
Organizational Meeting of the University Senate
Wednesday May 28, 2008
 Browsing Room, Knight Library 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.



Call to Order


3:05     1.  Sign in and pick up name tags


3:10     2.  Orientation


2.1  Introduction of Newly Elected Senators – Gordon Sayre, Senate President


3:20     2.2  Orientation to Senate Operations - Gwen Steigelman, Secretary of the



3:30     3.  Remarks


3.1  Comments from University President Dave Frohnmayer


3: 40    3.2  Reflections on the past year – Gordon Sayre, Senate President 2007-08


3:50     4.  Organizational Business


4.1  Nominations and election of Senate Vice President for 2008-2009


3:55     4.2  Confirmation of the 2008-2009 University Senate President Paul van



4.3  Remarks from new Senate President Paul van Donkelaar


4:10     5.  Presentation of the Wayne Westling Award for University Service and

     Leadership -- 2008 recipient James Reinmuth, Lundquist College of

     Business.  Remarks by Dean Jim Bean


4:20     Adjournment and reception. 


A welcome and congratulatory reception follows immediately after the Senate meeting in the Browsing Room of the Knight Library. 


Note: times are approximate

Web page spun on 28 May 2008 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 Email:peter.gilkey.cc.67@aya.yale.edu of Deady Spider Enterprises