3:35 2.3 Academic Plan - remarks from Provost Jim Bean
3:50 2.4 Restructuring internal governance - University Senate President
Paul van Donkelaar
4:05 2.5 Remarks from ASUO President Sam Dotters-Katz
3. Reports
4:15 3.1 Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (IFS) -- Peter Gilkey,
4. Announcements and Communications from the Floor
4:20 4.2 Scholarly communications -- Dev Sinha, mathematics
5. New Business
4:25 5.1 Motion US08/09
-1- concerning mechanism for making appointments to fill vacancies
in the University Senate -- Peter Gilkey, mathematics
4:40 5.2
Session - regarding action on the report from the DSA Committee pursuant to
5:00 Adjournment
Please note: times listed are approximate. For information regarding the
University Senate's agendas, minutes, committees, and other matters, please
visit http://www.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/senate.html,.
Meetings are open to all members of the university community and the public.