December 2 1999

Dear Colleagues:

The University Senate Budget Committee (David Frank, Mike Kellman, Nathan Tublitz, Wayne Westling), in consultation with the Faculty Advisory Council and the University Administration, are in the process of developing a plan to significantly augment faculty compensation (salary and benefits) to levels competitive with peer institutions. Toward that end, the Senate Budget Committee will circulate a White Paper outlining the objectives of the plan on Monday, January 10. To provide the community with an outline of this plan, we have included with this letter the executive summary of the White Paper. The White Paper will be followed by a University of Oregon Faculty Survey to be distributed early winter quarter. We intend to use the survey in the further development and construction of the plan, and to use the following timeline:

Timeline for Compensation Augmentation Process

We urge you to read the White Paper, participate in the faculty survey, and to help us create a strategy designed to elevate University of Oregon faculty compensation to levels comparable to our peer institutions.


Dave Frohnmayer (President)
Peter Gilkey (Senate President)
Wayne Westling (Chair, Senate Budget Committee)
David Frank (Chair, Faculty Advisory Council) 

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