothers handles supplies, the other runs the shop.  They all live in one large wooden house.  Sales 200-500/day.  2 hired workers and 2 bakers.  Buy grain, flour from khleboprodukt for credit and cash.  ok for 700-1000.


SZ-3.  Abramzon, Solomon Beniaminovich.  Leningrad, shoe shop.  4/24:  Prerev, he had a jewelry store (from 1912 on); now partner in shoe shop on same street (diff building); another relative of his has joined, too.  The shop sells mostly cheap shoes.  semi-successful, likely to become less so, since coop network expanding.  Poor commercial rep.


SZ-4.  Abramovich Izrail’ Gershovich (55 yrs, family) and two partners, Faingersh and Epshtein.  Торговля случайными вещами.  10/26:  Leningrad - Alexandrovskii rynok.  Prerev had a workshop for bronze izdelii and a larek at Alexand. market.  Now stall at same (in name of wife, who does some of the trading).  Awhile ago he decided to open a cloth business with Epshtein, who obviously doesn’t know anything about business, and Faingersh, who sells mechanical objects at the same market.  Without yet existing, this company has approached gosorgans about supplies and credit, but now they are fighting among themselves, and the idea of a shop has fallen by the wayside.  These are not people of means; without evidence of a successful business, no creditable.


SZ-5.  Anosova, Maria Adreevna (53, married).  food shop, Leningrad.  3/25.  opened food business in 1921 with her husband.  Business went well due to location (across from Krasnyi Putilovets factory) - 2000 sales.  Buys goods at the Haymarket from wholesalers, with 7-day credit line of 200-300 rub.  Stocks 1500.  ok for 300.


SZ-6.  Artem’ev, Vasilii Ivanovich.  Leather trade, Petrograd.  12/23:  founded long before rev; first belonged to Alexandrov, then to his widow, then she remarried Artem’ev and he took over.  retail only; decent turnover due to lack of competition, 30-40 cherv a day.  Artem’evs have little capital but both have good rep.


SZ-7.  Afanas’ev, Alexei Mikh (38, family).  Lomovoi izvoz, Leningrad.  2/27:  To 1921 lived at st. Siverskaia (Sev-Zap rr), where worked in his father’s petty trade.  Moved to Leningrad, though he still has a house and land in Siverskaia and is said to retain commercial ties there.  He and his brother started up izvoznoe business at the start of NEP.  1 raz.  They rent the carts and izvozchiki (mainly from same town - currently 15 peasants from his town living with A!).  Business takes in 4-5000 a month.  ok for small sums. 


SZ-8.  Afonichev, Stepan Germilovich (38 family), shoe shop, Leningrad, Central Rynok.  11/24:  Prerev worked at factory “Radio” as a bookkeeper, then had a wine cellar and pub.  From beginning of NEP opened shoe stall at this address -3 raz.  Has a selection of shoes, galoshes, and felt boots worth 3000 in stock; owes nothing.  Buys materials for shoes on the private market for cash or open schet; sales 1500-2000 a month.  ok for modest credit.


SZ-9.  Agranovskii Nakhim Aronovich (32 yrs, family).  loth trade, Leningrad.  5/25:  To 1922 sold cloth in Konotop; moved to Len as a kommissioner in the textile sector, and in beginning of 1924 opened up a small kustar shawl workshop.  From Feb 1925 has had a cloth sklad in L; in the other half of the same premises has sold kustarno-galant. goods in “Sofrinat” shop.  Initially bought from priv wholesalers for credit; now for cash from trusts.  stocks 6000; trade 300/day.  good rep.  ok for 1000.  2/26:  his brother works in the store; sales 10,000 a month.  Has credit line at VTS (but currently maxed out).  ok for 300.


SZ-10.  Балдин, Павел Мих.  Ленинград.  45 лет, семейный, служил до рев приказчиком по мясной-зеленной отрасли.  С возникновением нэп Б. стал торговать самостоятельно.  Содержит на бойком месте хорошо обставленный магазин, 3 разряд.  Moderately successful.  daily sales = 100-150 rub.  ok for credit.  10.6.24


SZ-11.  Балдин Давид Иванович.  Ленинград.  65 лет, b. in Saratov gub.  Worked for a long time as a warehouse keeper.  During first years of rev, Б. определенных занятий не имел.  Затем, с 1921 г. занимался случайными комисс. делами мелкого масштаба по хлебо-фуражной отрасли, числясь формально на иждивении своих дочерей (работниц).  recently has taken off for Erevan, left no address and no property.  determined impossible to get money back from him.  5.25.28


SZ-12.  Бенсман, Зелик Гершович, “Химтоль” = factory, Leningrad.  30 лет, семейный.  Патент 1. разряда.  no equipment; has stocks of soda, chemical sand and others.  Unknown in trade and manuf circles of L.  Kreditburo suggests caution in credit.  8.31.25


SZ-13.  Бахмендо Тайхон Зискович.  Л.  Шляпы и фуражки.  51 лет.  семейный.  Бывший владелец (с 1900 г.) большой шляпной мастерской просп. Майорова, 27, и шляпного магазина по пр. К. Либкнехта, 28.  Расположенный на бойком месте, торгует недурно и оборот достигает до 5000 руб в месяц.  К сезону заготовлено товара на сумму 10-12 тыс. руб.  Для магазина постоянно работают 4 мастера (на стороне).  pays his taxes and workers.  4.3.25.


SZ-14.  Борушек, Любовь Мих (30 лет, сем).  (фактический владелец - Борушек Яков Абрамович).  Гот. плат.  Александровский рынок, Л.  С детства работал у своего отца имевшего в Новгороде магазин готового платья.  В начеле 1922 Борушек находившийся тогда на службе в одном госучр., открыл указанную торговлю, совместно со своим братом Шлемой Абрамовичем Борушек (he actually took out the patent).  Then put in name of wife.  Магазин торгует гот. мужским и детским платьем, имеет прикрепленных 3-х мастеров; на стороне, в зависимости от сезона работают для магазина около 10 кустарей-штучников.  Торговля, по сведениям, идет довольно бойко:  в дни после получии рабочими зарплаты - обороты по продаже достигают 1000 руб и свыше, в прочее время - дневной оборот, в среднем составляет 400-500 руб. при стоимости наличия товара в магазине до 10,000 руб.  so far, owners have not used credit much - good bet.  8.14.25.


SZ-15.  Борцов, Ив. Ив.  Оптово-роз. кожев. и веревочная торговля.  Новгород, Вечевая пл.  Дело с перерывом существует ок. 20 лет и основано родителями нын. владельца Б.  По сведениям, Б. до рев. несколько раз прекращал платежи, в наст. же с 1921 г. по возобновлении торговли дело ведется успешно с месячным оборотом приблиз. ок. 5000 руб. и при наличии товара на 3-4,000 руб.  Отмечают, что Б. часто нуждается в средствах и прибегает к частному кредиту.  occasionally has made late payments.  В коммерческих кругах общая репутация Б - честного и дельного торговца.  Кредитоспособность - 1000 - 1500 руб.  8.21.25.


SZ-16.  Бакман, Мих. Соломонович.  Л, пр. 25 Окт.  one of five brothers; worked in zagotovki during rev in g. Nezhin; moved to L in 1921, started working as grain agent for various local agencies.  Rented a mill in Ukraine for this purpose.  Uses credit often.  More mills.  this one has a denunciation like quality (and called “spec svedenie”.  The word in commercial circles is that the Bakmans are “коммерсанты новой формации, их считают дельными, оборотистыми, но не имеющими достаточно солидной деловой репутации.”  Caution.  4.29.27  other related things in this little folder:  a non-voting financial partner fled abroad, leaving debts in 1924.


SZ-17.  Борисовский, М.М.  Торговля мануф. и гот. плат.  Архангельск.  3-member company “Vpered”.  opened spring 1923; before that they worked at cloth co. “Oborot,” - experienced salesmen.  Before rev Borisovskii was in trade.  Have goods worth 15,000 rub, monthly sales of 5-6,000.  Needs money.  Members of company each own a house, valued at 4-5,000 apiece.  5.16.25.  addendum, 10.21.25 - continue to trade well, but not clear that they need money.  Have goods worth 25-30,000 rub; monthly sales now 15,000 rub.


SZ-18.  Ак. О-во Бергер и Вирт - торговля с востоком (концессия в СССР).  Obviously a big op.  Lots of paper on financial situation.  1928 - annual sales = 1,819,000 rub.


SZ-19.  Быховский Зельман Яковлевич.  has a larek - petty retail trade from it.  Doesn’t live where he says (Nov. Seversk), unknown there.  Total worth of larek goods = 25 rub.  memo to Moscow sudeb. Likvidkom.  9.26.27


SZ-20.  Блинков, Ив. Вас.  Мясная и зеленная торговля, st. Удельная-Скобелевский.  старожил Удельной.  Well-off family, well thought of, experienced traders.  Sales = 100-150 rub/day.  10.15.24


SZ-21.  Блох, Григ. Самойлович.  Petrograd.  40 лет, сем, юрист по образованию, патентной торговли на свое имя не имеет, последние несколько лет ведет разные торговые операции в негласной компании с разными лицами, а последние несколько месяцев в качестве негласного компаньона и оффициального доверенного петроградского коммерсанта Ив. Ив. Пепова, специалиста по москательным и строит. мат.  Определенной отрасли торговых операций он не придерживается и, будучи человеком, как его аттестуют, большого практиче. ума и умеющим применяться к условиям рынка, он удачно руководит делами, переходя от отрасли к отрасли.  has bought himself an apt worth 7-8000, works of art, china, etc, в какой области является любителем и считается недурным знатоком.  В самое последнее время ему, однако, не повезло:  он закупил много товаров (за свой личный счет), а сезон уже на исходе.  Это обстоятельство иммобилизировало его личные оборотные средства на довольно длительный срок.  member of a credit coop, but doesn’t get credit there; has occasionally resorted to private credit.  Capable commercant.  10.3.23.


SZ-22.  Берж, Борис Мих.  Фонарно-ламп. мастерская, Л.  40 лет, сем.  Father had a ship-lighting business as of 1879.  Upon father’s death in 1918, business shut down. Reopened in 1925-6 (between 1918 and 1925, Berzh worked as gos sluzh).  Now has gathered in the mastery who worked for his father.  Successful.  also has had side commercial transactions. 4.24.29.


SZ-23.  Baraden, Alexander Iakovlevich.  40 years (in 1925).  Prerev had indepdent metal business, then a wholesale metal trade at Aleksand. market with a partner.  In Jan 1925, rented a building, organized a liteinyi zavod “Splav”; problem with getting materials (babbite and other non-ferrous metals).  Considered solidnyi.  (later) -actually this is currently taken over by vlasti,and Baraden arrested (although he is not in debt).  2.9.26


SZ-24.  Биневич, Иосиф Львович.  Дровяные склады.  Л.  30 лет, сем., работал в лесной торговле своего отца в г. Тихвине, затем ок. 8 лет состоял на военной службе, after which, in Oct 1925, opened first two sklads (third in Jan 1926).  Monthly sales = 8-9000 rub. total (all three together).  Has stocks worth 6000 rub.  Buys wood in Petrozavodsk, occasionally in Leningrad, for cash, often gives advances pays remainder upon delivery.  Операции по выкупу прибывающих грузов производятся через одно госпредприятие...  accurate, well-off commersant.  creditworthy to 2000 rub.


SZ-25.  big fruit business “Fruktovyi Aromat”  Len gos factory rented to group.  lots of pages, didn’t read.


SZ-26.  Berezin, I.D. and I.N Chudakov co.  trade in bak, Persian, and krupa prods.  Nizh. Novgorod (misfiled).  Founded spring, 1927.  Since 1921 owners had a very large grain trade with annual sales of over 1 mil. rubles.  Принеся большие убытки, в связи с общими причинами, хлебное дело в начале 1926 г. владельцами было ликвидировано.  В начале настоящая торговля Т-ва протекала вяло и только в последнее время, в связи с закрытием ряда частных фирм этой же отрасли торговли, трог. деятельность Т-ва несколько оживилась.  Средний мес. оборот фирмы по продаже товаров - 40-50,000 руб; stocks worth about same.  Capital - Berezin put in 10,000 rub, Chudakov 5,000.  No bank credit.  Creditworthy.  9.10.27.


SZ-27.  Bagrin-Kamenskii, Vladislav Adolfovich.  Engineer-inventor. L.  Middle-aged, married.  Before 1923, served in the navy (komsostav), then practically up to the present has served in various soviet agencies and in various capacities having nothing to do with education as engineer.  4.27.29


SZ-28.  Bagrachev, Semen.  булочная и хлебопекарня.  Ораниенбаум.  had this firm with his brothers under the name “Bagrachev Brothers”; failed; now B trying to revive on his own.  One of his brothers has opened up a wholesale bread/grain trade in Oranienbaum.  This bakery is not going very well, mainly because B. lacks money for purchase of flour.  Has stocks worth not more than 300-400 rub.  Splitting of brothers bad for business.  risky credit.  4.4.25.


SZ-29.  Bezprozvannyi David Abramovich.  Leningrad, Konnyi rynok, lar. 18.  Cloth trade.  58 years old, fam., used to have a wholesale bel’e trade behind Nevskaia Zastava.  1921 - opened this small retail cloth stall at market, where sells inexpensive cloths and конфекцион.  At the same time, ведет довольно бойкую оптовую торговлю готовыми платьями, в шитье которых сдает на дом up to 15 seamstresses.  sells the clothes to petty traders, for which purpose travels to suburbs of L and to nearby towns.  Sales = 10-12,000 rub/mnth; stocks = insig.  Viewed as man of some means, rarely прибегает к кредиту (this is the standard phrase in all these docs).  6.5.25


SZ-30.  Безпрозванная Мария Соломоновна.  ст. Уторгож, Сев-Зап. ж.д., с. Медведь, Новг. губ и уезд.  Мелочная, бак. и табачная торговля.  Открыла торговлю 10.1.24, вложив в дело свыше 1000 руб.  Розничная торговля протекает, по отзывам, тихо, и ведется в мелком масштабе, со средним мес. оборотом ок. 500 руб.  Патент 3 разр.  Товары закупаются преимущественно у частных торговцев на месте.  trade is her only means of support.  Small credit possible, но лишь исходя из личного доверия к Б.  4.11.25.  addendum:  she has a silent partner, a relative, Fegin.  Has some resources - also involved in wholesale livestock trade.  However, has been taken to court more than once.  4.25.25.


SZ-31.  Bardysheva, Anna Andreevna.  40 years, married.  L.  1923 opened retail meat trade at Sennoi rynok (korp A #55).  3rd raz license.  Has an equal partner, A. U. Sedov.  Gets wares on credit (not more than 100 rub at a time) from wholesalers.  Her husband has recently taken over - he is new to trade.  not rec.  10.18.24.


SZ-32.  Barenbaum, Samuil Semenovich.  42 yrs, married.  L.  Prerev sold books and paper in Велиже, Витебск. губ.  В перв. годы рев. Б. проживал в Лен. и состоял, одно время представителем Витебск. ЕПО.  В 1923 Б. вступил компаньоном в т-во “Бумага” в Л, где заведывал оптово-рознич. магазин т-ва до 1924, когда магазин был продан т-вом Издательству “Вопросы Труда”.  Kept on to run the store for another year, then returned to Bumaga, head of фабричн. складом Т-ва.  Now planning to go public with Bumaga as a joint-stock co., looking for more credit.  1.10.27


SZ-33.  Barenbaum, Rafail Efimovich.  Фурнитурная торговля, Л.  31 лет, сем.  prerev worked in his father’s business in Vitebsk.  Since the beginning of NEP, занимался комиссионными делами в Москве, где некоторое время служил в частной фирме “Кожфурнитура”.  4/24 opened his business in L, initially with a 2 raz. license, then 3rd.  2 employees.  Capitalization = 6,000 rub.  Monthly sales = 9,000 rub, sufficient stocks (obtained from provincial kustari).  Clients = сапожники и мелкие частные магазины.  Indebted 2000 rubles, sometimes pays late, but local business circles consider him creditworthy for small sums.  3.26.26


SZ-34.  Bogorad, Mark Moiseevich, lumber.  Petrograd.  Young, energetic if inexperienced.  pays on time.  11.3.23.


SZ-35.  Benua, N. A.  mech. factory “Burevestnik”.  Factory founded in 1916 by current renter.  fittings.  During rev, завод почти не работал.  In early 1922 taken over by him again - rented from Prombiuro for 6 years.  1924 - has 50 workers.  good for big credit.


SZ-36.  Burenin, Nik. Mikh.  st. Ozerki, Finland vok., Okt. zh.d.  58 yrs, fam.  Огородник.  Worked in this since he was a child in his father’s business, and from 1912 to the present worked in this at the current address without a break.  Has 8 grown children and an 11-des. uchastok, of which 4 = kitchen garden, 4 = hay, rest unusable.  Last summer crop = 1,500 puds of vegetables worth 1,500 rub., potatoes for 500 rub, oats and hay for 200 r.  Has tools.  Last year took out a loan for 100 rub, paid off on time.  Now has 400 rub vekselia debts.  No hired labor.  Needs loan for purchase of seed.  O.k. farmer, but in light of indebtedness, should be careful.  5.26.26.


SZ-37.  Burin, Petr Prokof.  Meat trade, L.  over 60 years old.  arrested in Feb, 1926, still in jail.  prerev was a major meat wholesaler “P. Burin and Co.” (then 2x curtailed payments).  In 1921, reopened trade частью комиссионным товаром, частью за свой счет, with a partner.  Early 1925, market conjuncture and outstanding debts by others to him (20,000 rub) caused him to shut business.  then in debt 60,000 rub, had vekseli worth 40-50,000.  Later took out 2nd raz. meat trade license, with former sidekick.  both arrested; помещение given to another meat trader.  4.15.26


SZ-38.  Бурдейный, Лев Иосифович.  silent partner = father Iosif Davidovich Burdeinyi.  Flour and bak-colonial labaz.  Len.  I.D. (ca. 60 yrs, fam.) - prerev owner of soap factory in Podol’sk gub.  Opened labaz in Len in 1922, added a branch in Nov 1925.  Now license in name of 22-yr-old son.  Sales have dropped to 6-8,000 rub/month (vs 20,000 before).  Buy their goods in one or two state and coop orgs for cash and from local privateers for credit.  Retail/petty wholesale.  Stocks worth 3000 rub.  Veksel’ debt = 1000 rub.  Don’t get bank credit, rather from local wholesalers (500-1000 rub).  Max appropriate credit = 500-600 rub.  3.3.27.  (note:  first time = 1925).


SZ-39.  Braude, Boris Grig. (partner Falkin Shmul’ Naumovich).  32 yrs, b. Mogilev na Dnestre, worked in жестяном деле for someone, then went into army during war and rev.  1922 opened small masterskaia жестяных изд. with partner (28 yrs, also from Mogilev na Dnestre where apprenticed to same man).  Работают они для магазинов, торгующих металлической посудой, поставляя им жестяные кувшины и ведра из оцинкованного железа.  Патент - 1 раз. in both names.  Get raw materials from zakazchiki.  spent 300 rub on equipment.  no hired labor.  Produce 2000 rub /month worht of goods.  Have 500 rub/ worth in stock.  Traders satisfied with them; creditworthy to 500 rub.  6.9.24


SZ-40.  Белосельский, Григ. Ник.  53 лет, b. Len., now Детское село.  дорев. торговал фруктами и рыбой в Апраксином Дворе.  После рев, одно время, служил в Желескоме Окт. ж.д. по прод. части, а затем в компании с Антиповым вновь открыл фрукт. торговлю в Апрак. Дворе.  Unsuccessful, closed, with some bounced checks.  Used to own a few buildings in Detskoe Selo that were nationalized.  thought of as honest but limited.  5.20.24; 9.23.24  all trade shut down due to competition from coops.


SZ-41.  Белорицкий, Шлема Перцович.  Трикотаж, чулки и галантерея.  Л.  ок. 60 лет.  прибыл в Л из Харькова in 3/25, nominally took over the above shop from Iakov Solomonovich Glikman, who, however, continued to manage the business with his partner Cherniak.  Wholesale-retail trade.  Last year traded boiko, but because bad debts from others injured his finances, forcing him to cut back.  Now sales = 5-6,000/month.  All three relative newcomers to L, have not yet established their reputation there.  Some state agencies have given them credit, so far all right.  Suggests holding off.  6.10.25.


