Motion US05/06-4 – Concerning the proposed sale of the Westmoreland family housing complex


Sponsored by: Senate Executive Committee

For Action:    January 11, 2006



Whereas the proposed sale of the Westmoreland housing complex:


1)         significantly affects the lives and educational possibilities of a wide range of current and future graduate and non-traditional students, including international students, students with families, low-income students, and older students;

2)         eliminates the most affordable half of the university housing available to students with families;

3)         has not been fully discussed and approved by the appropriate University governance structures and committees; and,

4)         directly and indirectly influences the ability of the University to fulfill its explicit commitments to access, affordability, diversity, community, international awareness and graduate education, as stated in the University Mission Statement;


Be it resolved that the University of Oregon University Senate:


A)        Is opposed to the sale of Westmoreland Family Housing as planned; and

B)        Urges the University President to:

1)           Re-start the planning process following established university governance procedures;

2)           Include all affected University stakeholder groups in all future planning processes and,

3)         Provide the University community with a clearly-stated strategy on how any future actions regarding the Westmoreland Family Housing property will serve the long-term academic mission of the University.

Passed unanimously on a voice vote at the 11 January 2006 UO Senate meeting.
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