Meeting of the University Senate
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Columbia 150
3:00 Call to Order
3:05 1. Approval of the minutes of March 12, 2008
3:07 2. State of the University
2.1 Remarks from Provost
Linda Brady -- Graduate Education Policy Package
3:25 3. Reports
3.1 Update on Parking and
Arena -- Frances Dyke, vice president for finance and administration
Traffic Impact Analysis
Underground Parking Garage
Appointment and Charge of East Gate task force for parking and transportation
3:45 3.2 Update from the On-Line Course Evaluations Implementation Committee
Paul van Donkelaar, human physiology, and Brad Shelton, mathematics
3:55 4. Announcements and communications from the floor
4.1 Elections 2008 reminder
- Gordon Sayre, Senate President
4:00 5. New Business
5.1 Distinguished Service
Awards - Dave Hubin
(The senate will meet in Executive Session for this business item.)
4:30 Adjournment
Please note: times listed are approximate. For information regarding
the University Senate's agendas, minutes, committees, and other matters,
please visit the Senate Web Page
Members of the University Assembly and Emeriti have the right to introduce
legislation and the right to the floor on any matter under discussion in the
University Senate. Meetings are open to all members of the university community
and the public.