SZ-42.  Nesterov, Nikolai Konstantin i Fedor Fedorovich.  Petrozavodsk.  5/24:  Prerev major grain traders “Nesterov Brothers”; reopened from first days of NEP.  Originally joined forces with four other men, opened two stores in early 1922.  Then separated off; now three brothers and a relative.  Experienced commercial people; pay well; own houses; ok for credit notwithstanding protested veksel’ of Fed Fed for 50 cherv.  6/24:  another protested veksel, this time 565 rub.  1/25:  and more.  6/25:  they have closed shop several times and reopened in the three years of their existence.  not creditable.


SZ-43.  Nevel’son, Solomon Izrailevich.  49, family.  Leningrad.  5/24:  Prerev worked as a lumber supplier in Riga, from which was evacuated during WWI.  from 1920-24, worked as wood supplier for Petrozheldor, successful.  From 1922 on, has had own business on side, but not so successful at that as in supplying.  not creditable.  6/26:  Buys wood in Valdaiskii raion from peasants and foresters, sells in Moscow; no business in Len, just lives there.  ok for 1500.


SZ-44.  Neiman, Shoel’ Berkovich (28, bachelor).  Zhelezno-moskat. and kerosene trade, Leningrad - two market shops and two sklady, all near each other; lives in same building as one.  from childhood, worked in his father’s analogous trade.  in 1922, finished army service, opened shop; second shop opened in 1924.  2 employees in each.  sales altogether 6000, stocks 6-7000.  buys from gosorgans, credit line of 500; also has credit line at ovk.  Seen as one of the biggest traders at the Okhty market in his line of commerce.  ok for 500.  7/26:  expectations of increased sales as a result of summer construction season not borne out; part of the problem is irregular supplies of nails, iron, etc., also competition from coop.  no change in fin picture.  ok for 400.


SZ-45.  Nemchinov, Konstantin Petrovich.  g. Kargopol’ (Vologodskaia gub).  9/25:  Sells from his own house, bak and leather shop.  long-time trader; firm opened in 1840, reopened 1922, 3 raz.  sales 2.5-3000, buys in Vologda from private and gos firms, also in Leningrad from private traders.  ok rep; ok for small sums. 


SZ-46.  Neskushin, Nik. Abramovich, Len.  Kustarnaia tesemochnaia workshop - makes tes’ma for kond izd.  Primitive equipment (800 rub max).  prerev had an analogous business at Okhta market.  1917, moved it to Konnaia ul. and after a short break during rev, reopened.  1 prom raz; 3 family members help.  Produces up to 150 rub worth a day; sells to LSPO, Pishetrest and to private confectioners. 


SZ-47.  Nazarov, Ruben Nersesich (36, Persian).  Gastronomich. store “Baku,” Leningrad.  3/24:  prerev had cloth store in Baku (worked in trade from youth), moved to L in 1921, opened gastron store at current address, plus, in summer, larek on a nearby street corner.  ok trade; 40-60 cherv/day.  2/26:  actually moved to L in 1919 as an agent for Narobraz and Otkomkhoz; opened fruit-gast store in 1921 which he transferred to an invalids’ artel in 1924 (stayed on as manager).  This artel was liquidated in 3/25, after which he bought 3 lar’ki in g. Sestroretsk.  12.25 opened another shop in Len, rented apt in same building (keeping Sestroretsk lar’ki).  3 raz, sales (total) 3500, stocks 4000 (purchased from priv firms and one gosorgan.  credit line of 1000 at ovk, unused, and up to 3000 from suppliers, pays accurately.  Fully creditworthy.


SZ-48.  Naiavt Genrikh Andreevich (53, family).  Stoliarnaia masterskaia (carpentry), L.  1/29:  Prerev had same business in S Pb, in which employed 30 workers; nationalized during rev, during whichtime he continued to work.  Denat, but smaller scale than before.  Well-equipped workshop.  1 prom raz, 3 workers; build shelves, tables, etc.  sales 3-4000.  Buy materials from 2 gos pred, local trust, and from one private firm; cash and credit.  No debts.  Good rep.  though, in view of “неблагоприятной кунь-нктуры для частного предпринимателя, prospects not great; better to limit credit to modest sums.


SZ-49.  Nikiforov, Mikh. Ivanovich (20 yrs).  L, market stall (fish) at fish market.  1/26:  opened shop in April 1925, before which lived in village Dervino (Tver gub).  3 raz; petty opt-roz.  Former trader helped him get started with initial capital; no personal means.  sales 4000, stocks 1000.  uses short-term credit (5-7 days) for 500 at LSPO, Pervrosryba, etc.  ok for 300-400.


SZ-50.  Nikiforov, Pavel Vasil’evich (40).  L, fur trader, firewood.  3/25:  From village in Lifliandia.  During WWI joined a trading house in L, Lausen Brothers and Co; from 1918 on, served in a cooperative, “Optosnabzhenie,” in the rented factory “Krasnoderevets,” then after NEP worked in lumber business of I. Orlov.  Late 1924, started buying and selling furs and firewood on his own, buying furs from indiv peasant hunters and trappers in NW Ob.  currently looking for work, since with a warm winter, firewood sales aren’t profitable.  good rep.


SZ-51.  Narkevich, Iosif Iosifovich, 36 fam.  L, bulochnaia and bakery.  5/25:  To 1918, had his own bulochnaia, reopened in same spot in 1922, but due to competition, had to close it in May 1924.  Opened a new little bulochnaia (diff location) in Oct 1924; hires one worker.  Bakes 4-5 puds of white bread and 8-10 of rye bread a day; sales 1000/month.  Rumored to be considering closing down and moving to suburbs, opening there - in light of which better to avoid credit.


SZ-52.  Рулевский, Алексей Степанович.  Leningrad, fruit and groceries.  41 years old, family.  Son of an old grocer with a fruit store on Okhta, has been involved in fruit trade since childhood.  In early 1900s, opened his own independent fruit trade in Okhta, near a train station.  In past years, carried on fruit trade in same spot from a larek.  Aug 14, 1924 opened up a fruit-grocery store there, employing his two younger brothers (one is a minor).  Trade = successful, 400 chervontsy sales a month (goods worth 500-600).  Indebted 20%.  Also plans to get patent for alcohol sales (as of Oct).  Viewed as an honest and порядочный коммерсант и аккуратный плательщик.  Oks for 300 cherv. credit.  10.19.24.


SZ-53.  Рулевский, Степан Андреевич (obviously father of above). 67 years, family.  Prerev, sold fruits and food, then lived in the countryside, where had a small peasant farm; opened up this fruit/grocery business in Apr, 1924; small sales, but fine; ok for petty credit.  6.24.24.


SZ-54.  Rumiantseva, Anna Semenovna.  Trade in electric wares “Elektrosila.”  Stored opened 10.1.22 by the deceased husband of R.  He was an experienced trader in this sphere with a good commercial reputation.  Wife took over upon his death in Jan, 1924, took out a 3rd raz. patent.  Good selection, sales of 45,000 rub/ 6 months.  Not in debt; creditworthy.


SZ-55.  Rumiantsev Agafon. Semenovich, linen and galant. trade, at market in Len.  over 50 years old; before rev managed a shop selling Dutch linen at Mariinskii market, later ran his own shop in the same place.  In 1922 reopened business - 3rd raz.  Sells linen, woollen, and cotton thread/yarn and sometimes galantereia.  Average success, though evades taxes (officially listed as 22,000 rub in 6 months, actually up to 8,000 rub a month).  He was tried for selling contraband but acquitted.  Credit - should get no more than 1000 rub.  11.27.26.


SZ-56.  Rumiantsev, Aleksei Petrov., 27 years, has wife.  Leningrad, leather goods.  In 1923, moved from Kostroma gub, in April 1924 opened trade on Ligovka, 177 - 3rd raz patent.  Purchases his goods on local private market (ie. from other private shops).  small business:  currently has 60 cherv. worth of goods, monthly sales of 30-40.  Despite his youth and the petty nature of his business, viewed as energetic, delovoi, and respectable; creditworthy for extremely small sums.  4.29.24.


SZ-57.  Rumiantsev, Vas. Nik.  Wholesale-retail greengrocery.  Leningrad.  46 years, family.  Prerev had grocery trade, in 1921 started traded на Сенной сладостями.  Apr. 1925 reopened grocery (in an inner courtyard), has 1500 rub sales a month, gets goods from major wholesalers on credit.  Creditworthy.  4.16.25.


SZ-58.  Rumiantsev, Mikh. Efremovich.  pos. Ligovo, L gub.  Leather.  45 years, family.  Prerev trader (in Leningrad); in 1923 opened a leather goods shop with a partner, who left in early 1924 to open his own shop.  R continued to trade, but increasingly unprofitable due to competition from neighboring leather wares store Sevzaptorg.  Shut down without sig debts; hopes to open a new store in a better place.  Ok, but some caution.  12.21.26


SZ-59.  Rumiantsev, Sergei Afanasevich.  57 years, fam.  prerev trader with 3 gatronom. stores in Leningrad.  27 years experience; also rep of International Bank for 8 years.  Now a member of the Биржевой Владимирской Артели Ответственного Труда и по сведениям в ближайщее время переходит в Госстрах на должность кассира.  Viewed as conscientious and experienced - but since he isn’t currently in business, impossible to gauge his creditworthiness.  6.29.25.


SZ-60.  “Rumiantsev and Co.”, L, clothing.  Rumiantsev (has two partners) = 46 years, fam, owned a store at this address before rev with a partner, reopened in 1921 with same partner, who left co in Oct, 1923.  New junior partners include man who had a sklad of silk and woolen cloth in Gostinyi dvor unti 1918.  Patent 4th raz.  Monthly sales = 30-40,000 rub.  Currently has some diff getting cloth without pereboi, but still creditworthy (3-4,000).  3.5.26.


SZ-61.  “Rumiantsev Brothers”, Cherepovets, trade in gastron. and fruits, also breads and kond izd.  One of brothers worked for an analogous company before rev, opened shop in 1922.  Viewed as experienced, delovoi.  Trade = boiko.  Very rarely resort to credit.  Good rep.  Good for 1.5-2,000 rub.  10.19.25. demand.  In addition, the shop has attached to it a workshop for nickelizing, making small chem equip.  Sales = retail, 30-40,000 a month.  4 otdels, each with its own head (one is a professor).  Owner viewed as conscientious and hardworking.  1/25:  firm contines to be fairly successful, but a state trade competitor has just opened next door.  6/25:  however, they have not affected his sales, which remain large - he has a large, regular customer base.  10/25:  same.  8/26:  his business now subordinated to a coop; earns 180 rub a month plus 1% of sales.  2/28:  sold the store to the coop for just 50,000, of which 10,000 cash, rest to be paid in a year, with condition that he stay on as “consultant” = manager.  Now just has his masterskaia, which has a 2 raz patent, employs 3 workers, but sells just 1500-2000 a month.  In the past he was a man of means, now does not apparently have any, though retains rep as a lovkii entrepreneur.


SZ-79.  Rappoport, Samuil Zalmanovich (30, bach).  L, kerosene and household goods trade.  2/26:  Worked in his father’s kerosene shop in Polotsk until spring, 1924; now has 3 raz shop in own name.  Reasonbly lively trade, 2000 a month, stocks 1500.  Buys goods from 3 gos enterprises and from priv firms, also from occasional market sellers, both for cash and crdit (small, to 100 rub).  Doesn’t owe more than 200.  ok for 50-100.  5/26 same.  11/26:  now employs a clerk, moved to a better location, sales 2500-3000.  ok for 200.


SZ-80.  Raichik, Samuil Moiseevich (45, fam).  s. Medved’, Novgorod gub, grain-bak trade.  7/25:  business founded by father-in-law in 1900, brief break, reopened in 1920, now run by Raichik, though father-in-law continues to work in the business.  Prerev business was considered large not just by local standards.  Now opt-roz food sales, with some hoz goods (nails, cast iron, and office supplies); largest shop in Med’ved’.  sales 6-8000, stocks 5-6000.  He also owns his own home - total personal property worth 10,000.  creditable to 2000.  11/27:  this one says reopened in 1922.  unchanged.


SZ-81.  Rubiazheva, Sof’ia Mikhailovna (20).  9/25:  Not clear what she is being checked for, but interesting.  Prerev, she worked as a salesclerk in the Khaika shop on Mezhdunarod. pr. 2.  She is a relative of a major meat trader Kantorovich, who is one of the major investors in the “Entente” slaughterhouse, and she is said to be supported materially by him.  Her husband Solomon Isakovich, with his brother Lazar, previously owned a tailor shop (prerev), and during NEP had a cloth shop at the Apraksin market.  Initially successful, then had to shut down, couldn’t pay all creditors; he had to sell the furniture from his 6-room apartment, take in renters.  Now a silent investor in a wine shop, which stake he is transferring to his wife; he himself has started working at a priv cloth shop.  Seen as reliable people, esp given relatives, despite the protest of his veksel’.


SZ-82.  Rubinchik, Iak. Solom. (23, bach).  L, tobacco, paper and cosmetics.  5/26:  worked in this shop with his father since 1924.  3 raz; cap investment 1,500.  sales 2000, stocks 3000, bought from ТЭЖЭ, and also from various local traders.  owes 800.  ok for 100.  10/26 same.


SZ-83.  Rubanovich, Vul’f Shepshelevich (49), old trader from the past (sold leather, cloth, and shoes for many years in Strel’na - Baltic rr).  L, Haymarket larek for leather and priklad.  5/25:  opened this stall in 1923, successful, sales 200-250 a day, with stocks of 2500-3000.  He was once a wealthy man; lost a lot during rev; but still owns 2 dachas.


SZ-84.  Turkin, V. V.  torgovets po professii, g. Bologoe.  10/27:  has a moskatel’nia shop, 3 raz; stocks 5-6000; sales = seasonal; during season (summer) reasonably successful, winter slow.  ok for 300.


SZ-85.  Tugov, Aleksandr Vasilevich, 50.  Melochnaia torg., at railway station Popovka, poselok Krasnyi Bor.  9/24:  Prerev had surovskaia torgovlia; reopened petty trade in 1922, 3 raz.  Mainly retail, foods and cloth.  Sales 3-4000; no real prospect for expanding, commercial people conclude, since his shop is located 3 versts from any lively commercial center and serves exclusively nearby consumers.  Stocks 1500-2000.  He also owns a pekarnia, 2 dachas with outbuildings (worth 3,500).  ok rep, modest lifestyle; ok for 400-600.


SZ-86.  Trofil’eva, Aleksandra Grig, 30, unmarried.  L, cloth larek at Haymarket.  1/24:  To beginning of 1923, worked for her sister, who opened this same larek in Dec 1921 (one of the first at that time).  Now has taken over (sister is chronically ill).  Initially successful, now less so; daily sales do not exceed 5-8 cherv, stocks = 100 cherv.  Trofil’eva is largely unknown in commercial circles, whereas her sister was widely viewed as a del’noi zhenshchinoi with means (which she inherited from her husband, a former partner in a merchant house.  ok for modest credit - better to have Ushina sign on.


SZ-87.  Trofimov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich i Ianushkevich, Iosif Antonovich.  L, stationery shop.  9/24:  Opened at end of 1921 as “Petrogradskaia Perepletno-Lioval’naia Trudovaia artel’,” with 6 members, but at end of 1922 transferred to Trofimov (34 yrs - prerev owned typography) and Ianushkevich (38 - prerev printer/ bookbinder who managed a large typography).  Successful, mainly wholesale.  End of last year a new partner joined firm to manage sales of typewriters.  Supplies purchased at Bumtrest, Tsentrobumtrest, and from private firsm.  They have a well-equipped typography.  Sales exceed 1000 cherv.  ok for modest credit.  1/25:  adds that the firm has shown poor management lately; veksel’ protested, debts growing.


SZ-88.  Treskunov, Leiba Khaimovich (40, born and lived in Nevel’, Pskov gub, where still has little home and where his family lives).  L, horse trader.  12/23:  has a partner, also Jewish.  3 raz; currently has 13 horses in his stable; good rep.  5/26:  Prerev was a komissioner, worked for several years for Singer.  During rev, Т занимался случайными коммерческими делами.  1923, moved to L, sold horses.  Since then has sold horses with diff partners, the Guliaevyi brothers, and since fall, 1925, has sold horses on a commission basis.  has had trouble making payments, not creditable.


SZ-89.  Trakiner, Abram L’vovich (46), mirror and glass workshop and store, L.  10/24:  Firm founded in 1900, considered one of the largest in the city of its kind.  In 1921, reopened both kustar workshop and store.  Until 1923, he also worked as a contractor for state agencies in the glass area (filled 25,000 rub worth of contracts for one agency).  Buys wares at Novtresttorg and elsewhere, for cash and 30-day credit.  Sales 4000; rumored to be planning an expansion.  Has partners in investment, though not operation - three Jewish names.  Seen as able, experienced; ok for modest credit.  6/25:  currently stocks 2-3000, sales same.  credit unchanged.


SZ-90.  Troshin, Pavel Nik., prerev trader, now cloth merchant.  Vologda.  1/24:  From 1918-22 he managed an otdel of Gubsoiuz (“Seversoiuz”).  Now is a partner in a “Cloth company,” along with the wife of a former major local merchant (Nechaeva) and three other employees of that firm.  All experienced torgovtsy.  their business considered the best cloth firm in town.  good for modest credit.  9/24:  По имеющим сведениям, успешно работавшее в свое время Т-во, в наст время закрыто, и компанионы привлечены к судеб. ответств. за ведение нелегальной бухгалтерск. отчетности, с целью скрыть фин. положение фирмы от налогого обложения.


91.  Тараканов, Василий Дмит. (b. 1889 in village, Iaroslavl’ gub),  L, teahouse/cafeteria on Fontanka, then on another street, from 1925-28 (from 1927 on, registered as living in that address).  3/29:  Arrested for a variety of prodelok relating to commerce, his property sold from torgs - now sent for 3 years.


SZ-92.  Temkina, Leia Aizikovna (40).  L, Aleksandrovskii rynok - passazh shop for ready-made clothes.  8/25:  she has traded at the market for 20 years; revived business in 1922 with husband’s partic.  3 raz; and 5 seamstresses/tailors attached to the shop.  Besides selling ready-to-wear, sells uniforms for various insts on contractual basis.  Sales 10,000.  Credit at several state, priv firms to 5000; pays acc.  9/26:  husband is the actual owner, though she is registered as such.   Buy cloth in M and L, mostly for cash, some for credit (veksely) and po otkrytym schetam.  Debitors owe 500-600, they owe 650 on vekseli, good for 500.


SZ-93.  Portnov, Alexandr Sergeevich (43) - A. S. Portnov i K-o.  L, tailor.  11/23:  prerev his shop (which he had for many years) on Troitskaia ul. был в числе портных, пользовавшихся в Петрограде известностью.  Nov 1, 1923 - opened another shop with Tauber and his uncle Breishtein in Gostinyi dvor at the address of the former Stavitskii store (on Nevskii).  3 raz; original store supplied with valuable goods worth 1500 cherv, Gost dvor shop - 1000.  Portnov has rep of del’nyi and orderly person, with means; always seen as good to do business with.  The one criticism one could make is that his store on Nevskii is so large, that it may not generate enough business to pay for maintenance.  5/24:  indeed, being liquidated.  4/26:  because of poor conjuncture on cloth market, the business was soon liquidated; they opened up a small konfektsionnyi mag at same spot.  However, not successful; by the end of 1924, protested vekseli.  Portnov then went back to tailoring, but in 3/26, said to have been arrested.  Tauber now works as a sluzh in Klevtsov’s store (at Gost dvor).


SZ-94.  Tiurin, Nik Iakovlevich (48, from Iaroslavl’ gub).  L, food shop.  5/25:  For many years he managed the food shop for a certain Voronin.  After rev, he had a food shop and pekarnia for a year on Novyi pereul. along with 3 partners.  Last year he split off, started his own food shop at Gavan’ - Vesel’naia ul.,  3 raz, with pek pri lavke (in name of hired baker).  Sells mainly to local workers, often for credit.  Stocks 600.  He is a member of two credit coops, which extend 200 rub.  Viewed as competent in his area; good for petty sums.


