Charge to the

Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity

May 11, 2005


Charge & Responsibilities


The Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity shall be responsible for: (1) advising the Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity on the development of diversity action programs at the University of Oregon; (2) insuring that the University Senate and its committees are included in the development of diversity action plans; (3) coordinating activities among University Committees and administrative working groups involved in diversity activities; and (4) recommending to the Senate appropriate processes for continued Senate involvement in developing and sustaining diversity programs on campus.  Recommended actions may include establishing a permanent University Committee on Diversity.




The membership of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee will be determined by the President of the University Senate in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee.




The Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity shall report to the University Senate.  At a minimum, the report shall be in the form of a written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May 2006.   The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as appropriate.






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