Child Welfare League of America, Constitution, 1921

Adopted June, 1921

Article I The Name
The name of this organization shall be Child Welfare League of America.

Article II Purpose
The Purpose of this League is to secure the following results:

1. The better understanding of child welfare problems.

2. The formulation and improvement of standards and methods of the different forms of work with children.

3. The making available for all of its members the assured results of successful effort in any part of the field.

4. The development of inter-society service.

Article III Membership
Section 1. All societies which were members of the Child Welfare League of America, formerly the Bureau for Exchange of Information, at the time of the adoption of this constitution, are hereby declared members of the League.

Section 2. Any organization operating in the field of child welfare may become a member of the Child Welfare League of America upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Committee of the League.

Section 3. Other agencies not distinctly in the children’s field but who desire to opbtain service from the League in the field of child welfare may become associate members on approval by the Executive Committee and on payment of a fee to be determined by that Committee but without the privilege of voting.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to prescribe the conditions of membership in the League.

Section 5. A member may be dismissed upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee by a majority vote of members present and voting at any regular meeting of the League.

Article IV Officers and Executive Committee
Section 1. The officers of the League shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting.

Section 2. There shall be an executive meeting of eighteen members, of whom at least six shall not be staff members of any of the constituent organizations. The first year there shall be elected eighteen members, six for a term of three years, six for a term of two years, and six for a term of one year; and thereafter six members shall be elected each year for a term of three years. If not members by election, the president, secretary and treasurer shall be members ex-officio of the executive committee. The president and secretary shall act as chairman and secretary, respectively, of this committee. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. Vacancies may be filled for unexpired terms by the executive committee.

Article V Business
Section 1. Members may appoint two voting delegates, one of whom shall be the chief executive of the agency, but other representative members of agencies may attend all meetings of the League and have all privileges except to vote.

Article VI Meetings
Section 1. The Annual Meeting of the League shall be held at the time and place of the annual meeting of the National Conference of Social Work. Additional meetings, including regional meetings, may be called by the president of the League, or upon vote of the executive committee. Upon written request of ten or more member agencies, such meetings shall be called by the president.

Section 2. Meetings of the executive committee may be called by the chairman or the secretary, and upon written request of seven members thereof shall be called by the chairman.

Article VII Duties of the Executive Committee
All questions of policy shall be submitted to the executive committee for consideration and report before final action is taken by the League. The executive committee shall from time to time make recommendations to the League for its development, and shall at all times carry out the directions of the League. Between meetings of the League the executive committee shall have power to make decisions of policy which shall be subject to review at the next meeting of the League, and shall have power to make by-laws not in conflict with the constitution.

Article VIII Executive Officer and Staff
Section 1. There shall be an executive officer who shall be called Director, to be elected by the executive committee without term.

Section 2. There shall be such additional employees as shall be determined by the executive committee, to be elected by the executive committee on nomination of the Director, and subject to dismissal by the Director at his discretion.

Section 3. The executive committee shall determine the salary of the Director and of all other employees.

Article IX Finances
Section 1. There shall be a membership fee of ten dollars a year.

Section 2. Contributions from individuals and societies and grants from organizations may be received for carrying out the general purposes of the League or for carrying out special activities which may be in harmony with these purposes.

Section 3. The treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the League in a sum to be fixed by the executive committee. He shall pay bills only when certified by the Director and approved by the chairman of the executive committee, unless otherwise ordered by the executive committee. He shall render his annual report which shall have been audited by a certified public accountant appointed by the executive committee to a meeting of the executive committee prior to the annual meeting of the League.

Article X Amendments
Amendments to the constitution may be made by an affirmative vote of two-thirds present and voting at any meeting of the League, provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been included in the call for the meeting.


Source: Child Welfare League of America, “Constitution of the Child Welfare League of America,” 1921, Child Welfare League of America Papers, Social Welfare History Archives, University of Minnesota.

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To learn more about The Adoption History Project, please contact Ellen Herman
Department of History, University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1288
(541) 346-3699
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© Ellen Herman