SZ-95.  Turygina, Klavdiia Il’ishchna, L, left bank Neva.  5/25:  Father a prerev trader of firewood who is now occupied in agric (rents 7 des) (though has a stake in his daughter’s business).  She has a kerosene and posuda shop near the Obukhov factory.  no info on sales.




U-1. Альтман, Исаак Маркович, 30 лет, и Уманский, Симка Волькович, 55 лет.  Алчевск, Луганск. окр.  Bakaleinaia.  has traded there since Oct 1, 1925 (just one month!)  3rd raz.  “In the past” Altman was a torgovets; Umanskii worked as a salesclerk.  2000 rub. monthly sales; approx same in stocks.  400 rub in debt.  Shop has commercial rels with several Kharkov organizations.  Not creditworthy, since financial resources not sufficient to compensate for short time in business (11.19.25).  6.14.26 - town renamed Voroshilov, continue to run retail bak trade.  Now sales only 1000 a month, while stocks 2000; indebted 1000, pay accurately, so can be issued further credit in small sum.


U-2.  Альтман, Иосиф Моисеевич, 30 years old, wine/liquor trade in Melitopol (ul. Trotskogo, d. 24), 5th raz.  Formerly belonged to his mother.  Firm existed in prerev period and now reportedly functions satisfactorily.  Wholesale (by order) and retail, total 12,000 rub/month; 25-30,000 rub worth in stocks; 12,000 in debt.  Отмечается солидность дела.  Gets 5000 rub in commodity credits from Mutual Credit Soc. [OVK], also has commodity credit from Narkomzem “Kryma”, Krymsel’bank, etc.  Pays up accurately; obviously creditworthy (in name of either mother or son).  8.24.26


U-3.  Al’tman, Perla Nusinovna and her sister Al’tman Тэма Nusinovna, Pivnaia in Iziaslavl’, Shepetovskii okr.  This pivnaia is located in their mother’s home.  Tema serves as salesclerk.  4th raz.  3000 r/month, have 1000 rub. in stocks.  Get 200 rub credit from local OVK, also has sought out private loans; recently had to petition for extension of payment time.  К кредитованию дела рекомендуют подходить с осторожностю.  5.21.28


U-4.  Альтман, Хая-Фейга Любовна.  50 years old, mother of Iosif Moiseevich (above).  Melitopol, ul. Trotskogo d. 24.  Firm has existed in same place “with a certain interruption” (turns out it was reopened in 1922) since 1895.  Currently sales = 17-20,000 a month; stocks 20-23,000.  5000 rub OVK credit line.  12.28.25.  Next:  4.8.26  firm continues to be very solid, satisfactory, growing.  Now has 35-40,000 rub stocks, credit line of 6000 at OVK, of which currently in debt 700.  In commercial circles, widely viewed as creditworthy.  12.20.26.  Son now runs firm; roughly the same.  8.27.27  now trade declining, though still described as solid and creditworthy:  monthly sales = 8000, stocks = 20,000; debts = 20,000 and 8000 owed to it.  Continues to enjoy solid rep and large credit line = 10,000 from state agencies and 15,000 from OVK.  In addition, A. owns a Crimean vineyard (in Sudaki).  2.7.28  same as before, though sales continue to decline (now 5,000-6,000); stocks = 20-22,000; now 6,000 in debt.  As before, the firm issues beverages to coops on credit; currently owed 4-5,000 rub.  Besides store and vineyard, also has a vinnyi pogreb in Melitopol.  credit line of 12,000; creditworthy “as before”; satisfactory payment.


U-5.  Aptekar’, Abram Iakovlevich.  Odessa, Mel’nichnaia ul., 22.  Owns d. 22, which was denationalized and returned to him in Feb 1924, valued then at 6940 rub.  Has 16 apts, four empty trade spaces; total monthly income of 60-65 rub, though has just rented two shops to Larek, expects higher income from the building.  Prerev, could have been called prosperous, but evidently lost a lot of his property; now trades from a lotka at the Alekseevskii bazaar (petty trade), and is trying to preserve his house.  Creditworthy to 50-70 r.  8.9.24.


U-6.  Apriamov, Grigorii Efremovich (plus silent partner, Ivan Kirillovich Chicha).  Trade in wine/alc, fruits, and edibles, Mariupol, Prospekt Respubliki, 10.  44 years old, family.  As of first, 10.22.27, this business has already existed for 5 years.  4th raz.  Satisfactory business:  5000 rub monthly sales, 3000 rub in stocks, 500 rubles in debt.  A good manager.  Creditworthy for modest sum.  8.10.28, business described as vinnyi pogreb and cafeteria with sales of wine and spirits, founded in 1924 (sic).  Vinnyi pogreb mostly belongs to Apriamov, trade business mostly to Chicha.  Pogreb = 2nd raz, trade 4th raz.  Satisfactory business:  total motnhly sales - 9-10,000, with 7000 in stocks; debts of 3000; 2500 owed to them.  OVK gives credit line of 1500, pays accurately.  Both proprietors also owns his own house, together worth 15,000.  Still creditworthy for modest sums.  4.18.29 - “Деятельность фирмы, как нам сообщают, протекает без существенных перемен.”  sales still 9000; stocks 6-7,000; indebted no more than 4000, 2500 owed to them.  No change in credit line or creditworthiness.  8.8.29:  creditworthiness unchanged, but sales have dropped to 7000 a month; amount owned to them has risen to 8,500, while they owe 5000.


U-7.  Алейников, А. К.  Макеевка, Дон губ.  рыбная торговля, 3rd raz.  Has sold fish and fish products in Makeevka since prerev times, except for a “short break.”  Brothers also involved in the business.  Monthly sales = 3000; stocks (zapas tovarov) - 7000.  No debts; buys his wares exclusively for cash (and sells in the same manner).  Viewed in commercial circles as a delovoi and honest commersant.  Pays up accurately for everything; could be issued modest credit.  11.4.25.


U-8.  Abazov, Pavel Karpovich, vinno-gastronomicheskaia and bakaleinaia torgovlia, at the bazaar square in Krasnyi Luch, Lugansk okr.  Retail.  Moved to Krasnyi Luch four years ago from Rostov/Don, bought a small domik and in 1923 opened a bakery (pekarnia).  Currently he has rented out the bakery, and since 1925 has run the above trade.  4th raz.  Business steadily growing; currently sales = 6000, stocks = 5000.  Firm 1500 in debt, with 1000 owed to it.  Good business reputation.  OVK gives 500 rub credit line.  Buys his wares at Rostov and Krasnodar markets.  Creditworthy for modest sums.  11.19.26. 


U-9.  Arinshtein, Il’ia Solomonovich.  Kiev.  50 years, comes from family of contractors (construction).  Up to 1923, fulfilled construction contracts for various orgs, but these were highly unprofitable, lost his money.  Now a lumber supplier (since 1924-5) to state agency Khimugol, but didn’t fulfill first large contract; Sugar trust trying to get money from him.  Bad commercial rep, given this past; has fled Kiev, certainly can’t get credit.  3.30.29.


U-10.  Aguf, Grigorii Gavrilovich.  Watch shop and repairs, Artemovsk, Artemovsk okr., pl. Svobody.  60 years old; has had this business since before rev.  Equipment worth 500-700 rub.  Pays up small loans accurately.  should be short term.  10.31.28.


U-11.  Agranovich, David Vol’kovich (50 years - 12.14.1923), and Grinberg, Izrail Davidovich, and Komarov, David Il’ich.  Kiev, ul. Voroskogo 17, kv. Verkh. Val # 34.  Transport-kommissionnaia kontora - ship grain to various northern organizations.  Agranovich is an old Kiev kommersant, had his own trading house, в солидном коммерческом мире занимал видное положение как очень дельный и опытный хлебопромышленник.  Отличаясь некоторой экспансивностью дела свои ведет все же осторожно.  Always pays accurately.  6.20.24.  With the other two Agranovich has rented a large mill in Vasil’kov (Kiev gub).  Rental contract for 3 years (to July 1, 1926); rent = 2000 puds of rye a year.  Komarov = main manager.  7th raz.  Handles 2000 puds of wheat and 1000 puds of rye a day; also has a division for simple grinding (to 1500 a day).  45 employees.  Has one week’s grain in stock, plus 10 vagony of flour.  Excellent kommersanty, creditwrothy to 3-4000 rub.  10.14.24.  the labor force has been sharply cut; therefore new credits should be issued with restraint.  4.3.25  Although scale of business cut back, production continues to go normally without interruptions.  Problems connected to the disadvantageous for millers flour market conjuncture, in light of the   vvoza zakordonnoi muki, which doesn’t allow local millers to compete with a better price at the mesta sbyta.  6.27.25  creditworthy to 3000; back to 1924 conds.


U-12.  Amkhanitskii Mordko Ianovich, Petrovka, Kiev g.  Former trader, now unemployed, dependent on his children.  No resources at all.  Forget about getting any back payments out of him.  10.4.29.


U-13.  Poretskii El’ Mordkov (or Mordkovich), 50 years, prerev owner of a large bakaleinoe concern in same town (opened 10-15 years ago), and Anopel’skii Ber Duvidov (or Borukh Duvidovich), 45 years, former owner of a cloth shop.  Mestechka Fundukleevka, Cherkassk. okr.  1924 opened bak shop, 3rd raz. - mainly retail with some petty opt.  5000 rub stocks; few additional money resources; own their own homes.  Good rep; creditworthy for 500 r.  10/26.  Next, 12/28/27:  Poretskii has just liquidated the firm, which was thought of as one of the largest local private businesses.  Now unemployed; has a good rep, but obviously can’t get credit.


U-14.  Andrachnikovy, Leiba Shmuelov (50 years) and sons (23 and younger).  Odessa, two shops:  ul. Zhukovskogo #24, Staro-Bazaar. pl.  Торговля случайной мебелью и мастерская по ремонту мебели и матрацов.  Business founded in 1900 on ul. Lekkerta 125/7, and after a 2-year break, reopened at same address.  This year (report 9.26.25), moved to ul. Zhukovskogo.  Repair shop = 1st raz, trade 3rd raz, second shop also 3rd raz (note:  each in a diff family member’s name).  In connection with expanding furniture market, business growing.  Sales = 5000; stocks - 8000; to them owed 700, they owe 4000 (mostly from private inds).  Buy furniture from private inds and also kustari and fix them up (workshop employs 3 workers).  Buy materials from local ec agencies, which give credit lines of 100, likewise OVK - 100.  Pay accurately.  Creditworthy for several hundred.  update, 9.2.26 - unchanged.


U-15.  Angelov, Rudolf D., kustarnoe production of kvas and halvah, Dnepropetrovsk, Kalininskii pereul. 26.  9/27:  Small business; promyslovyi license.  Sells 600-700 rub/month, has 500 rub equipment and 400 rub inventory (4000 bottles).  Little capital.  Pays accurately; creditworthy for petty sums.  3/28:  has added candy to product line, along with halvah (in winter), kvas in summer.  unchanged creditworthiness.


U-16.  Ananov, Iosif Alekseevich, 63 years, Kharkov, ul. Sv. Akademii, 18.  Wine trade; added vodka in May 1925.  Owes 1000 rub. to state organs; sales of wine have dropped off sharply.  12/26:  in the past (prerev?) had a fish/gastronom shop in Kharkov.  Now 4th raz.  Sales = up to 8000/month; stocks to 10,000; debts 2000.  Expenditures on rent and wage payments = to 400 a month.  Does not try to get bank credit; viewed as competent trader.  Pays on time.  Creditworthy.


U-17.  Alesinskii, Meer Zeilikov, fuel (i.e. firewood) warehouse “Posrednik” (since 4/26), Kharkov okr., Levada (Don rr).  1/27:  Has lived in Kharkov since 1916, when had same business.  1922-4 had a thread factory (with partners) and a galant. shop.  Prerev lived in Lisichanskii raion, where he and family owned a coal mine.  Has invested 15,000 rub into this business; trade slow this season.  Also sells lumber.  Price cuts on fuel have given him losses on fuel he purchased in 1926, so should not be issued credit, despite experience and rep.


U-18.  Absadzhanov, Dmitrii Alekseevich, bakaleinaia shop, Kharkov, Grekovskaia d. 72.  1/28:  spent 1922-26 working as a waiter in a “Novaia Bavaria” pub; July 1926 opened his own bak shop, 3rd raz.  Trade = petty; monthly sales not greater than 700-800 rub, stocks 200 rub.  Not currently in debt.  Shop rent = 20 rub/month; 100 rub annual taxes, paid up in full.  Little known in commercial circles due to the insignificance of his business; not viewed as creditworthy.


U-19.  Avrutis, Abraam Chaimovich (52) with Epel’baum I.M. and Khaid I.S. - have cloth and galant. shop in Kiev, ul. Vorovskogo 38.  11/23:  opened 7/22.  Avrutis’s partners participate only on the cloth side.  Before opening, bought some 1000 gold r worth of various cloths, currently have 1000-1500 gold r worth of cloth and 600-700 of gal in stock; monthly sales roughly 300 gold r.  Has shortterm credit from Tekstilsindikat.  Prerev:  Avrutis had 3 gal stores in Kiev, diff locations.  Currently, besides shop owns a dacha in Sviatoshino, denationalized.  Reputation:  solid and honest kommersant, fully reliable.  Creditworthy for modest sums.  8/24 update:  good stocks, but trade feeble due to general conjuncture.  Creditworthy to 1000.  12/24:  better.  3/25:  a check for 1700 has bounced; intend to close shop on April 1.  9/25:  nonetheless, the gal. shop - separated off from the cloth dept in 1924 - “Mars” continues under management of A’s relative Dymarskii (28); sales now 3000-4000; stocks insignif.  Creditworthy to 200.  9/26:  Mars still alive and well, sales now 6000-7000, and cloth back in; stocks admittedly weighed down by slow-moving galant.; got new partner, Aron Efimovich Gordon, who invested 3000 r, brought a bit out of financial diffs; now creditworthy for 400-500.


U-20.  Ali, Mustafa Ogly.  Bread and pastry shop; also fruits.  Kiev, ul. Karla Marksa 6.  50 years.  10/26:  opened this month, 3rd raz.  Ali owns a fruit orchard in Crimea and a billiard hall in Kiev (ul. Engel’sa, no. 1); altogether inventory = 2-3000.  Prerev trader with good rep, but diff to give a credit assessment.  1/27:  now sales at shop = 1200-1500 a month; has taken small loans from private inds, paid up. ok for 100-150 rub credit.


U-21.  Бейрак, Берта Абрамовна.  торговля чулоч. и галант. товарами.  Харьков.  Market stall.  has traded there since 1921.  Prerev lived in Vilnius, where worked in a triko wholesale firm.  2nd raz license.  Monthly sales = 2,000 rub with approx same in stocks.  Not in debt.  Uses credit in small sums from several trade orgs, pays accurately.  Solid commersantka.  12.9.26.  ps. 10.10.27  still about the same.


U-22.  Бейрах, Эстер Яковлевна.  Бак торг, Kiev.  24 лет.  opened shop in this location in Nov, 1926, with relative Z. Kas’minsk, who is a bak specialist.  Beirakh runs it.  3rd raz.  sales = 2-2,500; stocks = 1000.  debts = 300-400; customers owe her 200-300.  buys mainly from private wholesalers for cash.  Poor accounting; exercise caution.  5.19.27.

U-23.  Бейм, Ицко Иосифовицч.  Посудная торговля, Житомир.  40 лет.  3 раз.  successful trade = 3000 rub /month, stocks same.  Occasionally has experienced financial probs, taken out small loans from private inds.  pays accurately.  Ok for small credit.  3.9.28.


U-24.  Бейлис, Арон Израилович.  Киев.  контрагент, 54 года.  Worked in several businesses, for a construction co, then flourmill, then Torgstroitel’.  He took a loss on that one, which led him to leave commercial activity, take position as chairman of the admin of Mutual credit soc “Amso”.  At same time, silent partner in brothers’ business, profitable, enabled him to pay off creditors.  Now part of sewer construction co., viewed as profitable - however, since not independent owner, should not get credit.  12.2.27


U-25.  Бейлис Беньямин Аронович (28 лет) и Крицберг Давид Абрамович (30 лет).  Киев, галантерея.  Бывшие служащие Киевских крупных галантерейных фирм, в наст время имеют 2 мастерские галстуков и трико.  Employ 7 workers (plus selves and family members).  Fill orders for local galant. stores and for their own shop just down road from workshops.  creditworthy to 2000 rub.  5.30.24.


U-26.  Бейлис Герш Менделев и Вольф Менделев.  Киев.  cloth trade.  age 22 and 25.  prerev lived in местечке Tripol’e (Kiev gub), where worked as prikazchiki у мелких мануфактуристов Фрадлина и Белецкого.  По приезде в Киев они занялись торговлей мануф. не открывая магазина.  Для закупки мануф. бр. Бейлис совершали поездки в Москву.  В 1922 открыли магазин в Гостинном ряду.  relocated to another spot in same in Oct.  Had credit of 100 cherv. and 91 cherv from former Gospodar.Soiuz, paid off only slightly late.  Stocks worth 200 cherv.   energetic, honest.  10.16.23.


U-27.  Бейм Борс Тодоросович и Слепак Яков Осипович (34, 32 лет).  shoe trade.  rent half of a shop from to-vo “Silk House.”  Last year, these partners did a shoe trade unofficially, and still early had the same kind of thing at diff spots.  Slepak used to work for father’s clothing trade.  3rd raz.  Monthly sales = 4-5,000, stocks = 5-6,000 (only half paid for).  Shoes made by nearby kustari, purchased at local market from private firms.  ok for 300 rub, considering general state of private shoe market.  10.7.26


U-28.  Бейлинзон Ефим Захаровицч и Самуил З.  ст. Дружковка, пос. Яковлевка.  Галантер. торговля.  brothers; opened retail galant trade in 1923.  Prerev worked for analogous priv firms.  License under both names.  Satisfactory sales - 1,800, stocks = 1000.  Not in debt.  creditworthy as long as both sign.  3.16.28.


U-29.  Бейлин, Ното Лейзерович.  Рознич. торговля разн. тов.  М. Чернужи, Луб. округ.  has had trade for 3 years, 3 raz.  1000 rub sales, 1,500 rub stocks.  ok rep.  ok for several hundred rub.  9.24.25


U-30.  Бейлин, И. В. (26 лет) and two partners Окунев И.М. (36 лет) и Трейстер, Я. Л. (37).  Харьков, Кож. торговля.  родственники.  started trading in March 1923.  До этого времени владельцы занимались скупкой и перепродажей кож. товара на местных базарах.  Затем, благодаря связям, они удачно купили в Донбассе партию кожтоваров и, заработав приличную сумму денег, открыли торговлю.  Stocks small; monthly sales have reached 200-300 cherv., but due to trade stagnation of present, they have declined.  Need money.  Prerev Okunev and Treister were лесопромышленники, торговали дровами.  given trade stagnation, better not to give credit.  11.25.23.


U-31.  Бейлин, Залман Беркович, 45 лет, prerev owner of leather factory and two big shoe stores, now rents his former factory.  Kiev.  4 workers, 2nd raz.  mainly produces soles, sells on the local market.  good rep, ok sales; good for 2-2,500 rub.  6.14.2” (sic)


U-32.  Ривкин Я.И. и Бейлин И. С.  Бак., табач. trade, town Priluki.  wholesale/retail, founded by Beilin in 1922, 4th raz.  2nd partner involved since 1925.  successful; 20,000 rub /month.  solid - no real info on past. 9.27.26


U-33.  Бык, Абрам Якиров (49 лет), и Курганский Иосиф Мееров (59 лет).  Firewood - have sold for many years.  Now have rented an uchastok by Kiev rr station.  4th raz.  Monthly sales = 20-25,000.  successful, solid rep.  creditworthy to 1,500.  10.26.26.


U-34.  Бохонская Серафима Кондратьевна.  trade in dairy, confectionary, tobacco.  Odessa.  Opened last year, actual owner = husband (57 years), в прошлом имевший в городе несколько будок, из коиз производил мелочную торговлю а в послед. время торговавший из двух киосков по ул. К. Маркса и у. Меринга.  3rd raz.  Дело мелочное - sales = 600rub, stocks = 150.  debts 100 rub.  not creditworthy.  2.16.27.


