5.1 Motion US
07/08 - 3 To abolish certain University standing committees and change
the names of other University standing committees - Peter Gilkey, mathematics
4:20 5.2 Motion US
07/08 - 2 To enable the University Senate to call a meeting of the
University Assembly with full legislative authority - Franklin Stahl, emeritus
4:45 5.3 Resolution US
07/08 - 8 Concerning the reduction in the ORP employer contribution
rate for Tier 3 employees - Senator David Levin, mathematics.
4:55 5.4 Notice of Motion -- Concerning the financing of the proposed basketball
arena - Senator Nathan Tublitz, Biology
5:00 Adjournment
Please note: times listed are approximate. For information regarding the
University Senate's agendas, minutes, committees, and other matters, please
visit http://www.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/senate.html.
Meetings are open to all members of the university community and the public.