Parametrized Constructions and Spaces of Things

by Ryan BUDNEY (UO)

There are many situations in topology where one studies a family of objects, such as exotic spheres or fiber bundles or embeddings of spheres in spheres. Typically one introduces a `parametrizing object' that allows one to get an upper bound on the diversity of such objects. One constructs exotic spheres by gluing two discs together via a diffeomorphism of their boundary, one constructs fiber bundles from maps into a classifying space.

This talk will largely focus on a `parametrizing object' for constructing embeddings of spheres in spheres, the `long knot spaces'. To understand the homotopy type of the space of long knots in R3 we use a combination of the known parts of the Thurston geometrization program for 3-manifolds together with techniques of Waldhausen and Hatcher. Out of this comes a rather odd fact (from the point of view of a 3-manifold theorist) that knot spaces admit actions of certain operads, and these operad actions tell us about the homotopy type of knot spaces, moreover they are an essential part of the geometrization of knot complements.