U-35.  Бохан, Евгений Иван., 45 лет, по проф юрист., Киев.  имеет в дачной местности Дарница оранжерейно-парниковое садоводство и цветоводство, состоящее из 5 оранжерей с 200 парниковых рам.  30 (or 3?) workers; practical man, solid rep.  creditworthy for 500 rub.  8.18.24.


U-36.  Botkov Petr Serg.  Cloth trade, Poltava.  Opened in 1923.  sales = 3000 cherv. ok.  3.29.24.  8.20.25 - addition, still going well, stocks = 20,000 rub.  wholesale-retail.  solid.


U-37.  Bos’ko Sergei Kuz’mich (35) and Stefaniia Leopol’dovna (32 years) (spouses).  Kiev, bazaar.  retail trade bak-flour goods, started at beginning of NEP.  3rd raz.  sales = 3000-4000 rub; stocks = 3000.  In addition, own dachas in Sviatoshino, talking about selling one.  Buy goods at the Petrovka private wholesale market for cash.  Ok for 300-400.  7.14.27.


U-38.  Bertman, Lev Abramovich, 36 years Odessa, bak and flour shop.  5/27:  Prerev employee (sluzh) of bak firm Korenman at the Old Bazaar, then opened own business, which operated for several years.  Opened current business in 1922, 3rd raz.  brother helps.  sales 3000-3500; stocks roughly 2000; customers owe him 400, he owes 1000.  Buy wares from private market and local ec organs. Creditable 300-400 rub. 6/28:  license renewed, but sales have dropped somewhat “в связи с недостатком ряда продуктов на рынке” - now 2,500/month.  Continues to receive credit from 2 local khoz organs and from private market.  Credit unchanged.  10/28:  renovated premises, which has lowered available capital; but sales now include baked bread, which has again raised them to 3000 /month.  Still pays accurately; credit unchanged. 


U-39.  Bandoil, Dora Simkhovna - actually business run by her husband Moisei Mordkov Bandoil and nephew Isaak Abramovich Fainman.  Odessa, bak shop.  Prerev Bandoil traded in Pervomaisk, and for awhile at the New Bazaar in Odessa; Fainman worked in his father’s analogous business on Peresyp (big street in Odessa, as I recall).  Sales = 700 rub/month; have 250 rub/month in stock.  III raz.  buy wares for cash and short-term credit from torgovtsev-raznoschikov.  Poor commercial rep. 4/26.


U-40.  Balter, Vlad. Borisovich, Kiev ob, Petrovka, Gostinnyi riad #42.  Kustarnaia bed-making masterskaia.  4/28:  42 years old, worked several years for local private wholesale furniture firms.  В период революции он вел широкую торговлю кроватной арматурой, которой снабжал почти всех кустарей кроватного производства.  about a year ago opened bed shop, considered one of the most solid of these businesses.  the masterskaia has 3rd raz license, 6 workers.  Produces approx 300 English beds a month, for 10-12,000 rub.  Has stocks of raw materials, polufabrikaty, and finished products worth roughly the same.  Always pays up any small loans immediately, accurate bookkeeping; good rep.  Nonetheless, in light of recent decline in demand for beds, recommend limiting credits to modest sums with very explicitly defined terms of repayment.


U-41.  Berzhanskii, L.M.  10.9.25, Volynia gub., Chudnov, Berdichevskii okr.  Owner has had a retail cloth shop for 20 years, now 3rd raz.  Small scale:  sales 1500 /month, approx same stocks.  Enjoys commodity credit from various private firms; pays accurately.  Insig debts.  Good rep.  Creditable 200 rub.


U-42.  Bereslavskii, Boris Ilich.  Ekaterinoslav - trades from own home on Kerosinnaia, 2; prepares and sells kvas.  6/25:  Opened business with his son David 4.1.25; работа протекает бойко и дело развивается.  Decent equipment worth some 5000 rub.; small reserve of raw materials.  Prerev traded at the Ozernyi bazaar, viewed as trustworthy.  Creditable to several hundred rub.  6/27  seems that the same pair also has a carpentry business.  As of end of 1924, they began producing beds.  Prerev had a major furniture business in Ekaterinoslav.  Now 6-7 people work in shop, business growing; produce various iron bedsteads worth 5-6000 rub/month (according to retail price).  6-7000 rub stocks.  Now kvas business called a “kvasnoi zavod,” sales described as 2000/month in summer.  good rep, accurate books and payments, has long-term credit from OVK to 1500 rub (doesn’t use it all), commercial circles view him as creditable for another 1000-1500.


U-43.  Bernshtein, Vol’f Solomonovich.  5/25:  Odessa.  currently doesn’t have a business.  В свое время занимался хлебным делом, имея собственные участки земли и хутора и работал в крупном масштабе.  Недавно совершил крупную сделку с зерном для Москвы, им провел ее через Одесское Отеление УкрГоспосредника, выговорил для себя 40% чистой прибыли.  Правление последнего обнаружив большой заработок Бернштейна сообщил об этом ГПУ, которое арестовало его и заставляло вернуть полученную сумму, как незаконную.  О Бернштейне отзывается, как об энергиченом, работоспособном и предприимчивом дельце, когда-то зажиточном, но в наст. время разоренным и неимеющим никаких средств.  against credit.  has clippin from Ivestiia:  3/3/24:  his personal property sold off in a public sale, run by police of his raion of Odessa.


U-44.  Blagovisnyi, Fedot Andreevich.  village of Viazovok, Shevchenko okr., Kiev gub, Ol’shanskaia ul.  11/24:  rents a nationalized mill, which was built in 1909 by him and is a modest-sized enterprise with one gas generator and a small number of workers.  Monthly product = several hundred puds.  Before 1909 B. worked the land, acquired 11 desiatins as property.  Informed sources say that mill equipment is сильно изношено и дело идет мало успешно; moreover he doesn’t have a “fully solid rep” = makes payments tardily, keeps poor books.  Max credit 100 rub.


U-45.  Bograd, Vul’f Aizikov and Mendel’ Aizikov (brothers).  Kherson:  bak and cloth shop.  6/25:  Vul’f = 36 years old; coowner = 50-year-old Koganov Isaak Rafailovich, a cloth trader.  Bograd has traded in Kherson for many years; opened this business in 1921, with 3rd raz license.  Sales = 15,000 / month, stocks = 8000.  Credit to 500-1000.  11/25:  since 1917, the brothers have sold bak and cloth from this address.  4th raz under Vul’f’s name.  Prerev also traders.  Sales = 30,000 /month; have stocks of 15,000; personal debts of 7000.  Enjoy commodity credit from Nikolaevsk and Odessa khozorgans.  rep = “solid traders”; good for 2000 rub credit.  5/26.  currently the cloth dept has been liquidated, while bak and tobacco trade has expanded; monthly sales = the same.  Financial conds = same; info on debitors (to them), mostly мелкие периферийные торговцы - owe 6000.  They owe a few thousand themselves; always pay accurately, credit still good.  12/26:  now monthly sales = 12,000; stocks = 15,000; people owe him 10,000.  Credit still good.  2/27:  December sales = 15,000, Jan somewhat lower.  Stocks = 20,000 pri customer debts of 7-8000 to him, and his debts of 15,000.  Pay promptly, but В ближайщее время фирму ожидают серьезные денежные затруднения, в связи с предстоящими большими фискальными платежами.  5/27.  checks have bounced (Векселя фирмы протестуются).  trying to put off tax payments.


U-46.  Boguslavskaia Sura Mordukhovna, cherno-bakaleinaia and fish trade, Krivoi Rog, Oktiabr’skaia ul. - Bazaar.  2/28:  opened business in beginning of 1926; 3rd raz.  sales 1200-1300 month; stocks 800.  debts 500.  Satisfactory business rep.  Small commodity credit from local state agencies; pays correctly.  good for petty sums.


U-47.  Briskin, Shmul’ Gershevich (46 years - 10/24); Aron Mikhailovich Kaplan (45); and Aron Chaimovich Gurevich (33).  Kiev, Podol, Nizhnii Val, 31.

                                4/22/24.  Briskin and Kaplan, with one Pogrebinskii, opened up an opt store in June 1922 at this address, 4th raz; have goods worth 2000 chervontsy in stock; bought half on credit from local khozorgans and privateers; good trade; good rep; good for 200 rub credit.

                                10/27/24.  Now group as above.  before Oct 1 traded bak goods with the Pogrebinsky cousins, now independently.  3rd raz under Briskin’s name, with others listed as coowners.  Store (magazin) has signif stocks - Fininspection demands that they increase license to 4th, since in terms of sales, the firm could be considered wholesale.  accurate in payments.  Kreditburo says “in the absence of objective conditions -- e.g. high tax assessments -- they can be issued commodity credit in the range of 1500-2000 rub.” 

                                11/15/24:  Pogrebinskii cousins’ Bak-colonial and tobacco shop, N. Val 31.  Phrase:  torguiut na Podole (later, na Petrovke).  to end of last year, 2 of four brothers sold separately at Galitskii bazaar, but then joined firm.  3rd raz; good sales, solid stocks; commodity credit from gosorgans, private inds.  Both prerev and now pay up accurately; credit to 2000. 

                                12/13/24.  fininspection has agreed to 3rd raz for Briskin, et al, bak shop “Universal’”. 

                                5/23/25:  continue to trade on same scale as before.  6000 rub of wares in stock; 2500 debts, plus small commodity credits from Kiev Otdelenie Vakota and Trest Zhirkost’.  No complaints about them; credit unchanged. 

                                9/17/25:  still have 3rd raz license, though sales = 25-30,000 rub/month; stocks = 12-15,000; debitors owe them 5000; they owe 8000.  Buy goods in Vakote and others for cash and credit.  Good checks and rep - credit to 1500. 

                                1/8/26 (now Podol called Petrovka; rest unchanged):  now 4th raz; monthly sales of 50-60,000, stocks of 20-25,000 in the store, of which approx 50% bought on credit from Sakharotrest, Chaeupravlenie, Odesstorg, Zhirkosti, and private firms (for cash and credit).  Pay accurately; credit to 3000. 

                                4/3/26:  sales have dropped somewhat (no data); still 4th raz; stocks down to 15,000; debts 6-7000.  credit unchanged. 

                                6/7/26:  no signif changes; sales still 40,000; stocks 20,000 of which 10-12,000 bought on credit; still accurate, good rep; credit unchanged. 

                                7/26/26:  list of partners includes a second Gurvich, alongside 35-year-old Aron Chaimovch, now 36 year-old Samson Grigorevich; Kaplan’s age now given as 43, while Briskin’s = 48.  Sales 35,000, rest unchanged.  Taxes - urav. sbor in 3rd qua = 1557, paid on time.  credit 2-3000. 

                                11/6/26:  now 5th raz.  sales = 40,000; stocks 15,000; debts 5-6,000; debitors owe them 7-8000.  Отмечают, что компаньоны ведут коммерческие операции несколько превышающие финансовые возможности фирмы.  Поскольку, однако, фирма в расчетах соблюдает аккуратность, предоставление ей кредита в прежных размерах считают возможным. 

                                1/29/27:  По последним сведением, компаньоны в последнее время избегают торговли малорентабельными товарами и операции по продаже сахара ранее занимавшие в товарообороте фирмы значительное место сокращены до минимума.  now main items = bak-flour goods and paper.  tovarnyi fond = 20,000 rub, of which 3-5000 owed to suppliers; checks still enjoy credit at gor. OVK to 2-3000 rub.  Bank at the Kievo-Petrovskoe O-vo Prombanka.  In Petrovka, considered one of the biggest bak traders - still creditworthy as before.

                                4/15/27:  Universal’s main wares are paper and colonial goods.  Recently lost money on sales of “Verzhe” (Vergiers?) paper.  sales 35,000, with 20,000 in stock, half of which owed to suppliers.  Debitors owe store 5000.  Bills of purchase still used to obtain goods on credit from OVK.  Commercial circles continue to praise.  “Notwithstanding the current stagnation in trade, the firm’s previously noted fin. difficulties, are outlived.” credit to 3000.

                                6/20/27:  sales have signif dropped (to 20-25,000 a month) in connection with the usual summer flat period.  Plenty of goods in stock.  Owners observed to be relying more and more on bills of purchase.  Fin inspectors are insisting on shifting firm to 6th raz, in connection with which one hears rumors about the possible liquidation of the firm.

                                9/2/27:  rumors have become stronger, firm appears to be moving towards liquidation, or at least serious reduction in scale.  Credit impossible under the circs.

                                [10/1/27:  firm Universal liquidated.]

                                11/9/27:  One month later, 11/1/27, Briskin and AM Kaplan opened another bak wholesale shop at N Val, 29 (previously 31!), took out 4th raz license.  Paid off all of Universal’s bills in the meantime.  Their customer base = provincial traders; they mainly obtain goods from gosorgans.  Have 6-7000 rub worth in stock, owe creditors 2000.  Still have good rep, though credit probably premature.

                                12/7/27:  sales last month = 30,000, stocks up to 12-13,000, of which 5-6,000 owed.  buy wares from local gosorgans and non-local private firms for cash and credit.  Accurate payments, again viewed as energetic and experienced traders, though “отмечают склонность к развитию операций несоответственно собственным капиталом.”

                                5/8/28:  sales up to 40-50,000, with assortment of khodkie goods worth 12-15,000, of which owe 3-4,000.  As always, well thought of; but “учитывая некоторые неблагоприятные моменты, рекомендуют кредиты предоставить только на короткие сроки.”

                                3/27/29.  principal item = colonial goods, which sell in large lots.  Unusually high turnover.  Uravsbor based on annual sales of 370,000 rub.  Of late most purchases have been made for cash (keep 12-15,000 rub/worth in stock); debts not more than 1,500.  accurate bookkeeping, payments, good rep, but “в виду общей неустойчивости частного торгового рынка, в коммерческих взаимоотношениях с фирмой рекомендуют соблюдать осторожность.”


U-48.  Vertgeim, Shulim Leibov (40 years) and Zhuravlivker Mordko Srulev (28), cloth trade, Odessa.  2/27:  formerly they co-owned a wholesale cloth firm, “Kh. Shaferman i K-o,” liquidated 1/1/27, opened current shop (on Aleksandrovskaia, 9) on Feb 1.  3rd raz (in both names).  Supplied through Iuzhnyi Roznichnik в плановом порядке по нормированным ценам при обязательстве продаже по установленной расценке.  Sales of 6000 in Feb, in first 3 weeks of March 7000; have 15,000 rub/worth in stocks, of which 2000 owed.  Buy from supplier for cash, though VTS has just issued 2000 rub of linen cloth on credit.  Uses bills of purchase at OVK for several thous.  viewed as “tolkovye kommersanty”; Zhurav. has invested 30,000 rub of own money in the business, V. only 3000.  Insured for 8000.  Own their own homes worth 10,000.  creditworthy.  7/27:  monthly sales now 15,000; have 18,000 in stocks.  only other change is that Zhur. has sold his home.


U-49.  Vaviants, Arutiun Vardkesovich, wine-bak shop, Kharkov.  7/25:  Moved to Kharkov from Cauc in early 1924, opened shop on Karl Liebknecht st that June for fruit and bak sales.  Now also sells vodka.  4th raz.  1500 rub stocks; 200 in debt.  3000 rub sales.  urav sbor for this year = 600 rub.  rel unknown in trade circles; good for modest sums.  4/26:  now has stocks of 4000, sales of 5000.  His father helps out; good rep.


U-50.  Vytigailovskii Gersh Abramovich (39) and Aleksandr Solomonovich Khaiutin:  Nikopol’ (Krivorozh. okr), Bazarnaia 42-3.  Bak torg.  12/26:  opened business 12/1/26.  Vyt. experienced:  opened own business at beginning of Nep, for past two years had analogous business with a diff partner (Kozakovskii).  Khaiutin clerked in various bak firms until this point.  2-2500 rub sales in first two weeks of existence; stocks of 4-5000; owe 3000.  satisfactory oborotnye sredstva.  Owns a home worth 3-4000; credit ok for modest sums.  3/27:  now sales 3-3500 rub., exclusively retail.  stocks same, owe 4000.  Owners have been experiencing financial diffs, resort to loans from private inds.  pay up accurately; credit unchanged.  7/27:  now called bak/tobacco.  3rd raz. no sig change.  11/27:  Khaiutin left the business, but business unchanged.


U-51.  Vykhodets Isaak Abramovich, kond. and chocolate izd., Odessa.  10/20/25:  business opened in 1922, 3rd raz. kond trade and 2nd kond production.  Until 1920 lived in Kazatin, where had a vinno-gastronom. shop.  Now business equipped with electric motor, etc. (worth 2000 rub), employs 3 workers.  Wife works in the shop.  Sales 3-4000; have 3000 rub of finished products in stock, owes 1000 rub.  good rep as accurate, but without means.  credit to several hundred.  4/8/26:  in connection with shortage of raw materials on market for chocolate preparation, V. has cut back production, paid off workers, and currently produces himself when nec.  Still viewed as accurate but since his business is small, resources few, credit should be approached with caution.  1/4/27:  renewed production license in 1st raz, trade 3rd (latter in wife’s name).  Now employs 1-2 workers in production; sells choc almost exclusively at own shop.  General stagnation in trade =\ slow trade.  sales 3500; 3000 in stock.  Buys materials on priv market for cash.  5/27:  also sells through local buffets (mainly ice cream).  his capital has grown; now also buys from gosorgany.  sales unchanged.  good rep.  10/27:  sales = 4500.  when he isn’t using his workshop, rents it out to petty kustari by the hour.  We are told that since V has some free cash resources, he has paid his son-in-law, Eremenko, to buy and sell cloth in Moscow (profitable).


U-52.  Vol’fson, Fruma Srulevna (36).  Kiev/Bessarabka, runduk, no. 4. Bak trade.  Opened retail shop at this address (s runduka) in 1923, 2nd raz, 60-80 rub/ day sales, stocks = 700, owes 400.  Buys mainly from local opt. firms on small credit, pays accurately.  ok for 100-150.  5/28:  sales have risen to 3000 / month, otherwise same.  9/28 - same, but recommends against credit.


U-53.  Veksler, Moshko Shlomov (65).  Bershad’, Tul’chinskii okr.  Leather.  10/25:  has had shop since 1922; sons participate.  3rd raz.  2000-2500 monthly sales, same in stocks.  500 rub debts.  Inadequate capital, payments sometimes late, but accurate.  Отмечая некоторые теневые стороны его характера, кредитовать на небольшую сумму в размеру пары сот рублей считают возможны (no expl!)


U-54.  Veksler, Avrum Meerovich.  Korosten’, Volynia gub.  12/30/24:  he opened his shop for galant., perfume, and gastron. goods in 1910.  small business:  sales = 1500 /month with roughly same stocks; owes 1000.  Lacks oborotnye means, resorts to loans from priv inds.  Pays accurately; owns small denationalized house.  credit ok to 250.  2/28:  now sales = 2-2500; debts minimal.  Modest credit.


U-55.  Veisblat, Rakhil Chaimovna, Nizhnedneprovsk (Dneprop. ok).  11/26:  sells tobac-bak goods from own home; husband unofficially takes part.  3rd raz.  Melkaia trade, monthly sales 500 rub, stocks same.  buys goods for cash.  good rep for melkie sums.


U-56.  Vanek, Karl Frantsevich (28).  Slaviansk, Bazar runduk # 13.  Cloth trade.  12/23:  in the past he clerked in the big cloth firm, Izvekova.  With announcement of NEP, opened small cloth business with partners, but they left a month ago.  Firm = small, buys cloth on credit from Kharkov firms but only to 75 rub; should not get much credit (to 50 chervontsy).  6/25:  has a partner, who also sold in big cloth mercantile house in the past.  3rd raz.  sales 2500; stocks 4000.  buy for cash, no debts.  Viewed as solid and honest; credit ok.


U-57.  Varshavskii Mark (Mordko) Abramovich.  Kharkov, ul. Sverdlova 31.  tailor for leather suits and work clothes.  4/27:  from 1922-5 V. sold leather at the central market.  Now (past two years) has 1st raz kustar license; sells 3000 worth a month; stocks of 3-4000; debt 1000.  Enjoys commodity credit from OVK to 500.  good rep; ok for modest sums.


U-58.  Vinter - owns a building, rents it out (not good for this).


