3:05 1. Approval of the minutes from February 1, 2008 meeting
3:10 2. State of the University
2.1 Remarks from Frances Dyke --
vice president for finance and administration.
3:30 3. Reports
3.1 Update on Senate Budget
Subcommittee on Arena financing -- John Chalmers, chair, and Paul van Donkelaar,
senate vice president
3.2 Preliminary
Winter 2008 Curriculum Report -- Paul Engelking, chair
3:50 4. Announcements and communications from the floor
4.1 Appointment of Ad Hoc
working committee pursuant to US 07/08-17 initiative to protect the rights
of faculty authors of scholarly publications - Gordon Sayre, senate president
3:55 4.2 Proposal that faculty should be encouraged to make course
syllabi available prior to the first day of classes -- Emily McClain, ASUO
4:00 4.3 Update on Resolution US07/08-10
-- Franklin Stahl, emeritus biology, and Bertram Malle, psychology
4:05 5. Unfinished Business
5.1 Resolution US07/08-13
concerning parking issues raised by the arena project - Peter Keyes, architecture
4:25 5.2 Motion US
07/08-7 (revised) - regarding changes to the required questions on
course evaluations - Paul van Donkelaar, vice president
4:55 6. New Business
6.1 Resolution US
07/08 - 18 - regarding the investigation of recent actions in the Office
of International Affairs -- Senator Ron Davies, economics. The motion
has been withdrawn.
5:00 Adjournment
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