©2000 Fred Tepfer 1380 Bailey Avenue Eugene,
OR 97402 |
This is structured reading list in school facilities. It contains articles written
by (and copyrighted by) Fred Tepfer, as well as links to other sources on the
World Wide Web. Students in my classes and in the College of Education should
feel free to use this information in whatever way they want. Others may read at
will, but reproduction (in print or electronically) requires my permission. Please
send requests to
Your reading in this list should follow the structure of the outlline. In addition
to an annotated bibliography and an educator's list of building terms, the main
readinglist has three general categories, each with an introduction, main topics
(shown with numbers), sub-topics (shown
with bullets), and so forth. Read the
introduction of a category before its topics, and read a topic before its sub-topics.
Don't worry about the numbering, it's just there to differentiate between topics
and sub-topics. Read topics in any order that you want.
You will notice that some of the readings aren't yet linked. Yes, this is a
work in progress, so you're seeing evidence of writing that hasn't happened yet,
hasn't been completed yet, or hasn't been converted to html yet. I will also continue
to add links to external sources. Check back frequently! Items listed in bold
are underway and should be available soon, at least in draft form.
Please feel free to send comments, corrections, suggestions, and other sources
to me at I'm always on the lookout for improvements.
For example, if you think making all articles available in Adobe Acrobat format
would be easier for you, let me know. If there is some interest out there, I'll
make it happen.
Educator's Dictionary of Building Terms
- Custodial staff management
- Contracting out
- Elementary school transportation dilemma
- Safety in operations (also listed below
under Planning and Design)
- Preventive/predictive maintenance
- Evaluation of existing buildings
- Space management introduction
- Managing Space at Small Colleges, Facilities Manager Sept/Oct /99 (relevant
to school districts)
- The Strategic Assessment
Model (SAM), an assessment tool for facilities management organizations,
Association of Physical Plant Administrators
- Intro to Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
- Finishes
- A roofing primer
- Computers and networks
- Acoustics: introduction
NCEF articles on acoustics:
- Fire engineering, fire detection, and fire suppression
- Lab Safety, Planning, Design, and Management
- Instructional Technology and Presentation Media
- Educational Specifications and Architectural Programs
- Getting Started: Master Planning and Strategic Facilities Planning
NCEF article by Day
- Community , Staff and User Involvment Techniques
- Advanced User Involvement Techniques
- Facility Audit: Evaluation of Existing
Building (also listed above)
links: Facilities Assessment:
- School Site Selection and Community Planning and Development
- basic concepts: compact growth, growth of facilities on site, athletics
& land, outdoor ed (various sorts)
- site size
- proximities
- ties to local goahls, planning
- personal safety
- transportation
- landscape design (&maint. costs)
- School Size
- NCEF links: School
CEFPI article on school size: Gross
Square Feet per Student
- Design for safety and security (also listed
above under Building Maintenance and Operation)
- Basics of Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design
- Spaces for Education: School Space Standards
Classroom design, building block of a school
Child development and the design of school environments
Outdoor environments: classrooms, recreation, athletics
- Build or
Renovate? articles at NCEF site
- Project Cost and Budget Management, intro
- The Americans with Disabilities Act, Accessibility, and
Universal Design
link to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (with
Tepfer notes)
- Contracts, contracts, and more contracts
other interesting links still being incorporated above:
(a few in PDF)
NCEF articles: hot topics