Motion US05/06-5 – To amend University Senate By-Laws to give University of Oregon emeritus faculty members access to the senate floor and the right to introduce legislation.



Sponsored by:               W. Andrew Marcus, Geography

For Senate action                     March 8, 2006

that emeritus faculty of the university have the right to introduce legislation and shall have the right to the floor on any matter under discussion in the University Senate.  


Fiscal Impact Statement

Not significant






This motion is being sponsored to insure that the depth of experience, understanding of university affairs, and wisdom of emeritus faculty are available to the University Senate and the governance of the university. The need for this motions is as follows:


On Oct 13, 2004, the University Senate created an Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Motion US03/04. This committee investigated questions related to Motion US03/04, some of which related to membership in the University Assembly. As part if its deliberations and in consultation with the University’s General Counsel, the Ad Hoc Committee determined that emeritus faculty are not members of the University Assembly. This determination was based on interpretation of Oregon Administrative Rules and did not necessarily reflect the desires or intent of the members of the committee. The ruling that emeritus faculty are not members of the University Assembly could be interpreted to imply that emeritus may not introduce legislation or have the right to the floor in the University Senate, although the Senate By-Laws and Enabling Legislation are not explicit in this regard.


It is within the power of the University Senate to clarify the standing of emeritus faculty. Article 4.1 of the University Senate By-Laws states that “The senate shall adopt its own internal rules and procedures (by-laws).” This motion requests that the Senate adopt an internal rule that allows emeritus faculty to introduce legislation and speak on the floor in a manner identical to that of members of the University Assembly.

Legislative history: Passed by the UO Senate 23-7 12 April 2006. Amends the Senate Section 9.2.8
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