U-59.  Povodator, Fishel’ Mendelev, 40 years; Izrael’ Il’ich Bel’for, 20.  Odessa, chocolate production/sales (kustari).  10/25:  Opened shop this June; P worked for 20 years in various local candy factories, and for past 8 months both owners were part of an analogous candy coop artel.  Equipped with 2000 rub worth of stuff.  1st raz kust.  sales 2000; have finished stocks 800 rub.  Owe 600 for raw materials (buy from local khozorgans), 700 for other.  Sell through local and out-of-town torgovtsy.  Good rep; good for 200 rub.  3/26:  sales up to 5000 in Feb., debts somewhat down; good for several hundred.


U-60.  Gamerman Vol’f Izrailovich 20 years.  Zhmerinka.  9/27:  opened a small galanter. shop in July; before that sold galantereia from a tray.  His shop now located inside the Goroanskii stationery shop (approx half of the trading space).  3rd raz.  sales 1000; stocks 500; debts 300.  No protests over his checks, but in light of his lack of capital, his youth, and the short duration of his business to date, not creditworthy.  8/28:  says that the business has existed since 1924 (presumably when he took out the license).  Now sales 1500, stocks 1000; debts 500.  commodity credit at OVK 200, plus small credit at other state orgs.  New partner, Gorbanskii.  Ok for petty sums.  12/28:  sales 3500, stocks 4500; Gorbanskii now the head, has better rep.  4/29:  in connection with unfavorable conjuncture, sales down to 1800-2000, stocks 1200, creditors owe them 800.  OVK has cut their credit to 200 commodity, 300 cash.  Resort to loans from privateers.  be careful with credit, limit to insignif sums.


U-61.  Gershanovich, Veniamin Evnov, 34 years.  g. Zinovievsk, candy kustar’.  3/28:  Opened in 1923, 1st promyslovyi raz.  Wife and apprentice help.  Small-scale; for the past two weeks hasn’t sold anything, has 300 rub in stocks.  Probably the closure of petty private trading businesses, especially in the provinces, has affected his business; also hurt by debitors’ failure to pay up.  Has 150 rub commodity credit with OVK.  no credit.


U-62.  Gershengorn, Nukhim Iankelevich, 45 years (alternatively 55 years), Kiev, Petrovka, N. Val, 37.  6/25, 12/25.  Has a little warehouse of smazochnykh (oils and other) products in the courtyard of this building, which he opened in 1922.  During the first years of the rev he moved to Kiev from a village in Kiev gub, where he had an analogous business.  Buys products on the local market, using credit at the Neftesindikat sklads and from private inds for cash.  Has some 3000 rub in stock, owes 500.  Trades successfully - 3000-4000 a month.  3rd raz.  good for 300.


U-63.  Gol’dfarb, Iankel’ Shmulevich, 45 years.  Kiev.  Rents 3 solodoveiannykh factories in Cherkassy, Spol, and Novo-Mirgorod with five partners.  Pays 2300 a year in rent, produces 4,000 puds a month; employs 12 workers.  Have raw materials for a motnh, fuel for two.  Sell in L.  Good for 2000 rub.


U-64.  Gerlovskii Lev Borisovich and Grinshtein Ita Izrailovna.  Kiev, Podol, N. Val, 33.  Paint store.  5/24:  It is big, owned by Grinshtein before the rev, then revived by her in 1922.  Gerlovskii joined the company in Jan 1924.  3rd raz in both names.  before this, Gerlovskii had his own paint factory at Mena station.  Big supply of paints, successful trade, good rep as solid people of means.  credit for 2000.


U-65.  Goland, Iakov Nukhimovich, 40 years.  4/26:  Zhitomir (Volynia), opt-roz galant. store.  Has had it with a short break since 1912.  3rd raz.  4-5000 stocks, minimal debts.  5000 sales.  commodity credit of 300 at Ovk, of which he is a member of the pravlenie.  solid person, gradually expanding firm; good for 500-600 rub.


U-66.  Gol’dberg Abram Tsalikov (28 yrs), Ofengendin Peisakh Borokhov (36 yrs).  9/25:  Kiev.  Since 1918, they have had two bakeries (pekarni), of which one works year-round, the other just in the summer.  Bake 50 puds a day at main one, 20 at the other.  Buy flour at the mill for cash and credit.  Good for 200.


U-67.  Gol’brodskii Isaak Iakovlevich, 45 yrs.  Kiev, Vladimirskii bazar, runduk #5.  5/24:  for past two years has traded in scrap iron at this bazaar.  Moved to Kiev in 1922 fro Fastov[o], where had a mechanical masterskaia and sold scrap iron.  small business - 2nd raz, has insig stocks, trade is going poorly.  Viewed as honest but lacks means.  Max 100 rub credit.


U-68.  Gofaizen Samuil Markovich (50 yrs) and Chaim Gofaizen and Abram Mikhelev L’vovich.  9/26:  4th raz dairy stall in Nikolaev, Bazaar, inside stone building.  good business:  10,000 sales, small stocks (1500) due to perishability of product.  Buy wares on private market for cash; said to have means, have good rp.  Sam. Gofaizen is a prerev trader.  6/27 - unchanged.


U-69.  Gel’brukh, Iankel’ Peisikhovich, 45 yrs.  1/26:  g. Balta.  Has had a small kustar shop for candy and halvah production since 1912.  Prom patent, 2nd raz.  2 hired workers.  Dec sales 10,000, debts 1600 (inc commodity credits). good for 1500.  10/27:  now sales just 2000, 1st raz patent; buys materials on private market.  Notes that he owns his own building worth 8000, earns 100 a month from renting parts out.


U-70.  Gavrisov, Fedor Ivanovich, 35 yrs, family.  5/27:  cloth and galant trade in Voroshilov (Lugansk okr).  Founded in 1923; and in the past he also traded.  3rd raz.  sales 1000; stocks 1500; good rep; ok for modest sums.


U-71.  Gurevich, Solomon Iakovlevich, in partnership with Abram Semenovich Khodos.  Mariupol.  Have a store together since 1922; sell iron-skobianye wares, fishing suppies, and paints.  In the past Gurevich had an analogous business for a long time (in which Khodos clerked).  3rd raz; have invested 10,000 in the business, solid, gradually growing.  ok for 1500-2000.  7/25:  with the start of the season, trade animated:  8-9000 a month sales, 7000 in stocks; minor debts.  11/25:  sales = 10-12,000, stocks 10,000.  solid, honest.  5/26:  still 3rd raz, but sales = 25,000 a month, stocks = 50,000.  debts 10,000, people owe them 12,000.  Enjoy 4000 rub credit line at Gosbank, pay up accurately.  2/28:  sales 15-20,000, stocks 25,000.  Currently having fin diffs, resorting to private loans - but nonetheless creditworthy as before.


U-72.  Davidenko, Petr and Grigorii Ivanovich (brothers), Bogodukhov, Kharkov okr, leather trade.  10/26:  in the past had a leather shop, reopened in 1925.  3rd raz.  sales 1500, stocks 3000.  fin diffs, resorting to loans from priv inds; Ovk commodity credit 200.  Owe 300.  ok rep, ok for modest credit.


U-73.  Dorin, Anchel’ Motelev, 47.  Odessa, Meshchanskaia 6.  prerev worked in a kartonazhnaia masterskaia, then opened own in 1911, has had it ever since.  1st kust raz.  little equipment (500 rub worth); owner and family members work there, no hired labor.  Produce cardboard boxes for local kustari and for the “Snabzhenie” coop.  Sales = 1500.  buy from privateers and agencies with bills of purchase (credit), of which has up to 150.  7/28:  sales now 1200, mainly fulfills orders from privateers, also arteli.  11/28:  shortage of cardboard on the market, thus sales down to 500.  1/29:  same as 11/28.  purchases overwhelmingly from private market, sells mostly to same on prior orders.


U-74.  Dain Benia Chaimovich and Berenshtein Grigorii Il’ich.  Fish shop “Volga” in Cherkassy.  8/27:  opened last year; before that the partners had an analogous business in Shpol.  sales 15,000, stocks 6000, no debts.  One problem is the general shortage of fish products on the market, but nonetheless ok for 1000.


U-75.  Koshelevskii I. M. and Senderov A. M.  Konotop, shawl and galant shop.  9/26:  opened this April; previously traded with a third partner.  small shop:  sales so far 1200-1500, stocks 4000, debts 1000.  ok for 300 rub.  5/27:  Senderov out, Nepomniashchii in.  Growing:  3000 sales, 5-6000 stocks, 2000 debts.  commodity credits from ovk and gosorgans.  ok for 500.  8/27:  sales have grown to 9-10,000, stocks 12,000, owe Ovk 8000.  good for 1000.


U-76.  Del’man, Avram Borisovich and Panich, I.  tobacco trade, Uman.  2/28:  Panich founded the business in 1923, investing 1000 rub in it.  Del’man joined in 1926, having been sent out to Uman from Moscow v administrativnom poriadke.  He invested 2000, took out 3rd raz license in his name.  sales 6000, stocks 5000, debts 2000; owners periodically resort to priv loans, but pay accurately; ok rep.  5/28:  sales 4000, stocks 3000, owe 1000, credit unchanged.


U-77.  Dzhurinskii Aron Meilekhovich.  30 yrs.  Vinnitsa, galant shop.  9/27:  Opened in 1922, 3rd raz.  Small business, sales 800-900, stocks 700-800, debts 700-800; also has small amount of liquid capital (net worth 1500).  Has 400 rub credit line at OVK.  ok for 200.  8/28:  unchanged.


U-78.  Dzhonikian, Aristokos Girkorovich (33 yrs).  Kiev.  6/25:  has owned a bread bakery and bulochnaia since 1922, 2nd prom raz.  Moved to Kiev in 1918, worked for Shevchenko pekarnia, which supplied local coops; from 1919-22 owned his own pekarnia in Kiev (Tatarskaia ul); now noew location.  No stocks of flour currently, due to disappearance of flour from local market.  Buys flour daily in keeping with projected daily needs, occasionally for 2-3 days in advance, along with other pekarni.  When flour is available, buys from private wholesalers on credit.  Bakes 60 puds a day, inc white bread, doktorskaia, and arnautki.  Sells at his own shop.  His premises consist of a large store fronting the street, behind which a warehouse with a basement, where the bread is baked.  6 workers help him with baking.  ok for 300.


U-79.  Dizhur, Abram Markovich, 45 yrs.  Zvenigorod.  2/24:  in his day he owned a mill and a brewery in Zvenigorod, now unemployed; his former enterprises have been rented to other priv inds by the local sovnarkhoz.  Has a good rep, knows the flour-milling business, but lacks means.


U-80.  Dipershtein, Itsko Iankelevich, 36, bak trade, Shpola, at the bazaar.  4/28:  founded business in 1920.  2nd raz.  business not growing.  sales not more than 1200, average 400-500.  stocks 1000, debts 300-400.  Owns a house.  Resorts to private loans.  ok for petty sum.  7/28 - unchanged.


U-81.  Dimant, Moisei Zel’manovich, 40.  Gal and tobac trade.  Kamenskoe (Dneprop. okr).  4/28:  for many years has sold gal and tobacco products.  2nd raz.  Sales 1000-1300, stocks 1700, debitors owe him 500-700, he owes 1000.  ok rep; enjoys credit line of 200 from ovk.  Also owns half a house, worth 10,000.  ok for petty sums.


U-82.  Dashevskaia, Pesia Girshevna, widow 55 yrs.  tobacco trade, Dnepropetrovsk, Ozernyi bazaar (rents a runduk in the tobacco row).  2nd raz.  Petty business:  monthly sales 400-500/month, 200-250 rub in stocks.  not in debt.  Said to receive some material assistance from her son, who is a partner in a wholesale tobacco business at the same bazaar.  ok for 50-75 rub.


U-83.  Kalashnikov Zakhar Gavrilovich (52) and Krivoshein, Mikhail Efimovich.  Kiev, bak trade.  6/27:  although Kalashnikov is a jeweler by profession, he opened bak shop 5 years ago; Krivoshein clerks.  3rd raz.  trade ok, up to 70-80 rub/day in sales, stocks 800 rub, owe 200, debitors owe them 200.  ok for 150.  6/28:  unchanged.


U-84.  Kagan, 3 brothers:  Nekhem, Shepsel and Gdal Iakovlevich.  Odessa.  9/26:  1st kust/prom raz for wallet and briefcase making; also have a store for selling the wares.  Sales - 5000, stocks (raw materials and finished) = 3500, debitors owe them 1500, they owe 1000.  sell in own store but also at local market and out-of-town.  buy goods in Moscow, Tbilisi, and locally.  ok for 600-700.


U-85.  Kazandzhan, German Mironovich, 36 (Armenian).  Odessa.  12/28: used to live in Constantinople, after rev ran import business in Russia.  Moved to Odessa, then to Sevastopol; and for 3 years ran a fruit business in Moscow.  Has been back in Odessa for a year, rents a furnished room in the ondon hotel for 5 rub a day.  Works as a kommissioner of several Constantinople merchants, sells shipments from them to local traders.  Scale of his business not large, but said to be very well paid; represents his employers on the local Birzha.  Questionable personality.  6/29:  continues to hold job; doesn’t sell through the birzha, so scale of his operations = unclear - perhaps 175,000 for past winter (said to receive 3% commission).  sells tomato puree, etc.  В деловых кругах отмечают тяжелый характер запрашиваемого и некоторую склонность к шитанерству.


U-86.  Калядин, Алексей Николаевич (34).  Магазин и мастерская дамских нарядов.  Киев, ул. Карла Маркса.  12/23:  bought business for ladies’ dresses and hats in 1918 from owner of firm “M-me Dodet,” formerly a popular dressmaker in affluent circles.  4th raz.  Sells finished dresses and also sews to order from clients’ material.  Employs 14 workers in the masterskaia, has 4 sewing machings.  Now called “Modnyi dom,” continues to “serve a certain segment of the population.  In the store there is a fairly large number of expensive ladies’ dresses and hats.”  buys materials from private inds for cash and credit.  ok for 200 chervontsy.  6/24:  this shop liquidated, goods sold off to public, evidently had a run in with the law.


U-87.  Kalantyrskii, Avram Gertsev, 47 yrs, and Mordukhovich, Shmar’ Abramovich, 42 yrs, Kiev.  9/25:  opened stall at Demievka Bazaar # 54 (Kiev) this July, before which K. sold cloth at the Galitskii bazaar, and M. sold cloth in the villages.  3rd raz.  sales = 6000 rub, stocks worth 4000 rub; owe private inds and wholesale firms 700 rub.  Mostly good rep. ok for 500.


U-88.  Kavalerchik, Zalman Pinkhosovich, and Leiba Eselev Levin.  Glukhov - shop for fish trade, located at bazaar square.  12/27:  founded the business prerev; reopened in 1923, with 5th raz patent.  This is one of the biggest businesses in Glukhov, successful.  Sales = 25,000 /month; stocks = 20-25,000.  Debitors, mostly low-level coops, owe them 7000; they owe 6000.  Have large (4500 rub - 2000 for L, 2500 for K) credit line at OVK; K owns a building.  Scale of operations can be seen in recent purchase of 7 vagons of fish in Astrakhan.  Pay accurately; seen as very clever and careful in local commercial circles; credit possible in keeping with size of business.


U-89.  Kreiman, Gersh Itskovich (58 yrs).  in Letichev (Podolia), on Torgovaia str (bazaar?).  9/25:  sells cloth - retail only.  Two sons participate actively.  Prerev Kreiman had a store for clothing sales, but now sells exclusively cloth.  Sales 4-5000, with 8000 in stocks.  Debts insignificant, since he buys his wares exclusively for cash.  Good rep; creditable; owns house worth 1500.


U-90.  Kogan, Srul’ Shmulevich (betw 25-28 yrs), Ladyzhen (Podol’sk gub), salt trade.  Together with his father.  Business opened by his father in 1907.  Said to be reasonable businessmen, but lack capital, so their sales are much lower than prerev.  credit ok for 300-400.  6/26:  father died; his widow now has the patent, but son still runs business.  besides salt, sells potatoes and a few other foods.  Small shop -- sales = 1000, stocks = 500.  No signif debts.  Owns a small house in town, worth just 400-500 rub.  creditable only for petty sums.


U-91.  Kozakevich E.E., Gorelik I.A., Barvinskii G.B. - cloth trade in Konotop.  9/25:  opened three years ago, jointly named in license.  Before starting up this business, Gorelik and Barvinskii sold cloth, while Kozakevich sold fish.  Sales = 6000; stocks = 5000; debts = 3000.  Bank credit line of 500, pay accurately.  Said to have no capital with which to expand business.


U-92.  Kaganovskai, Dvoira Davidovna (57).  Belaia Tserkov’ (bazaar square); bak shop.  1/26:  She has had the shop with her sons for a long time at the same address (opened 1885).  Before WWI, ran a major bak business; though she more than once stopped making payments on vekseli, always started up again.  In the past few years, has been careful and solid.  3rd raz, sales 3000, 1,500-2000 stocks.  No sig debts.  Experience a shortage of means, but has not often resorted to private loans.  Pays accuracy; ok for 300.  9/27:  shop now 4th raz, includes lighting materials.  Sales up to 5-6000; stocks 5000, debitors owe them 1500, they owe not more than 500.  4000 rub worth in real estate.  buy goods mainly from gos agencies.  ok for 600-700.


U-93.  Kotsubei, Naftul Peisakhovich (35), local trader in Dubossary, AMSSR.  Iron/harness wares.  6/26:  Prerev trader of same things in Dubossary and Kishinev.  Opened business in 1922; business now on a large scale.  Sales 15,000, stocks 6000, minimal debts.  Has a house/building in Dubossary worth several thousand.  Sold, conscious trader; creditable.  4/27:  3rd raz.  Because of poor conjuncture, sales down to 7500, stocks and other unchanged.  twice his vekseli were protested (by an Odessa priv firm), but through misunderstanding; still creditworthy.  7/27:  no change.


U-94.  Kagan brothers (Gersh, Zel’man, and Lev Isaakovich, and also Belenitskii, Э-И. Ш.  Cloth-shawl shop at the trading row in Gadiach (Poltava gub).  Father had a business before rev, sons reopened in 1922.  10/25:  now 3rd raz, have two shops in town.  Due to the lack of a proper assortment, trade is going feebly.  Sales = 3000, stocks - 5-6000, debts 1500.  OVK gives credit line of 500.  Lack of means has led them to resort to private loans, though with low interest rates.  Accurate payment.  Has a regular circle of clients not just in town but also in the county.  ok for modest credit.  7/27:  up to 1926, the business was successful, but now sales are declining due to feeble trade.  Sales now 2500-3000, stocks 3500, debts 2200.  Credit line at OVK now 1500.  Said to be capable kommersants; pay up accurately, but one check has bounced - no info.  ok for small sums.


U-95.  Kirievskii, Shlema Abramovich (47), mestechka Petroverovka, Odessa gub, tobacco and bak.  5/25:  viewed as a man of few means.  Buys wares in Odessa on credit (several hundred rubles at a time) from gosorgany and private inds.  Pays accurately, viewed as honest, ok for petty sums.  sales = up to 4000, stocks 2000.  2/28:  he sold galantereia and bak in Petroverovka prerev; reopened after a short break in 1921.  3rd raz.  sales 4-5000, though recently declined in connection with bad cunjuncture.  Now said to have some money.  otherwise unchanged.  8/28:  veksel protested, but considered to be uncharacteristic.  10/28:  continues to trade, though monthly sales down to 2000, with same in stocks; debts = 1000.


U-96.  Kupershmidt, Zus’ Gershov, Grigoriopol (AMSSR), bazaar squ., sells cloth, galant., and dishes/pots.  8/27:  Opened shop in 1910, reopened in 1923, 3rd raz.  sales 5000, stocks 3500, minimal debts.  A man of means:  also owns a small business producing carbonated water and sodas in Grigoriopol, and owns a small building.


U-97.  Kleiman, Shaia Abram-Mordkovich (45), Tul’chin (Podol’skaia gub), fish/bak shop.  8/24:  his father opened this shop approx 35 years ago; in 1920, son took over.  Sells mainly fish products, both wholesale and retail.  During the season, monthly sales = 1500.  seen as del’nyi and solidnyi.  ok for 500.


