Sponsored by the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of Nontenure-Track Instructional Faculty: Shaul Cohen, Geography; Robert Davis, Romance Languages; Susan Fagan, English; Wayne Gottshall, Romance Languages; Margaret Hallock, Morse Center; Lynn Kahle, Sports Marketing; Jim Long, Chemistry; Gina Psaki, Romance Languages, Chair.
Whereas the presence of a highly
professionalized cadre of nontenure-track, instructional faculty (hereafter
NTTIF) at the UO is an established fact; whereas the UO has a vital interest in
preserving and increasing instructional quality in an era of increasing
enrollments; whereas NTTIF lack the compensation, institutional support, and
academic freedom of tenure-track instructional faculty, and the job security of
other regular cadres of employees on campus; whereas greater clarity and
consistency in policies touching the NTTIF are desirable; and whereas these
issues are national and ongoing, and cannot be resolved in the scope of an ad
hoc committee;
The University Senate moves to establish a
University Standing Committee on the Status of NTTIF, with the following
charges and responsibilities, membership, and reporting:
The University Standing Committee on the Status
of nontenure-track instructional faculty (NTTIF) shall focus on addressing the
needs of nontenure-track instructional faculty at the University of Oregon. The
responsibilities of the committee shall include the following:
Membership of the NTTIF committee shall be
appointed by the Committee on Committees for two-year terms (staggered) and
shall include at least four members of the tenured faculty, four members of the
nontenure-track instructional faculty, and an undergraduate and graduate
student. Each UO school / college in which NTTIF are employed should be represented
on the committee at least every second year. The Vice President for Academic
Affairs or his/her designee shall serve ex-officio in a non-voting
The Status of the NTTIF Committee shall report
to the University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an
annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the
University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The
committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as