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The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) is a non-profit organization founded in 1971 whose continuing goal is to encourage women in the mathematical sciences.
Canadian Associations for Women in Mathematics
The information on this and the other women’s pages of the CAMEL was assembled by the Committee for Women in Mathematics of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
Caucus for Women in Statistics
The Caucus for Women in Statistics was formed in 1970 to focus on specific problems associated with the participation of women in statistically oriented professions. The Caucus is an independent association with membership open to all women and men who support its purposes and objectives.
EWM is an affiliation for women bound by a common interest in the position of women in mathematics. The organization was founded in 1986 and has its office in Helsinki, Finland.
This is the website of a French organization for Women and Mathematics, which was founded in 1987. There are many pages on the site including a page of statistics looking at the number of French women in pure and applied math who head up conferences and are professors a French universities.
International Mathematical Union Women in Mathematics
This is the website of the International Mathematical Union for Women in Mathematics. The website went live in 2014. There are many pages on this website including pages for Organizations, Events, People, Initiatives, and Resources, as well as a Search Engine.
Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences
The Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences (KWMS) is now an affiliate member of the Association for Women in Mathematics. KWMS hosts an international conference for women each year, and will be a major sponsor of ICWM2014 in conjunction with ICM2014 in Seoul.
Women and Mathematics Education
The general purpose of WME is to promote the mathematics education of girls and women.
Women and Mathematics Information Server
This is an activity of the Committee for the Participation of Women in the
Mathematical Association of America. There are four sections on the site:
ASA Committee on Women in Statistics (COWIS)
The charge of this committee is: to make the members of ASA more aware of the common professional interests and problems of women members of ASA; to promote the status of women who are already in the statistics profession; to encourage women to enter the field of statistics; to establish contact and share ideas with other professional groups having similar goals; to jointly coordinate the management of the Gertrude Cox Scholarship with the Caucus for Women in Statistics
AMS Committee on Women in Mathematics (CoWIM)
In order to support the broadest possible participation of women in mathematics, the Committee on Women in Mathematics will collect and disseminate data, propose actions to encourage participation, career development and recognition of women in mathematics, and promote best practices within the mathematical community.
Joint Committee on Women in the Mathematical Sciences
The JCW, founded in 1971 as a committee of the American Mathematical Society, is now a joint committee of the following organizations: AMS, ASA, AWM, IMS, MAA, NCTM, & SIAM. It’s charge is to identify and recommend actions which those societies should take to alleviate some of the disadvantages that women mathematicians now experience and to document its recommendations and actions by presenting data.
MAA Committee on the Participation of Women
The charge of the committee is to work for full involvement of women in the affairs of the MAA and to develop MAA activities that will encourage women in careers in mathematical sciences. This committee was formed in 1987.
Organizations and Committees for Women in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
AWSEM’s mission is to create and support a regional network of science and technology practitioners, educators, parents, businesses and community organizations committed to the enrichment of opportunities in Science, Engineering and Mathematics for young women.
American Astronomical Society Committee on the Status of Women
The Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy was founded in 1979. The charge of the committee is to recommend to the AAS Council practical measures that can be taken to improve the status of women in astronomy and encourage their entry into this field.
American Physical Society Committee for the Status of Women
The Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) was founded in 1972 to address the encouragement and career development of women physicists.
Association for Computing Machinery Committee on Women in Computing
The mission of ACM-W is to engage in activities and projects that aim to improve the working and learning environments for women in computing.
Association for Women in Computing
The Association for Women in Computing is a non-profit professional organization for women and men who have an interest in information and technology. The Association was founded in 1978 and is dedicated to the advancement of women in the technology fields.
Association for Women in Science
The Association for Women in Science is dedicated to achieving equality and full participation for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
As of early 2014, there were 50 student chapters of the Association for Women in Mathematics at colleges and universities in the U.S.
The Noetherian Ring at the John’s Hopkins University
Named in honor of Emmy Noether, the Noetherian Ring is an organization of women graduate students and professors in the Mathematics Department of the Johns Hopkins University. The Hopkins Ring is modeled after the Noetherian Ring at University of California.
The Noetherian Ring at Princeton
The Noetherian Ring at Princeton is an organization of female mathematicians at Princeton of all levels (undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, junior and senior faculty). We offer opportunities for female mathematicians to interact with one another in many different forums, with the goal of building networks of support.
The Noetherian Ring at the University of California
Named in honor of Emmy Noether, the Noetherian Ring is an organization of women graduate students, postdocs, and professors in the Mathematics Department of the University of California at Berkeley.
Women in Math at University of Maryland
Women in Math (WIM) is an organization at the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP). WIM is dedicated to serving the needs of women mathematicians at UMCP. WIM is planning many activities for the upcoming semester, including monthly lunches.
Women in Math at University of Pennsylvania
UPenn Women in Math is group of women grad students, faculty, and visitors in the Mathematics Department at Penn. The group meets for lunch and sometimes invites special women visitors to the Department.
Women in Mathematics at Wisconsin
Women in Mathematics at Wisconsin (WIMAW) fosters the growth and development of the members of the mathematics community at UW Madison through exposure to outstanding women mathematicians and provides a supportive community among the women in the department with a connection to the larger math community.