by Maria GORELIK (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

The center of the enveloping algebra of a semi-simple Lie algebra was described in classical works of Chevalley and Harish-Chandra. If g=gl(n) then the center is canonically isomorphic to the algebra of symmetric polynomials of n variables. For an arbitrary semi-simple Lie algebra the center of the universal enveloping algebra is a polynomial algebra.

The situation is quite different for Lie superalgebras: even for gl(m|n), the most straightforward analogue of gl(n), the center is not polynomial and even is not finitely generated.

In this talk we will explain different approaches to a description of the center of the enveloping algebra of simple Lie superalgebras. Also we will discuss the notion of the anticenter for Lie superalgebras.

I will review different approaches to a description of centres of the enveloping algebra of a classical Lie superalgebra.