The following information was received from Paul Simonds (IFS Senator). It is part of a larger document transmitted to the IFS and is posted and transmitted to the UO Senate with his permission.

REPORT ON THE Meeting of the PEBB Board 15 December 1999

Dave Frohnmayer, Bill Anslow, Joe Sicotte and Paul Simonds represented the OUS system before the board and the whole meeting was taken up with the issue of OUS possibly moving out of PEBB. All four of us made the following points in one form or another:

I made the following additional point: The representative for classified staff scolded us for thinking of pulling them out with faculty and treated it as though we were whining, whereupon the difference in relation to market compensation for them and faculty was re-emphasized by the OUS representatives.

I saw no willingness for the board to seriously consider our concerns. They are only concerned with keeping costs low, not looking at benefits as part of the compensation package. OUS did give notice to separate from PEBB. It had to be given before 1 January 2000 to keep our options open but does not mean that OUS will leave PEBB. The governor is still holding discussions and OUS has until March to make a final decision.

Exerpt from the Report of the 16 December 1999 Academic Council Meeting

Denise Yunker reported on the PEBB Governor's board meeting. There were assurances that opt out and cash back will have stability (but it depends a lot on health costs how stable it will be). With increased health costs coming the board need to do plan design rather than just have increased pay-in by employees. For OUS, the composite rates will be retained: no differentiation between single and married employees in the allowance, $470 for this year. A proposal was to have single employees receive something like $250 instead, thus reducing cash back substantially if not eliminating it. Many of the provosts felt we need to get out of PEBB now and take whatever political fallout there may be. If we stay, we may well be stuck. We might hurt in the next biennium but it may be a cost we should risk.
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