The Charter of the Senate (5.2) states: The election of senate officers
shall take place at the last meeting of the University Senate each spring.
The vice president shall be elected from among the officer-of-instruction
senators completing the first year of their terms and will become president
at the end of the following year by confirmation of the senate. The president
shall thus hold that position during his or her third year in the senate.
The Bylaws of the Senate may be altered in accordance with sections 8.1 and 9.1 (Roberts Rules of Order & 2/3 majority requirement). Section 4.3 states: The President and the Vice-President are the elected officers of the University Senate. The Vice-President also serves as President-Elect. These two offices are filled at the May organizational meeting of the University Senate elected to serve the following academic year (Senate President confirmed, Senate Vice President elected). The Senate Nominating Committee, appointed by the Senate President, presents one or more candidates for the office of Senate Vice President. Nominations shall be allowed from the floor. The vote is by signed ballot and a simple majority is required for election.
The eligible candidates are: