Meeting of the University Senate
Wednesday March 12, 2008
3:00 - 5:00 p.m., 150 Columbia


3:00      Call to order

3:05 1. Approval of the minutes from February 1, 2008 meeting

3:10 2. State of the University
        2.1 Remarks from Frances Dyke -- vice president for finance and administration.

3:30 3. Reports
        3.1 Update on Senate Budget Subcommittee on Arena financing -- John Chalmers, chair, and Paul van Donkelaar, senate vice president
        3.2 Preliminary Winter 2008 Curriculum Report -- Paul Engelking, chair

3:50 4. Announcements and communications from the floor
        4.1 Appointment of Ad Hoc working committee pursuant to US 07/08-17 initiative to protect the rights of faculty authors of scholarly publications - Gordon Sayre, senate president
3:55 4.2 Proposal that faculty should be encouraged to make course syllabi available prior to the first day of classes -- Emily McClain, ASUO president
4:00 4.3 Update on Resolution US07/08-10 -- Franklin Stahl, emeritus biology, and Bertram Malle, psychology

4:05 5. Unfinished Business
        5.1 Resolution US07/08-13 concerning parking issues raised by the arena project - Peter Keyes, architecture
4:25 5.2 Motion US 07/08-7 (revised) - regarding changes to the required questions on course evaluations - Paul van Donkelaar, vice president

4:55 6. New Business
        6.1 Resolution US 07/08 - 18 - regarding the investigation of recent actions in the Office of International Affairs -- Senator Ron Davies, economics. The motion has been withdrawn.

5:00 Adjournment

Please note: times listed are approximate. For information regarding the University Senate's agendas, minutes, committees, and other matters, please visit the Senate Web Page Members of the University Assembly (see have the right to introduce legislation and the right to the floor on any matter under discussion in the University Senate. Meetings are open to all members of the university community and the public.
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