U-98.  Kotik, Srul’ Chaimovich, 28.  mestechko Teplik, Umanskii okr.  Fish trade.  12/25:  sells together with mother.  Father opened business many years ago.  3rd raz.  During season, sales 1500; has 3000 in stock (25-30% owed - has small commodity credit line at Umanskoe Otdelenie Gosrybsyndikat).  Also owns building worth 2000.  1924, one check bounced, later paid - later proved to be not his fault.  Seen as solid and experienced - ok for 200.


U-99.  (Kramer, Chaim Moiseevich - chemical lab, Odessa.  Prepares non-toxic organic dyes, fruit essences, others.  1st raz prom.  Worked for 16 years in a chemical company.  3000 rub sales, materials in stock worth 2000, people owe him 2000, he owes nothing.  ok for 1000.)


U-100.  Kucherskii, Isaak Vol’fov (33).  village of Panchevo, Zinovievskii okr, general store.  3rd raz, opened 1922.  Mostly sells bak and gal, also iron wares.  Sales 2000, stocks 1500.  Buys wares from private firms in g. Zinovievsk, where enjoys up to 100 rub credit.  A little slow in repayment, very reserved? sderzhannyi person.


U-101.  Kroit, Noim Nukhimov; street kiosk in Kherson, petty trade.  3/28:  2 raz, sales up to 1000, more often 700-800; stocks = up to 250.  Buys wares on the local market in small lots on short-term credit.  Pays correctly.  Person without means, frequently resorts to private loans.  ok rep; ok for 100 rub.  7/28: unchanged, though sales now 500, stocks 150.


U-102.  Krichan Abram Aizikovich; Kherson - Rybnyi bazaar; bak stall, 2nd raz.  10/27:  sales 500-600; stocks 300; minimal debts.  Obtains private loans.  ok rep, ok for 100.


U-103.  Kriger, Isaak Iankelev (35).  Kherson, bak.  7/27:  Local trader, opened shop at this address in 1925, 3 raz.  sales 1200, stocks up to 1000, debts 600-700.  Buys goods on private market in town.  Man without means, resorts to private loans; pays back.  gen ok rep; ok for modest sums.  3/28:  sales down to 800, stocks 400; rep still good.


U-104.  Krivitskii, Ian Nakhmanevich.  g. Novo-Mirgorod (Zinovievsk okr).  Bak trade at the bazaar square.  6/25:  prerev had analogous business in Zlatopol, moved to Novo-Mirgorod in 1920, opened shop in 1921.  Sales 3000, stocks 2000, no debts; ok for 500 rub.  12/25:  has added galoshes and felt boots to shop, which he buys in Zinovievsk.  Gets bak goods in Odessa (for credit).  3/26:  now also buys some wares in Kiev.  sales up to 4000, stocks roughly same, debts 3000.  credit unchanged.  10/26:  sales now 3000, stocks 3000, debts 3000.  Check has bounced - cut credit (explanation, 11/26:  this was the fault of the vekselderzhatel’ - not his).  9/27:  2 more bounced checks.


U-105.  Kulik, Mikhail Iosifovich, 42.  Kherson, fish bazaar, gal trade.  8/27:  opened just 2 months ago, having recently liquidated a similar business for fiscal reasons.  Trades weakly; sales now 400, stocks 300, no means.  not creditworthy.


U-106.  Landa, Aron Govseevich (30).  Kiev, Petrovka, Zhitnyi bazaar - fruit rows #16.  12/26:  has sold here for several years, 4th raz, sales 8-9000, stocks in the store and in his warehouse worth 10,000; owes 2-3000.  1000 rub credit line at Kievo-Petrovskoe OVK.  good rep - good for several hundred.  2/28:  annual sales now 100-120,000, usually has 5-6000 собственных и комиссионных товаров in stock, debts still 2-3000.  Depressed fruit market currently hurting him; better to avoid credit.


U-107.  Leibel’, Sof’ia Meerovna.  mestechko Golaia Pristan’ (Kherson okr).  Bak and glasswares.  9/27:  Opened this small business (2nd raz) last year; sales no more than 300-400, stocks 200.  Buys goods in very small lots for cash.  No capital, unknown in commercial circles; avoid credit.


U-108.  Leites, Sof’ia Solomonovna, and her former husband, Lev Vul’fovich Ostrovskii.  Dnepropetrovsk, bak.  5/27:  opened this business in the form of ulichnykh lavok at end of 1926; at the same time works as a selling agent for the local brewery (Pivoob”edinenie).  3rd raz.  stocks 1000, of which 700 owed; sales 1400-1500.  She is a little-known quantity, while he has a bad rep for his non-solid, razgul’nyi lifestyle - be careful.  2/28:  same circs, but since she has paid up accurately, petty credit poss.  7/28:  business growing - now 15-1800 a month (note:  summer!).


U-109.  Levner, Sholom Movshovich (55).  Dnepropetrovsk.  6/26:  For many years had a carriage and wheel shop, closed in 1925.  two months ago opened a masterskaia for wheels in his own home, said to be well equipped (has an electric motor and power tools), 6-7 workers work for him.  SSales 5-6000.  Home worth several thousand, probably also has means and partners.  ok for credit.


U-110.  Levish, Iankel’ Leibovich.  Village Dmitrievka (Krivorozhkii okr), bak.  11/26:  Sold tobacco for 2 years in nearby mestechko Dolinskaia, then a year ago moved here, opened bak shop, 3rd raz.  Also sells iron wares and kanaty.  sales 1500, stocks 800, minimal debts.  Has small credit line at Zinovievsk otdelenii of “Iuzhnii Roznichnik” and one other khozorgan.  ok rep, no capital; brother helps him out, best to have him countersign.


U-111.  Levi, L.I., Vainbaum, Z.V., Terno, M.A.; Odessa; production of salad oil, wheel oil, and cooking oil.  Opened business in 1917, before which had an analogous business in Podkorony; brief interruption, reopened in 1922.  well equipped.  Sales 20,000 (during season, reach 40,000).  1st raz prom.  Large credit lines at many insts.  Energetic.


U-112.  Lisianskii Leib Movshevich (60).  Odessa, Privoznaia squa., 64.  9/25:  Prerev was a major flour merchant; now has a small business selling flour and feed, 3rd raz.  sales 3-4000, stocks 1500, debts 500.  Buys flour from local millers, krupa from out-of-town traders, feed from peasants.  Bakers and petty traders are his main customers.  Solid rep - ok for 500.  6/27:  now sales 6000, stocks up to 10,000, owes 3000, debitors owe him 7000.  No longer has a credit line at Prombank “na obshchikh osnovakh” - but still creditworthy.


U-113.  Livshits, Lipa Evseevich.  Ochakov (Nikolaev okr).  7/27:  opened cafeteria and bar in Nov 1926; 4th raz.  Minimally equipped (200 rub in all).  Sales 1000, with 200-300 rub worth of beverages in stock, those mostly on credit.  Avoid credit.


U-114.  Linetskii Meer Iakovlevich.  Nikolaev, Bazaar - bak riad.  Bak stall.  8/27:  prerev clerked for a bak firm, opened stall in 1923 with 2nd raz license.  Petty - monthly sales up to 200 rub, stocks 200, debts 100.  Not creditworthy.


U-115.  Lipes, Khuna Khaimov (35), with partner Aizik Itskovich Vasilivker (36).  5/25:  g. Iuzhnograd (former Berezovka), Odessa okr.  Cloth trade, opened in 1921; prerev also sold cloth.  Small shop, 3rd raz:  sales 4-5000, stocks 2000.  frequently resort to private loans.  ok for 300.  Buy goods at Odessa ec organs, often for credit.  6/27:  says that until recently, mostly bought from private inds, but have just concluded contract with gosorgan on planned snabzhenie.  ok rep - ok for small credit.


U-116.  Lekhtman, Rukhlia.  village of Alexandrovka (Pervomaiskii okr).  2/26:  opened in 1922, 3rd raz, general shop - mainly sells bak, tobacco, leather wares, and other.  Sales 2500, stocks 3000; no debts.  Buys mainly in Voznesensk from ec organs and privateers.  Good rep, woman of some means, creditable.


U-117.  Liberman, Iona Solomonovich.  Odessa, stationery store.  9/25:  Opened in 1923, sales 3000, stocks 5000, debts 2000.  Buys from Odessa Papertrest (Bumtrest) and Polestorg for cash; has small credit from OVK.  ok for 500.  9/26:  trader currently weaker, sales 2000, stocks 2000, sells retail and petty wholesale.  credit unchanged.  9/27:  business is slow due to usual summer slowdown, but also to competition from widely expanded state retailing.  Sales 3000, same stocks; buys on private market and in one ec organ.  Avoid credit.  10/27:  last month sales 4500.  2/28:  evidently partly because began selling textbooks.  sales back down to 3000.  ok for 200.


U-118.  Lakhman, Mark Ivanovich and wife Anna Grigor’evna, village of Balashovka (outside Zinovievsk).  Buffet/bar.  10/28:  have had this business for several years; sell bakaleia, beer, and chilled drinks; lively business.  They also have other means:  a small house and 23 desiatins, though these were said to have been procured illegally through the 1925 liquidation of a collective farm.  Under criminal investigation.


U-119.  Marchevskii Leizer Chaimovich, 56, and 2 partners, Kiev, Petrovka, V. Val, 24, kustar production of cigarette paper.  6/27:  Opened business in 1924; had an analogous business before the rev with his brothers, for many years.  M. is now the managing partner in his brothers’ similar business.  Sales 15-20,000 rub., though May-June just 10,000 - 15,000.  No debts.  Buys raw materials from khoz organs and privateers, mainly for cash.  solid kommersant of means.  ok for 1500.  4/28:  sales down to 7-8000, though continue to be creditable, good rep.


U-120.  Markov Moisei Aronovich (35), Vainberg Ida Isaakovna (20).  Cloth trade, Kiev, Galitskii bazaar, runduk 106.  6/24:  petty retail; so petty that the rumor is that they are going to liquidate.  avoid credit.


U-121.  Melamed, Glafira L’vovna (50).  Salt and yeast trade, Fastov (Belotserkovskii okr).  1/26:  Her father had this shop prerev, when it was the largest and most solid trading house in town.  She inherited it in 1921; 3rd raz.  Now sales 4000, stocks 1000, debts minimal.  Has commodity credit in small amounts from Kiev pishchetrust.  ok for 500.  9/26:  sales sometimes up to 5000; otherwise unchanged.


U-122.  Meerzon, Shmul’ Vol’fovich.  11/25:  cloth trade in Liubar.  Opened in 1921; before rev also traded part-time, and rented a small plot of land in the nearby villageo of Berezovka.  Sales = 1000; stocks same, on which owes 500.  No partners.  Buys goods on Kiev market from private wholesale firms, where has small credit lines.  Despite fin diffs, pays promptly.  ok for 200.


U-123.  Mikhnovskie - husband (47) and wife (40), cafeteria with vodka sales at Motilovka station on the Southwest rr.  11/26:  Opened in 1924; prerev had a small vinno-gastron. shop.  4th raz.  sales 2-2,500; stocks just 300-400, of which half owed.  Cafeteria is located in an usad’ba owned by the Mikhovskie; they also have a small plot of land.  They buy beverages in Fastov and Belaia Tserkov’ for cash and credit; solid rep; ok for 200.


U-124.  Rabinovich, L. M. (48), Iurovetskii, Ia. Sh. (39), 3 others).  3/24:  Kiev, Dmitrievskaia, 14.  Wholesale cloth merchants.  Prerev, these partners worked as salesclerks in various Kiev cloth shops and trading houses.  4th raz.  “Signif stocks,” on which owe 1000 chervontsy (and have other debts of 500).  Lively trade.  Buy goods mostly in Moscow, some in Kiev.  Seen as competent; ok for commodity credit of 200.


U-125.  Medvedovskaia Zinaida and Spivakov Nukhim.  Parfumerno-galant. shop, Zlatopol (Cherkassk. okr).  3/26:  This business, founded by Slivakov, has existed with a short break for 20 years (reopened 1922); Medvedovskaia joined rel. recently.  Gradually increasing business; sales 3000, stocks same, insig debts.  Rarely use credit, preferring to share stakes in business with 3 neglasnye partners.  Spivakov owns small building, and these partners together, in addition to the shop, have a kustar’ stocking workshop.  They buy their goods from the “Sodeistvie” obshchestvo, pay accurately.  Poor Medvedkovskaia is reported to have just had an envelope with 1000 rub stolen at the local post office.  Nonetheless, ok for 300-400.  9/27:  Medvedkovskaia has a new partner, Piatigorskii, Sanik Peisakhovich.  Sales 2000, stocks 1500.  ok for 400.


U-126.  Mashvits, David Iosifovich (55).  Wholesale-retail trade in galant, threads, linen fibres.  g. Berdichev.  4/24:  Business founded 1901, reopened 2 years ago.  Lively business; sales 1000 cherv with same in stocks; no debts; honest; ok for 100.  6/25:  before reopened business, owned a lumber warehouse, worked as wood supply agent for railroad masterskie and for the Kadanovskaia match factory.  In Berdichev, there is also a branch of his business run by his sons.  Up until the beginning of this year, business was going well, but now demand has fallen off - in part due to low buying power of pop, in part due to low-level cooperatives’ ability to obtain goods directly from factories.  Still sales 5000, stocks 10,000.  He is also the owner of a non-functioning vinegar factory, and owns a building worth 10,000.  The shop owes 2000.  Seen by local commercial circles as a reliable man of means.  ok for 1500.  11/25:  unchanged.  5/26:  son Izrael has taken over.  Sales down to 2500, stocks 2000, owes 1500.  He is a member of the local OVK, and has a credit line; ok for 500.  9/27:  sales up to 8-10,000, stocks 10,000, owes 7,000, debitors owe him 3000.  ok for 1000.  12/27:  sales 20,000 - expansion attributed to “the liquidation of a series of analogous businesses.”  4/28:  sales 10-12,000, stocks 10,000, owes 4-5000, debitors owe 3-4000.  credit unchanged.  8/28:  sales 9-10,000, debitors owe 5000, he owes 3000; has credit line from OVK of 2500.  Seen as energetic komersanty with significant personal means.  no change in credit.  3/29:  2 brothers work in store.  Sales down in connection with the difficulty in obtaining goods - now 8-10,000, stocks 7-8000, debitors owe 2000, owes 4-5000.  Has modest credit line with various suppliers, and 2000 from Ovk.  Always pays accurately, good rep; ok for modest credit.


U-127.  Matushenko, Iakov Markovich (35) and Poizner, Izrail’ Borisovich 45.  Kiev.  2/24:  currently occupied in buying and reselling agric products, esp grain and flour.  Buy in large quantities (vagony).  They have agents working on site (at rr stations).  3rd raz.  Successful, very profitable business.  Both have prior experience:  before rev P had a large mill in Gomel’, M worked for his father, who rented a large estate.  ok for 500 cherv.


U-128.  Mar’ianov Iakov Borisovich (39) and Bereslavskii Meer Davidovich (43).  Kiev, bed and pipe kustar’ workshop.  11/26:  opened a month ago, before which M participated in a similar business, while B traded in iron/skobian. goods in a nearby mestechko.  1st raz kust.  Can produce 40 rub a day of goods; currently have some 1000 rub worth in stock.  Buy iron for tubes in Kiev at the market (from private firms); equipped with 500 rub worth.  Unknown in commercial circles; too small to be creditworthy.


U-129.  P’iantsev, Epifan Antonovich (47), st. Khanzenkovo, Stalinskii okr.  Cloth and gal.  11/25:  has had this business for 20 years (with a short break) - reopened at beginning of NEP.  3 raz.  sales 3000, stocks 4000, owes 500.  Also owns a building and paseka, worth 5000.  good rep among local traders.  ok for modest sum.  10/26:  business growing; now sales up to 8000, stocks 5-6,000.  Buys wares in M and Kharkov; ok for credit.


U-130.  Pel’tek, Afanasii (37), bak-tobac trade.  1/27:  Peasant of village Katarzhino (Odes okr); opened business in home village in Nov 1926, 2nd raz.  Sales 600, stocks 1000.  Has a small house and farm.  Not yet creditable.


U-131.  Perel’man, Khaim Froimov (30).  mest. Domanevka, Pervomai. okr.  Bak-tobac and gal trade.  11/27:  Opened in 1925; brothers Poliak (Shmul’ and David Ovseevich) participate.  3 raz.  ok trade, sales 2000, stocks same, owes 1000.  Buys goods in Voznesensk from private firms for credit and cash.  ok for 200.  4/28:  sales have dropped off a bit, but credit same.


U-132.  Pekarskaia and Polinovskii; small mill in Radomysl’.  2/24:  Pek. = juridical owner, but Pol. runs the business.  Daily milling capacity = 500 puds of rye.  Has no stocks of grain, not enough capital; but Pol seen as solid honest.  ok for 100 with requirement that both undersign.  Briefly stopped running in Nov; but 9/25, situation described as roughly the same.  sales 15,000; ok for several hundred.


U-133.  Podberezin, Beniamin Zalmanovich (27), gal shop in Stalino.  10/26:  opened in 1923, before with clerked at a gal store.  3 raz.  sales 3-3,500, stocks 5000.  credit line of 1000 at ovk.  good rep, competent in this area, pays promptly.  ok for modest sums.  11/27:  sales now 20,000, stocks 18 thous - solid.  3/28:  now says he opened it in 1922.  sales 8000.  He recently bought some real estate in Crimea.  Good businessman.  6/28:  in connection with liquidation of several private competitors, his sales rose to 9000, stocks 7000.  Buys in Moscow from private firms for credit and cash.  still creditable as before.  11/28:  sales 10,000, otherwise unchanged.  3/29:  sales only half as good as last year = 5000, but still ok for modest sums; same in April.


U-134.  Podzolkin, Grigorii Fedorovich, 45 (or thereabouts) family.  Sherbinovskii Rudnik (Artem. okr.); gal. trade.  8/25:  Opened business in 1910, reopened 1921 after short break.  sales 300, stocks 600; no debts.  Has a very modest lifestyle; ok rep; ok for 100.  12/25:  although we’ve recently learned that before the rev, he went bankrupt more than once, paying creditors only 50 k to the ruble, he has not had these problems recently; credit unchanged.  9/26:  sales now 6-700, sotocks same; debts 500.  Mainly buys wares in Kharkov.  limit credit to insig sums.  Sales not growing - still 500-800, stocks up to 1500, debts 500; credit unchanged.  9/27:  sales up to 1-1500, stocks 500; accurate payments.  5/28:  In light of competition from coops, and also high taxes, his business is not growing.  sales 400-500, stocks 1300, debts 500; owns real estate worth 1000.  Cautions against credit.  9/28:  sales 600-800, stocks 1600, debts 600; rep ok, ok for insig sums.  11/28:  sales continue to fall, now 500; debts down to 300; stocks 1300; ok for credit.  5/29:  sales 5-600, stocks 1200, dets 3-400; credit and good rep unchanged.


U-135.  Pleplia and Dubinskii.  Iuzovka, bazaar, cloth trade.  6/23:  buy cloth in Moscow, give to petty traders on short-term credit.  Prerev P sold shoes, D worked in father’s iron shop (trade).  Both are hard workers, esp P, who founded through his own efforts a large leather factory in 1919, though he didn’t get it going in time; in 1920-21, was a petty bazaar trader, then, joining up with his relative D, got into the cloth business.  Said to have 200,000 rub in 1923 denznak; seen as liudi tolkovymi, del’nymi, s nim okhotno rabotaiut, pay up promptly.


U-136.  Poval’ev, G.S.  (with 3 partners):  has wine and beer warehouse, opened in 1922 in Stalino.  1/26:  5th raz; they supply regional worker coops, Larek, and private traders.  sales 15,000; stocks 30,000.  Their property, including equipment, = 50,000.  Solid specialists of considerable means; good for 2000.


U-137.  Smolianskii, David Khaimovich (41).  Kiev, Candy masterskaia.  10/27:  opened at beginning of nep, recently moved to a new building on same street.  1 raz prom license; 2 workers.  Produce 2 puds a day, worth 60 rub.; have 500 rub materials and products in stock.  He usually gets his some raw materials from the organizations that place orders with him, and buys patok from a gosorgan.  lacks capital; credit no more than 100.


