Mission of the Student Conduct Code:
571-21-005. (1) The primary mission of the Student Conduct Code is to set forth the standards and procedures necessary to maintain and protect an environment conducive to learning in keeping with the educational objectives of the University of Oregon. Founded upon the principle of freedom of thought and expression, an environment conducive to learning is one that preserves the freedom to learn; where academic standards are strictly upheld and where the rights, safety, dignity and worth of every individual are respected.
(2) Learning is a process defined by the exchange of ideas and the advancement of knowledge. As such, learning entails a community of scholars united by their participation in and commitment to intellectual exchange. The University is, first and foremost, such a community. By establishing the
standards of this community, the Conduct System serves not just as a disciplinary system, but also as an educational system. Hence, a corollary mission of the Code is to teach students to live and act responsibly in a community setting and to encourage the development of personal integrity.
(3) Students are simultaneously members of the University community and the broader community (e.g. city, state, nation, world). The Student Conduct Code, however, is directed specifically toward maintaining the standards of the University community. The University may impose disciplinary actions against students or student organizations only when their conduct materially interferes with the educational objectives of the University.
571-21-015 (1) The Student Conduct Code only pertains to individuals insofar as their actions directly concern their status as members of the University community. In general terms, membership in the University community is defined by participation in the exchange of ideas central to that community's mission. Application for University services or enrollment in course work or programs as per 571-21-015-1(a),(b) and (c) establishes an individual's status as student. Individuals need not be residents of University housing, present on University-owned property or at University-sponsored or supervised events in order to be considered students and thus full, participating members of the University community. Their actions may be sanctioned under the Student Conduct Code wherever those actions occur if the actions adversely affect the environment conducive to learning within the University community. In all other cases jurisdiction and discipline shall be limited to conduct which occurs on
property owned or controlled by the University or at University-sponsored or supervised events. For the purpose of enforcing the Student Conduct Code, student is defined as any person who:
(a) Has submitted an application for admission, housing, financial aid, or any other service provided by the University which requires student status;
(b) Is registered for one or more credit hours; or
(c) Is enrolled in a special non-credit program approved by the University.
(2) Student organization is defined as any group of University of Oregon students applying for and meeting the criteria for group registration or recognition established by the ASUO or its designee.
(3) Jurisdiction is maintained between periods of enrollment unless the accused individual's official record in the Office of the Registrar shows a complete withdrawal prior to the expiration of the published deadline for registration for the succeeding period of enrollment. For students enrolled in the spring term, jurisdiction is maintained until the expiration on the published deadline for registration for the succeeding fall term.
(4) In all cases except academic dishonesty or fraudulently obtaining a degree, the University must file disciplinary charges under this Code within six months of:
(a) the University's discovery of the student's or student organization's involvement in the alleged violation; and
(b) the student's last date of enrollment or registration, or an organization's recognition.
(5) Charges of academic dishonesty or fraudulently obtaining a degree may be filed at any time, whether or not the student is currently enrolled or registered.
(6) The Student Conduct Code and the processes of its administration and enforcement exist for the advancement and protection of the University communityís particular interests rather than to promote or to function as a substitute mechanism for the civil and criminal law enforcement of the larger community. Therefore, students may be accountable to both civil authorities and to the University for acts which constitute violations of the law and the Student Conduct Code. Since the action of civil authorities is independent from University action, the University may or may not initiate a conduct complaint when criminal charges are pending.