Auctions (updated 8/9/97

A collection of links to PC hardware information and best prices

Recently a user of this page made note of difficulties experienced with one of these auctions. I am not recommending any of these auctions by listing them on this page. I list them because there is a great deal of interest in auctions, and this page makes it easy to find a few of them.

Buying at auctions is, as always, very much a "buyer beware" activity to undertake. Those very great looking deals do come with a significant level of risk. It would be good practice to be absolutely aware of the source of materials auctions are offering, who you will be dealing with, and any guarantees offered (usually none).

AuctionBoard - Auctions seem to be proliferating on the Web. Here is the latest to be added.

BidderNet.Com - Computer auction.

BidNAsk - Well put together site, but a slow loader on its opening page.

eBay's AuctionWeb - great place for outstanding deals on just about everything, and, of course, PC stuff!

Haggle Online - Auction for many goods including PC hardware.

Internet Auction List -  Large Internet auction directory.

Online Auction Warehouse - A computer hardware auction with many items up for bid. - An online auction, there have been complaints in the newsgroups against this one, but my feeling is that this is a fast paced auction environment, and you had best know your limits as well as what a deal is up front. What looks like a great deal is not what you are likely to pay. Sale goes to the highest bidder. Sometimes you get a deal, and often you do not! This site appears to have a large number of bids made on advertised goods.

ZAuction - Page was slow to load.