APPENDIX A of the Report of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of UO Non-tenure track instructional faculty

Appendix A: 1-6

article by Robert B. Townsend, Perspectives, Oct. 2000.
ěPart-Time Faculty Surveys Highlight Disturbing Trendsî

2. article by Ana Maria Cox, Chronicle of Higher Education, December 1, 2000
ěStudy Shows Colleges' Dependence on Their Part-Time Instructors; Report Documents the Low Pay and Lack of Benefits for Those Off the Tenure Trackî

3. The National Adjunct Faculty Guild: The National Professional Association for Adjunct, Part-Time, Full-Time Temporary & Visiting College Faculty

4. The Ohio Conference AAUP Part-Time Faculty Survey

5. Historical Association web page, containing summary of CAW survey on history departments

6. MLA Survey of Staffing in English and Foreign Language Departments, Fall 1999

7. UO Profile-teaching faculty by area

Appendix A, Document 8

Statement of Purpose: Coalition on the Academic Work Force (CAW)

The growing use of part-time, adjunct and temporary faculty is the most serious of a number of problems affecting the current academic work force. Faced with budget limitations, many institutions find part-time and adjunct faculty appointments irresistibly
cost-effective. Yet, often, the terms and conditions of part-time and adjunct appointments are inadequate to support responsible teaching and research. This trend has engaged the attention of a number of national scholarly organizations concerned about the maintenance of quality higher education.

In September 1997, representatives of ten national academic associations agreed to issue a "Statement from the Conference on the Growing Use of Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty," which described trends and consequences, identified guidelines for good practice in institutions that employ part-time and adjunct faculty and presented an Action Agenda for implementation of these good practices. The academic associations that participated in preparing the Statement have invited other organizations to join together in a coalition to address the growing use of part-time, adjunct and temporary faculty and related issues concerning the academic work force.


The purposes of the Coalition on the Academic Work Force are: (1) to collect and disseminate information on this trend and its implications for students, parents, faculty, and institutions, (2) to articulate and clarify differences in the extent and consequences of these changes within and among the various academic disciplines and fields of study, (3) to evaluate the consequences of these developments for achieving and maintaining quality higher education, (4) to evaluate both short-term and long-term consequences for society and the public good of changes in the academic workforce,(5) to identify and promote strategies for solving the problems created by inappropriate use of part-time, adjunct and other similar faculty appointments, and (6) to collaborate in action designed to strengthen teaching and scholarship.

Organizational Participation

In joining the coalition, member associations agree: (1) to participate through their administrative, elected, and/or volunteer representatives, as seems most appropriate for each organization, in occasional meetings of the coalition, (2) to bring to the attention of their members, the "Statement from the Conference on the Growing Use of Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty," (3) to present the Statement and Action Agenda by appropriate association governing bodies, (4) to participate in the development of an agenda of continuing coalition work activities intended to encourage the implementation of the good practices identified in the Action Agenda (including, for example, research, member information, development of common position statements, meetings with representatives of other organizations and institutions, (5) to provide minimal financial assistance, as agreed, to support those specific work activities on which all members of the coalition are in common agreement, and (6) to explore opportunities for collaboration on joint work activities outside of the coalition, where
such activities are of interest to some, but not all, of the individual associations (including, for example, public information and advocacy).

Associations participating in the CAW survey project:

American Anthropological Association
American Association of University Professors
American Historical Association
American Philological Association
American Philosophical Association
American Political Science Association
College Art Association
College Forum of the National Council for Teachers of English
Linguistic Society of America
Modern Language Association
Organization of American Historians
Society for Cinema Studies

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