U-138.  Strizhevskii, Matus Abovich (46).  Kiev, Podol, N. Val, 23 (in courtyard).  oil paints.  10/24:  Up to 1923, partner in trading business of his relative Amchislavskii, who now has an analogous business.  Wholesale trade; 1 prom raz; ok for 750 rub.  10/25:  began selling paints and construction materials in 1905 at this address, with short break during rev.  3 raz trade patent.  sales 4000; stocks 3000; owes 1600; debitors owe him 3000.  Buys wares at in Leningrad, Elisavetgrad, Odessa and others for cash and credit.  good rep as delovoi and solid komersant; ok for several hundred.  5/27:  major change is that he is finally liquidating his debts - but since he has failed to pay up veksely, not creditworthy.  8/28:  Now production and sales minimal, 400-500 a month; also does a petty hardware trade.  Still owes gosorgany 2000 - uncreditable.


[big construction company]


U-139.  Stanislavskii, Moisei Iosifovich (52).  Fastov (Kiev gub), tobacco and stationery shop.  3/24:  shop founded 1892, revived in 1920 after very short break.  Sales insignif.  Has a solid, honest rep; ok for 20-30 cherv.  8/25:  sales now 2-2500, stocks 3000; still lacks resources; rep is “del’nyi i zhestkii torgovets.”  ok for 300.  8/27:  sales 10,000; stocks 4000; owes 1000.  Has real estate worth 6000 and is said to have cash; credit line at ovk of 500 and from several gosfirms; pays up.  ok for 1000.  12/27:  sales now 3000.  10/28:  sales 2-2500, now frequently resorts to private loans at high rates; ok only for modest sums.


U-140.  Sidorenko, Ivan Kirilovich.  village Rublevka (Kremenchug okr), sells gal., cloth, other.  5/27:  2nd raz; sales 500-600; lacks capital; good rep; ok for insignif sums.


U-141.  Serebrier, Mendel’ Zus’ev and Kaminer Abram Efimovich.  Odessa, Cloth shop.  8/25:  opened a month ago; before that S worked in several local cloth businesses.  Most recently worked as a kommissioner, travelling between Odessa and Moscow (didn’t openly trade).  K, also a former sluzh, had a cloth shop with a diff partner.  3 raz; lively trade (300 rub/day); stocks = 6000, owe 2500 to local private wholesalers; ok for 700.  10/25:  sales 15,000, stocks 12,000, credit ok 1000.  12/26:  May 1926, third partner joined, a galantereishchik.  still 3 raz; hire 4 salesclerks; but because of general zastoi, sales currently just 6000, with stocks 12000; owe 5000.  Among other things, they have a great many heavy woolens in stock, for which demand is low.  Buy goods in Moscow and locally, mostly for cash; and have credit line at 2 ovks.  The business is located in a denationalized building owned by new partner, worth 13,000.  12/27:  moved to new building two months ago, after paying off all debts; now receive supplies from Vakot in a planned manner, but quantity very limited, and fill out assortment with kustar’ cloths that they buy on the private market.  8/27:  sales unchanged, 7000; decided to rent out part of their building to a shoe shop (for 250 rub.)  1/29:  sales 15,000, stocks same, debts 3000.  buy wares on local and out-of-town markets; Vakot stopped supplying them; having diffs obtaining wares.  Most prosperous of partners has a dacha worth 5000 on B. Fontan.  4/29:  seasonal slowdown; 11,000 sales, 13,000 stocks, otherwise unchanged.  also selling blankets, curtains, skaterti.


U-142.  Sindler, David Zeilikov.  Odessa representative of a small-town EPO - works on a commission basis; wants to expand, hence applies for loans in own name.  1924-5.


U-143.  Sil’kis, Abram Kopelevich, Odessa, small cloth shop.  10/24:  For the past 15 years has sold cloth in various places, and also served in various firms.  3 raz.  Opened up a little shop two years ago, then moved next door two months ago.  Very petty; stocks no more than 1000.  Ok for 250 rub credit.  1/25:  The store’s name is “Amerikanskii Magazin.”  S considered honest but very small trader.  He is about to lose this shop because it is being transferred to the Kamvol’nyi trest; again moved to next-door building.  ok for 100.


U-144.  Serper, Ioel’ Abramovich (60).  Fish trade in Berezovka (Odessa okr) - seems to be bazaar or street corner.  2/27:  Petty business, 2nd raz; absolutely no resources; sales 500, stocks 500.  He has sold fish since he was a boy; credit can be no more than petty sum.


U-145.  Sirke, Moisei El’ev.  Bak-tob, Tiraspol’ (AMSSR), bazaar (2nd raz).  6/27:  he had this business in the past, started up again in 1924.  Sales 1-1200, stocks 6-700, owes 300.  Has credit line at priv firms for supplies.  ok rep, no money; does have a little house in Tiraspol.  ok for 100.  Gets goods in Tiraspol and Odessa.  10/27:  no change.


U-146.  Svirena, A. K.  10/28:  small station buffet at rr station Kremidovka; insignif in scale, sales 200 rub/month.  Unknown person in commercial circles; buys goods for petty sums in cash.  Not creditworthy.


U-147.  Transkii i Buianskii, general store in village of Novo-Nikolaevka (Zaporozh. okr).  11/25:  opened shop for bak, tobac, and other shirpotreb in 1924.  Prerev lived in same village, had analogous business.  sales 4-4500, owe 5-700, stocks 2600.  Feeling shortage of funds, resort to private loans for umerennye protsenty.  good rep, pay up accurately, ok for modest sums.


U-148.  Tomilin Makar Andreevich, 55 yrs family.  3/27:  general trade (bak, tob, sweets, and galant) in village Gavrilovka (Dnepropet. okr).  Opened in 1922; but had analogous business before rev.  Has 1 raz license for colonial goods, 2 raz for tobacco.  Petty trade, exclusively retail; sales 250-300/month, stocks 3-400.  insig debts.  Has a small house in town worth 600.  buys goods at private opt firms, where has a little credit.  ok for 75 rub.


U-149.  Tkachenko, Aleksei Fedorovich (37, family).  4/27:  village Lomovka (Dneprop. okr), is an agent of Vinsindikat and has a vodka/alcoholic beverage business.  4th raz.  Before opening shop, was a soldier.  Does a lively business; sales 1500-2000, stocks 1000, owes 4-500.  He wants to open a cafeteria and snack bar, for which needs a loan.  Owns a house worth 1200.  Ok for 200.


U-150.  Tarlovskii Izrail’ Markovich (30), and Leonov Abram Markovich (53), Kherson (bazaar square), trade in bak, tob, gastronom.  12/25:  Local traders.  From 1922-24, they each had an analogous business, have now joined forces.  3rd raz.  5000 stocks, lively trade, debts 2000; have credit lines at various local private firms, in Kherson branch of Iuzhnyi Roznichnik and at one gosorgan.  Seen as del’nykh torgovtsev; ok for 500.  4/26:  sales now 3-3500, stocks 3000, debitors (small local traders) owe them 1000, they owe 1500 to one Odessa khozorgan and a few private firms, and also Kherson Ovk.  Pay promptly.  unchanged credit.


U-151.  Tarakan, Avram Davidovich (50).  Cloth trade in Iuzhnograd (Odessa okr).  11/25:  Has had this shop for 25 years with a short break.  3rd raz.  sales 3000, stocks same, debts 1000.  Has credit line from several Odessa priv firms, pays correctly.  Has his own house worth 3000.  ok for 500.


U-152.  Tarasenko, Emel’ian Nikitich, local khleborob with a very small farm, s. Mikhailovka (Zinovievsk okr).  10/28:  for the past year has had a pivnaia in his own house, which this year he transferred to the local Mutual Aid Society, receiving from them 10 rub/month in rent.  Continues to owe local brewery 200 rub, which he is slowly paying off; wants to revive his trade.


U-153.  Tabakov, Izrail’ Moiseevich.  Gastronom. shop in Ekaterinoslav.  11/25:  Prerev he and his relatives had several gast shops in town.  After a prolonged break he opened this one in 1923, 3 raz.  weak trade, due to lack of resources; sales 700-800.  Pays up his petty debts promptly; ok for minimal credit.


U-154.  Teplits, Mikhail Lazarevich and 3 partners, Odessa, producers of veneer wares.  1/30:  opened this business in 10/29, before which worked in artels on same.  Well equipped - electric motor, other, worth 2500.  Make veneer tisnennye boxes, purses, and suitcases on a small scale, sales 2500, stocks of finished products and raw materials 600, debitors owe them 2000, they owe same.  Sell exclusively to out-of-town khozorgans and coops on credit (with small upfront payment).  Have resorted to private loans at high rates.  Becoming more diff to obtain raw materials.  Talking about reorganizing as a coop.  not creditable.


U-155.  Pugachev, Grig. Mikh.  Khar’kov.  Prerev had a vodoprovodno-kanalizatsionnaia masterskaia, liquidated in 1918.  In 1921, had analogous business; liquidated in 1924.  Now works at home producing gidravlicheskie baki sistemy G. B. Dunaeva.  1 prom raz.  Last year, he did 6000 worth of business on contracts.  Short on cash, but has denationalized real estate worth 30,000.  ok for raw material credit.  3/27.


U-156.  Barbaumov, Izrail’ Il’ich (40).  Kharkov, market, runduk #189-90.  6/24:  son of a well-known prerev cloth merchant, who had stores in Perekop and Aleksandrovsk; he himself sold cloth in Kherson.  Moved to Kharkov during WWI, opened commission kontora “Tovarosbyt” on Blagovesh. ul. with a partner.  Had to shut down due to high taxes.  Payed up accurately.  Next was a partner in Iuzhkredit in cloth business, durig which time liquidated his debts.  This month opened up this stall, which he purchased from another trader; 3rd raz, stocks 250, owes 50.  10-15 cherv sales a day.  Urav sbor 111 cherv.  good rep, ok for 100.  8/29:  Traded there for a year and a half, then liquidated; bought partnership in a mill in Shechenegi.  Since 1927 hasn’t had a business; looking for work at birzha truda.  Occasionally trades at bazaar, though hasn’t been seen there this month.  No money; not creditable.


U-157.  Khmel’nitskii, Abram Nisenovich.  Gorlovka (Artemovsk. okr.), bazaar squ, galant. trade (runduk), 2 raz.  2/26:  opened in 1921; prerev traded in Bakhmut and Gorlovka.  sales 1000, stocks 2000.  sometimes resorts to private loans; so far has paid up accurately.  ok for modest credit.  3/27:  sales 600.  9/27:  sales up to 1200.  6/28 unchanged.  12/28:  continues to trade, but now 1 raz, v raznos.  Insignif stocks and sales; owes 200.  Has a little house.  no longer creditable.


U-158.  Khemshinli-Ogly, Kaprel’ Arutiunovich (Turk, 48 yrs, born in Erzerum).  Kharkov, bak-khleb trade.  6/28:  opened shop in 1922, before which had many occupations.  Currently has 3 raz patent.  Main item = baked bread, though due to recent reduction in bread baking, currently mainly stocks bak goods (worth 300 rub).  Ave sales = 2500.  Rent = 36 rub/month; no debts.  In 1927-8, uravsbor 400 and income tax 350.  good rep; ok for modest sums.


U-159.  Khasin, Gilel’ Iosifovich, 60, family.  Poltava, retail paint shop.  4/27:  Prerev had a large iron-skob. business and trade in paints.   Organized this business in 1921, 3 raz, sales 3000, stocks 7000; lacking funds, has resorted to private loans at high rates; owes 3000.  Has ovk credit line of 1000.  Seen as “experienced and solid merchant.”  Creditworthy.


U-160.  Khanzhiian, Aznif Akopovna (Turkish woman), bak shop, Khar’kov.  1/28:  opened this in Oct 1927, 3 raz.  Her husband helps out, but she is the manager; he owned a bread bakery for many years in Kharkov.  This is a small shop; but located at a busy corner; sales to 1000, stocks 7-800, owes 150.  Pays 50 rub/month for rent on apt and shop; not yet taxed.  Pays accurately; ok for 150.


U-161.  Khandii, Porfirii Avksent’evich.  s Lozatovoe (Izium. okr), trade in various shirpotreb goods.  10/26:  Prerev helped his father in analogous business.  Opened this shop in 12/25, 3 raz.  Sales 4000, stocks same; owes 2000; debitors owe 1.5-2000.  Also ploughs the land.  ok for small sums.


U-162.  Khalfin, Leib Lipovich, 45.  Bak trade, Odessa, Old Bazaar (lives around the corner).  6/28:  Has traded from a budka here for 20 years.  2 raz.  trade currently down due to shortages of various goods, but ave 1600; stocks 430; owes 300; debitors owe 150.  Buys goods on private market and at two local khozorgans; receives some def goods in a planned manner.  Accreate; said to be a person of some means; creditable.  10/28:  sales up to 1800, otherwise unchanged.


U-163.  Khaikin, Abram Iudkovich (50).  Tiraspol’, stall for construction materials, korziny and rogozhi (at the bazaar).  9/26:  Prerev major hardware merchant in town, reopened in 1924 on a small scale, 2 raz.  Sells mainly izvest’, chalk, cement, korziny, and rogozhi.  Sales to 1500, stocks 1000; buys wares from priv firms in Odessa.  solid rep, people like to do business with him.


U-164.  Khodosh, Boris Markovich.  general store, Guliai-Pole (Zaporozh. okr).  9/25:  Opened in 1924 with a partner, before which served in a printing press.  Sell bak, skob’ian., and posud. goods.  Sales 4000, stocks 1500, owe 750.  Recently trade has begun to pick up, but short on money, take out high-rate private loans.  Khodosh, who runs the business, is young and inexperienced (commercial circles do not think highly of him); often late in repayment.  Caution recommended.  12/25:  sales 2000.  5/26:  sales 800-900, stocks 250-300.  Has just opened a small kustar’ workshop for katkovye kamni, which is now more profitable than the shop.  Pays accurately; ok for petty sums.


U-165.  Khatsarevich, Elizaveta Solomonovna (20 yrs), bak and galant kiosk, 2 raz, s. Mikhailovka (Meliopol’skii okrug).  6/28:  opened 10/27; sales 200, stocks same; not creditable.


U-166.  Khudiakov, Nik. Kirillovich, bak-tob trade, mest. Veselinovo, Voznesensk. raion.  4/27:  Lived with father in nearby village, then moved here, opened shop in 1925.  3 raz, but small:  sales 600, stocks same, owes 400.  Buys at priv firms in Odessa.  Pays correctly; good rep; ok for petty sums.  7/27:  two checks have bounced.


U-167.  Khasin, Toviia Ben’iaminovich, Odessa, cloth shop.  7/27:  prerev part owner of big cloth mercantile house “Ia. Kogan i K-o.”  Postrev opened “Gol’dinberg, Solostianskii, Pavlovskii i Khasin” wholesale-retail firm for sales at normirovannye tseny of goods purchased by Khasin in Simferopol dept of VTS (in lots of 20,000 rub).  This business was liquidated in May; after which Khasin first worked alone, then Pavlovskii (Shmul’ Zeilikov) joined up again.  3 raz, sales 12,000, stocks 15,000; owe 5000.  Mostly supplied by Iuzhnyi Roznichnik; good rep.  10/27:  on 9/1/27, they moved into adjacent premises, since local TsRK took over theirs.  now sales 15,000, stocks same, no debts since buy mostly in cash of late (nec due to shortage of cloth).  Sell mainly cotton cloth and peasant (kustar) cloths.  The owners are prosperous, capable men.  1/29:  ave monthly sales now 25,000; wares acquired form VAKOT in planned manner, but also purchase out-of-town for cash.  Clients are local and provincial petty traders and customers.  ok for credit.


U-168.  Khinkis, Shmul’ Duvidov.  Tiraspol (AMSSR), bak-colonial trade at bazaar.  Prerev had an analogous business in s. Glinyi, since 1923 has lived in Tiraspol and has small, 2 raz business at bazaar.  Has a somewhat wide circle of customers, due to his continuing connections with Glinyi peasants, who regularly buy from him.  sales 1500, stocks 700, owes 3-500.  Buys wares from priv firms in Tiraspol; has credit line at ovk of 300, ok for 200.  good rep.  10/27:  last month sales reached 1900, stocks 1000.  7/28:  now sales 1000, stocks 750, owes 250.  ok for 100.


U-169.  Shirin’iants, Arutiun Grigorevich.  Turk, 65.  Kharkov, fruit-bak trade.  5/28:  until recently sold shoelaces and shoe polish at a market, 10/27 started selling fruit/trade (opened small shop).  3 raz, hired previous shopowner as salesclerk; sales 1500, stocks 400, no debts.  Shop rent = 30 rub/month.  Paid taxes on time, but commercial circles look unfavorably on extending credit.


U-170.  Shpinar, Arkadii Antonovich (33).  g. Oster, Chernigov gub, Bak-gal shop.  6/25:  opened in 1922, before which served in the army.  For the moment very small business- sales up to 500, stocks 800; buys in Kiev on small credit line; always pays accurately, good rep.  ok for 100-150.  8/26:  Part of problem is that his cash has gone to real estate - just bought a small home for 1500.  Still, sales up to 2000, stocks same (on which owes 500).  Rumored to be about to shut down the shop, so not a good idea to extend credit.  6/27:  still around, same as before; ok for 200.  11/27:  now sells cosmetics/ perfumes, debts up to 1000, credit unchanged.


U-171.  Shengof, Robert Eduardovich.  g. Aleksandriia.  Took over a cafeteria from Narpit in 1923, invested 800 rub in equipment, took out loan for 1500.  However, no longer okrug center, hence prospects problematic.  credit only to minimal amounts.  7/26:  Notes that he had a similar cafe/ pastry shop prerev.  Doing well; now 5000 sales, stocks and materials 2000; credit line from ovk of 500.  good rep; moreover has opened an inn, also said to be well-run.


U-172.  Shevchenko Fedor Ivanovich and Iakov Anisimovich Titarenko.  Kharkov, bazaar shop # 7 “Svoi trud.”  7/25:  opened shop in 1924, soon afterwards acquiring two additional partners.  3 raz; sales 4000; debts 1000.  urav sbor 844.  Prerev Shevchenko sold bak in same neighborhood for 18 years; owns good denationalized real estate there; Titarenko also an old trader with a denat home.  Other two partners did a little trading at the beginning of NEP, not well known.  Principal partners have good rep, creditable to 500.  8/26 sales 6000.  5/27:  sales 4-5000, urav sbor 450, podokhod 228 for current year.  creditable.  9/27 unchanged.


U-173.  Shutyi Boris Grig. and Narodetskii, Iakov Borisovich.  Kiev, masterskaia bel’ia.  5/24:  contract out for local stores and private inds, who provide the cloth.  ok for 500.


U-174.  Shul’man Iankel’ Moshkovich, 36.  Uman’, tobacco stall (2nd raz).  8/25:  small business, sales 2000, stocks same debts 1000 (to Trests).  ok for 200-250.  11/25:  sales 3000, stocks 1500, otherwise same.  7/27:  opened this stall in 1923, he is an invalid, so gets his license for free.  now 3rd raz.  Sales 1500, credit line at ovk 500, otherwise same.


U-175.  Shtibel’man, Iakov Aleksandrovich (23).  Odessa - small leather factory.  3/26:  his father founded business in 1909, he took over in 1925, before which he worked at his uncles’ similar leather factory.  1 raz prom.  Employs 4-5 workers, sales 5-6000, have 3000 rub finished products in stock; customers owe him 2000; he owes nothing.  Low on cash, gets money from his prosperous brother and has credit line of 1000 from Gorbank.  ok for 1000.


U-176.  Shtern, Kisel’ Leibov, and Umanskii Solomon L’vovich.  Kherson, vinno-gast. shop, opened in 1920.  4th raz.  8/24:  Both lived in Kherson prerev and had shops in same neighborhood:  downtown Kherson.  This one located in a busy place, lively trade, though now slow in connection with gen ec slowdown (sales 1-1500); stocks 3-4000; they both have means, but unable to determine how much.  good rep; credit lines from ovk and pishetrest.  ok for 500.  1/26:  sales now 10,000, stocks same; ok for 1000.  10/26 no change. 


U-177.  Boguslavskii Aron Moiseevich (36), stationer in Kherson on trading row.  8/27:  has had the shop for ten years with breaks.  Revived in early NEP, then closed, then revived in 1925 with Shtern (above); but Shtern left business in 1926.  sales 1200, stocks 2500, debts 2500.  Good rep but no means.  Exercise caution in credit.


