Mirror symmetry, variations of Hodge structure, and K-theory

by Charles DORAN (University of Washington)

A cohomological ("D-brane charge") perspective on Kontsevich's homological mirror symmetry conjecture results in a predicted equivalence between the middle dimensional integral cohomology and even topological K-theory of a mirror pair of Calabi-Yau threefolds. Remarkably enough, the equivalence apparently extends far beyond just an isomorphism of Z-modules to an identification of natural skew-forms on both sides and even a dictionary between integral monodromy in the variation of Hodge structures of one Calabi-Yau manifold and special automorphisms of K-theory of the other.

The speaker will provide a gentle introduction to the subject, starting with some basic algebraic geometry (pencils of hypersurfaces in projective space), simple differential equations (generalized hypergeometric ODEs), an introduction to Hodge theory and toric geometry, and culminating in (the statement of) joint results with John Morgan establishing these predictions for a large class of Calabi-Yau threefolds with b_3 = 4.