U-178.  Shteiman, Ruvin Moiseevich.  Odessa.  9/26:  Since 1925 has sold kuskovaia and ground pemza, without a license.  Prerev had a beet plantation, later was a partner in a hardware concern, then, more recently, sold various things in the North.  Now buys pemza in Transcauc, sells to out-of-town traders and enterprises; approx 3000 rub a month.  Has means.  Probably ok to credit.


U-179.  Shpolianskii Duvid Meerovich, with Shlem Liberman and Moisei Kleiman.  10/25:  Cloth trade, bazaar squ., Voznesensk.  Opened in 1922 when these partners joined up; previously they had each sold cloth separately. Now sales 6000, stocks 10,000, owe 4000.  Buy goods in Odessa at khozorgans and priv firms, with credit line.  Have money credit at Gosbank.  Shpol. has house worth 3000.  good for 1000.




Uz-1.  Al’veis, Moisei Iunisovich, Tashkent, bazaar.  Production and sales of leather suits.  5/28:  35 years, former Austrian POW, leather worker by profession; opened a leather suit stall in 1921, 2 raz.  His purchasers are mainly state and coop trade orgs of various cities.  Sales 30,000 a year.  good rep.


Uz-2.  Aminov, Mukhamed Azim, 32 yrs (and his brother, who works for him).  Tashkent, old town, livestock trade.  11/25:  Started trading cattle 1910.  currently trade = petty opt.  3 raz.  Good business; sales 8000.  Has credit line of 4000 at Prombank; owes 2000.  Buy livestock in Dzhetysuiskaia ob.  Besides his business, owns 2 houses, 2 gardens, and domashnii skot, worth 8000 in all.  good rep; creditable.  4/27:  roughly same. 


Uz-3.  Aminov, Levi Zabur (26), g. Margelan - Jewish quarter.  1/25:  Prerev worked in father’s cloth shop, which was transferred to him in 1922.  Now runs shop without partners, manages alone.  Sells cloth, mainly calico, retail.  sales 1000, stocks 2000.  small credit line at Prombank.  Has a house and land = 3000.  ok for 1000.


Uz-4.  brothers Arabovy, Nataniel’ and Gabriel’.  Namangan, old town.  12/27:  prerev major cloth traders; currently their business is renting bazaars!  Have rented 3 (presumably rent out again?). 


Uz-5.  Abduvakhabov, Mukhamedkul’ (25).  shoe trade, g. Katta-Kurgan (Samarkand ob).  4/27:  Reopened business in 10/26 with 500 rub capital (said to be supplied by his father).  2 raz.  Buys goods in town and in Samarkand from priv firms, mostly for cash.  Father has a little shop and house.  credit only with father’s countersignature. 


Uz-6.  Abdugaliamov, Abdustar (42), Cloth trade, Andizhan, old town, cloth row.  6/25:  Opened this business 20 years ago; currently growing.  Sales 4000, stocks 5000; owes 3000 (has credit lines at Gosbank and Prombank).  Has house and land worth 15,000.  ok for 2000.


Uz-7.  Asatbaevy, Ismat (52), with his brothers Khikmat, and Guliam.  Tashkent, old town, shoe row.  Retail shop for indigenous shoes and rubber galoshes.  11/25:  Prerev sold leather goods.  1922, opened this shop; each of the brothers invested 2000.  3 raz.  Ismat also owns, in his own name, another shoe lavka in the shoe row.  5000 sales, 10,000 stocks.  Buy shoes at Rezinotrest, where has credit to 3000.  also Gosbank credit line (1000), Prombank (1500).  The brothers share a house and garden worth 8000.  ok for 2-3000.


Uz-8.  Akimov Mikhail (55).  8/25:  Kokand, galant. shop next to Sevzaptorg local branch.  Opened business this year, works alone; sales up to 500, stocks 1000; no bank credit; owes 300.  has a house 1500.  good rep, modest lifestyle.  ok for 300-500.


Uz-9.  Akilov, Beniamin (40).  Tashkent, retail cloth trade.  10/25:  Prerev traded cloth, reopened 1921, 3 raz, in outer settlement of Tashkent.  sales 1500, stocks 2000.  Fin probs, has resorted to private loans, though no debts at present.  Buys cloth from local priv firms.  Doesn’t own a house.  ok for 500-1000.


Uz-10.  Akbarbaev, Sultanbai.  Kokand, old town, sugar row.  stall for sugar goods.  12/26:  Prerev trader; opened the current business, 2 raz, in 1925, with 500 rub capital.  Sales now 1000, stocks same.  has 1000 rub credit line at bank.  house worth 2500 (paid up).  good rep.


Uz-11.  Arustamov, Grigorii (57).  Poltoratsk, Turkmenistan, bazaar squ., bak.  Prerev trader, reopened his business in 1920.  3 raz.  12/25:  Stocks 10,000; sales 12,000.  credit to 3000 at Gospbank and 1000 at Aziabank.  Buys goods from local state organs and priv wholesalers for cash and credit (owes 1,500).  Good businessman.  Owns house worth 5000.  ok for 2000 credit.


Uz-12.  Ariutunov, K. A.  Tashkent, fruit trade.  5/26:  Has lived there for 30 years, prerev was a fruit exporter with his own warehouse.  As of 1922, works in fruit sales with a partner; they have a fruit labaz in Moscow.  This year he left the partner and is buying up fruit from local orchards in advance of the harvest.  Contract supplier for a Moscow firm, Vlasov i K-o.  His sales = 10,000 - seen as one of the most successful fruit merchants.  Has equipment worth 5000; fruits in stock worth 6-7000.  good rep, but lacks capital, in light of which large-scale credit probably risky.


Uz-13.  Aliev, Abas Kuli.  Poltoratsk, Turkmenistan.  2/27:  has melochnaia torg.  not creditworthy.


Uz-14.  (Abbasov, Ismail.  g. Groznyi, Chechnia.  wholesale/retail bak and tobac trade.  5th raz.  sales 15,000.  prerev merchant.)


Uz-15.  Abasov, Karim (with partner Abasov Khadzhi), Bukhara, old town, new green bazaar, bak trade.  5/27:  Opened small stall in 1926 with little capital; stocks 5000, which he purchases at Uzbektorg at other orgs, mostly for cash.  No bank credit.  Unknown in commercial circles; use caution.  8/27:  now sales 4000, stocks 6000, owes 1000; ok for modest sums.


Uz-16.  Artukbaev, Mir-Ali (42).  Tashkent, old town, Gul-bazar lavka #202.  gal trade.  2/25:  Prerev trader in gal., reopened in early 1924, 2 raz.  Brother takes part in business.  Sales not more than 300-400; stocks 1500; owes 2000.  Has house worth 7000.  Creditable for no more than insig sums.


Uz-17.  brothers Aspiiants, Mikh. i Konst. Bogdanovich.  g. Leninsk (at the corner of Sovetskaia and Demokraticheskaia streets!).  Vinno-gast. store and winery.  8/26:  To 1924, worked as suppliers of saksaul for the Cent As rr, then opened their own vineyard in Merv and the vinno-gast store in Leninsk.  4 raz.  trade currently slow - 1000 month; stocks 1500; their total capital investment not more than 2000.  They obtain their wine from Konkordiia and Turkmenvino (and some from own vineyard); and gastronomiia from various state and coop agencie.  Owe 3000, mostly commodity credit.  Not creditable.  11/26:  sales up to 2000, stocks to 5000, debts down to 600.


Uz-18.  Adilov, Mir Umar.  g. Tokmak, Kirgiz. Aut. ob.  bak trade.  2/27:  opened in 1922 with capital investment of 200 rub; 2 raz.  Very small business; sales don’t exceed 150 rub., stocks 500.  No bank credit, so occasionally resorts to private loans.  Buys goods on the private market.  Owes 1000.  No property.  Avoid credit.


Uz-19.  Abduzhalidov, Akhmed (37).  selo Peishambe, Katta-Kurgan uezd.  4/27:  started trading shoes in 1915, has never left off (no breaks).  2 raz.  Capital investment of 1000, sales 1500, stocks 1000, owes suppliers 500; has bank credit line of 1000.  Buys goods in Katta Kurgan and Samarkand, mainly for cash.  Has a small house in the village.  Creditable only with guarantee.


Uz-20.  Abdukadyrov, Abdurakhim and his brother Abdukaium.  g. Aulie-Ata, old bazaar, cloth row.  Prerev were ranchers; opened current cloth shop in 1923 with capital investment of 2500.  3 raz.  sales 1000, stocks 1000.  Has credit line at local branch of Gosbank.  Obtains goods from VTS and on the private market.  No debts.  No real estate.  ok for 500.


Uz-21.  Abdullaev, Asadulla (37).  Tashkent, old town.  livestock trade.  11/25:  He is a farmer, but at the same time trades livestock.  Has invested 4000 rub in the trading business, works without a partner.  Unlicensed.  Sales 2500, no bank credit, but since he needs cash, resorts to short-term loans from private inds at 40-60% interest rates.  Buys livestock at bazaars.  Currently not in debt.  Pays accurately.  Has a house worth 6000, a garden and plot of land worth 3000.  Avoid credit.  2/27:  now said to be 26 years and to sell cloth, but address the same; brother?  3 raz, sales 1000, stocks 2000, owes 5000, owns paid-up house worth 2000.


Uz-22.  Бреславец, Н. А.  средних лет, мясник.  Ташкент.  недавно приехал из России и открыл торговлю.  sells 25 puds of meat a day for up to 7000 rub.  has stocks of 500 rub worth.  Pays well; however malosostoiatel’nyi, so creditworthy only with financial backing.  12.2.29


Uz-23.  Брехман, П. Я. (27 лет), Ташкент.  3 years ago moved from Ukraine, where занимался мелкими спек. операциями.  В данный момент вырабатывает кустарным способом подвязки и портмонэ.  got some financial help from relatives.  Has no equipment, immovable prop.  1.11.30.


Uz-24.  Бренер, Арон Ехилович, 35 лет.  Ташкент, обувная торговля.  Prerev had shop in Warsaw, opened this one at Tashkent bazaar in late 1921.  3rd raz., no partners.  2000 rub sales, 4000 rub stocks.  Has credit only from Mutual credit soc for 500 rub; total debt = 800.  Buys his goods from Moscow kustari at st. Kimry.  ok for 500-1000 rub.  11.20.25.


Uz-25.  Balakhanov, Natan Iakubovich.  Tashkent.  Cloth trade.  5000 rub credit at Gosbank.  8.15.25.


Uz-26.  Bol’shakov Andrei Iakov., 38, fam, former worker, opened petty tobacco and comestibles trade 3.1.28.  Kamenskoe raion, Dnepr. okr. (misfiled!).  Invalid, thus got license for free - 2nd raz.  Sales = 700-800, stocks = 300-350.  not indebt.  owns house, 2500-3000 rub.; ok for petty sums.


Uz-27.  Bol’shakova Amalia Robertovna.  Shoe trade, Tashkent.  1924-6 she had a license, but husband ran trade.  He used to work at Nobel factory.  Prob with bad checks.  not cred.  12.20.27.


Uz-28.  Bagiev Bartan Arkad.  grain, bak, alcohol, gastronom.  Tashkent.  39 years; prerev traded in Andizhan, then had store in Tashkent.  4.1.25 moved to new location, no partners, 3rd raz.  5000 rub sales, of which up to 4000 = grain, flour.  wholesale-retail.  Doesn’t get credit from banks, does from priv inds.  Debt of 500.  good lifestyle.  9.19.25.


Uz-29.  Batiashvili Oganes Egorovich, 48 yrs, fam.  Tashkent.  Prerev owned restaurant and alcohol trade in Tashkent, then managed a cafeteria.  After rev again had a restaurant; last year worked for another resto.   Now nothing, but wants to open resto.  Лица, знающие Б., отмечают его наклонность к алкоголю.  5.5.25.


Uz-30.  Ходжеребов, Анна Дурды и Батманов Валихан.  Кож. торговля.  Мерв.  Opened 3rd raz shop with 8000 rub capital.  sales = 3000; in debt 1000, stocks 2000.  good rep.  5.15.27.


Uz-31.  Батаршин, Ахмед Азис.  Ташкент.  базар.  Бак. торговля.  prerev served in various trade firms, opened this one 2nd raz in 1924 with 750 rub. capital.  no credit from banks.  Gets wares in Tashkent and M, mostly for cash, sometimes for credit (total debt =400 rub).  has a house.  ok.


Uz-32.  Бикулов Вилям Салимджанович.  Tashkent, bazaar, cloth (woolen).  opened in 1922, who worked for father before rev in this area for 12 years.  Now 3rd raz, however lacks funds, trade can’t dev.  has 7000 rub worth of goods in shop, sales = 6000.  ok for 2000 rub.


Uz-33.  Erusalimskii, Fishel’ Berkovich (middle-aged, bach).  Samarkand, fruit trader.  7/24:  Long-time resident, major merchant, who supplies the market with Tashkent fruits.  He has worked independently, with two brothers, since 1914, running major commercial operations in Moscow, Leningrad, and Siberia.  Opt.  travels frequently to Len, where buys sacks, and sells fruit.  ok for 1000 cherv.


Uz-34.  Edilovich, Grigorii Abramovich.  Samarkand, new bazaar, lavka 28 - retail galant trade.  8/25:  prerev trader - had a large galant business in Samarkand.  Revived business in 1924, now small retail stall, 2 raz.  Sales 1000, stocks same, owes same.  good rep; credit in insignif sums possible.  1/26:  sales now 1500, otherwise same.


Uz-35.  Ermakov, Lev Grig (35).  Tashkent, shop “Elektrosvet” for electrical goods.  Prerev had analogous business in Andizhan, moved to Tashkent, opened this shop in 1922.  3 raz.  Successful; sales 3000, stocks 25,000 [sic].  Used to buy for credit at Uzbektorg and Tsentrosoiuz, now for cash in M and L at various firms.  owes 500.  Owns a house, 3000.  ok for 2500.


Uz-36.  Zhidkov, Pavel Osipovich (55).  sta. Kamyshli-Bash, Tashkent rr., Kazakhstan.  Fish shop.  8/25:  He has been in the fish trade since 1908; founded this shop in 5/25. 3 raz; also has branches in Orenburg and in pos. Aral’skoe More.  Sales 2000, stocks 2500; no bank credit; no debts.


Uz-37.  Zakir’iaev, Nasrulla (27).  Samarkand, old town, hat shop/stall.  9/25:  Prerev had hat shop, reopened 1924, 2 raz.  small, but growing; sales 2000, stocks 3000.  Has credit line of 2000 at Gosbank, also Asiabank.  Has a shop premises, which he rents out, and a garden worth 2500.  ok for 1000.  11/25:  he makes the hats (of an eastern style) and sells them, buying materials in Tashkent and on the local market.  sales 2-2500.  8/26:  sales down to 1500; avoid credit.  9/27:  shop recently liquidated, no longer involved in commerce.  For the moment living off rent.


Uz-38.  Zainutdinov Kamal’ Makzym (with a partner).  retail shop/stall for galant and colonial goods, Merke, native quarter, market stall.  7/25:  Prerev cloth traders in Merke.  Founded this shop in 1924.  Sales 1000, stocks 4000, owes the state tea upravlenie 500.  Also has a home and garden worth 7000.  ok for 1000.


Uz-39.  Zakirdzhanov Tairdzhan (30).  Tashkent, old town, cloth bazaar.  4/26:  Prerev worked in father’s cloth business.  Opened this stall in 1921 with initial cap investment of 2500.  3 raz; sales 4000; stocks 6000; debitors owe him 1200; owes 2500.  Large credit line at various insts.  Obtains goods from state agencies for cash.  Also has a dacha (4000).  ok for 1000.  8/27:  shop liquidated 4 months ago.


Uz-40.  Zakirdzhanov, Abdu Rashid (36), Tashkent, old town.  livestock trader.  Prerev worked for his father’s stock trading business.  1922, father died, he and his two brothers took over business.  4 raz, cap investment of 8000, sales 65,000 a year (sells sheep).  Owes 6000.  Owns house and dacha, worth 4200.  creditable.


Uz-41.  Zavuluppov, Mulla (60).  Andizhan, old town cloth bazaar.  9/25:  Local prerev trader.  He opened this shop several years ago.  sales 2500, stocks 5000.  credit lines at Gosbank, Aziabank, Prombank; but no debts.  Owns valuable real estate; but leads modest lifestyle.  ok for 1-2000.


Uz-42.  Ismailov, Asadulla (40), Persian citizen; Tashkent.  7/29:  Moved to Russia 8 years ago, made his living through various businesses; 2 years ago, started working as a kustar’ candy maker.  Does it in his apartment, where he has some inexpensive equipment.  Business was successful, but now it has gotten worse in connection with sugar shortages and the liquidation of private candy shops, where his candy was sold.  He is planning to join a coop.  Previously received credit to the tune of 2-3 sacks of sugar, not possible any more.  Paid accurately.


Uz-43.  Ignatenko, Ekaterina.  st. Syr-Dar’ia.  Vinnaia torg.  7/28:  opened two years ago, licensed to her, but in fact her husband manages it.  4 raz.  Sells wines and vodka, plus various surrogates (under the counter) - kishmyshevka.  Capital investment 4-500, sales 800, stocks 600.  Doesn’t pay debts; bad rep.


Uz-44.  Ibragimov, Ismail (32).  Tashkent, old town.  Leather shop, kustar’ workshop.  Long-time trader; reopened business in 1921, works w/o a license.  He sells various leather wares and also produces leather goods.  Small business:  sales 200 rub., stocks 450.  Owes Gosbank 500.  Owns a house and garden worth 4000.  good rep, but not creditable.


Uz-45.  Islamov, Tashpulat (32).  Leather trade, Tashkent, Voskresenskii bazaar, kor. 8, lavka 32.  1/25:  Worked in father’s longtime leather business starting in 1911; in 1922, revived the business with 3 brothers (as equal partners).  In addition to the shop they have a leather factory in town.  Buy raw materials in Semirech’e, and worked leather in Moscow.  Sell 300-400 rub/day, stocks 10,000; said to have stocks at home as well.  Member of ovk, has credit line of 5000 at Gosbank and 2000 at Prombank.  Pays accurately, good rep.  5/25:  has his fingers in another leather business, too.  9/25:  business growing, sales 10,000, stocks 25,000.   rest unchanged.  12/25 same.  5/26:  sales 30,000, stocks 50,000, owes 10,000.  7/26:  despite general slowdown, his sales have remained high, 25,000.  Having ready cash, he can buy large lots of leather; first among local private firms in this area.  Has credit line of 13,000.  Seen as honest and experienced.  9/26:  same.  11/26:  sales down to 20,000 - attributed to conjuncture.  4/27:  sales down to 10,000, credit line closed due to the fact that he is currently in prison.  5/27:  exiled from Central Asia for 3 years.  rest unchanged.


Uz-46.  Islamov, Pulat (middle aged).  Tashkent, old town, Kurinyi bazaar, teahouse.  6/29:  Opened current teahouse in 1923; sales 750.  “Свое дальнейшее пребывание на рынке Исламов ставит в зависимость от размеров налогового обложения.


Uz-47.  Mir-Akhmedov, Mirmakhmud (46-52).  Andizhan, iron row.  Sells iron and moskatel’nye/skob wares.  6-7/25:  Prerev Andizhan trader, then opened a shop in Tashkent in 1921, returned to Andizhan and opened this business this year.  3 raz, sales 2000-4000, stocks same.  Spends most of his time in Tashkent.  2 brothers participate in business.  Has a house and land in Tashkent and Skobelev, together 13,000.  10/25 unchanged.  11/26:  sales up to 10,000, stocks 15,000.


Uz-48.  Ibragimov, Mikh. Iukhanovich (48).  Kokand, old town, Matianoi bazar.  9/27:  Prerev worked in his father’s shop, opened own in 1924 (cloth shop), which he closed in 1925.  currently unemployed.


Uz-49.  Ibragimov, Gabriel’ (36).  Kokand, cloth.  8/27:  prerev worked with his father, a major merchant of cloth and cotton, who also owned several income-earning buildings.  After rev, the buildings were nationalized, with the exception of one in old Bukhara.  With his father and brothers, I. traded cloth and cotton for awhile, but then went out of business; no current employment; only income is from the Bukhara rental property.  not creditable.