(passed by the University Senate May 9, 2001)
University Standing Committees are those committees established by University Senate legislation and whose charges have broad relevance to and impact upon the general University Community.In May 2000 the University Senate approved several changes to the University committee system. These changes were: (1) A statement of the basic principles underlying University wide committees, advisory groups, and boards (University Senate Motion #US9900?15a); (2) A revision of the structure of University wide committees (US9900-15b); and, (3) Specific revisions to the Senate Bylaws reflecting these changes (US9900-15c).At that meeting, the Senate also requested that the legislation for each University Standing Committee be re-evaluated and updated, and assigned this task to the 2000-2001 Committee on Committees.
The 2000-2001 Committee on Committees, in close consultation with individual committees and the Administration, investigated each of the 27 existing University Standing Committees listed in US9900-15b (see Appendix A), and have produced the following legislation that conveys the Charge and Responsibilities, Membership, and Reporting relationships and expectations of each committee.
This legislation is based on the following definitions and principles:
Faculty: The term "faculty" refers to all those formally appointed as officers of instruction, officers of administration and officers of research.It is an inclusive term.
Teaching Faculty:The term "teaching faculty" specifically refers to officers of instruction, both tenure track and non-tenure track.
Staff:The term "staff" refers to university classified staff members.
Terms of Service:Unless otherwise specified, the term of service for faculty and staff on all University Standing Committees is two years.The Committee on Committees shall be charged with staggering appointments to ensure a regular rotation of membership.
Chair: Unless otherwise specified, each committee shall elect its own chair in the Spring from among the continuing members for a one year term.
Ex-Officio:An ex-officio member of a committee serves "by virtue of position."Unless designated as "Ex-officio non-voting," all ex-officio members have all the rights, privileges and obligations of any other committee member.
Student Members:Unless otherwise specified in this legislation, student members on University Standing Committees have all the rights, privileges and obligations of any other committee member.
This legislation represents all current University Standing Committees (Appendix A) and replaces all previous University Senate and Assembly legislation on campus wide committees referred to as "academic committees" or "faculty committees."
The Academic Requirements Committee shall be responsible for the administration and interpretation of academic requirements for baccalaureate degrees, and for action on student petitions for exceptions to these requirements and other academic regulations. It shall have no jurisdiction over regulations governing graduate degrees or requirements for individual majors or minors. The committeeâs largest task shall be to evaluate and rule on student petitions. The committee shall also gather data and observe the effects of academic regulations, and present its findings and recommendations to the faculty.The committee shall delegate to its secretary, the University Registrar, the administration of many routine phases of the University's academic regulations in accordance with policies set by the committee.
Membership of the Academic Requirements Committee is not fixed except for the 3 student members.The composition of the committee traditionally includes 7-8 teachingfaculty, 3 students, plus Academic Advising Director or designee (ex officio), Financial Aid Director or designee (ex officio), and University Registrar as Secretary (ex officio, non-voting). Advanced students -- junior or senior -- are preferred.
The Academic Requirements Committee shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.The Committee shall also report to the Undergraduate Council on all pertinent issues.
Campus Planning Committee shall advise the University President on long-range
campus development with regard to the design of the campus, including buildings
and landscaping, and to policy issues related to transportation.The
committee shall ensure that all development is in compliance with the current
Long Range Campus Development Plan.The
Campus Planning Committee's duties shall include the following: (1) serving
as the primary author of proposed amendments and periodic updates to the
Long Range Campus Development Plan (LRCDP); (2) verifying the conclusions
of the Biennial Implementation Plan as required by the LRCDP; (3) reviewing
proposed development project designs for compliance with the LRCDP; (4)
serving on architect selection committees for development projects; (5)
serving on project user groups; and (6) reviewing policy issues related
to transportation to determine their consistency with the university's
transportation plan. The chairperson shall appoint subcommittees as needed
with concurrence of committee members.
Membership of the Campus Planning Committee is not fixed. Typically it shall consist of 8-10 faculty (minimum 5 teaching faculty), 5 students, 1 classified staff member, plus the following ex-officio members: a representative of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of Architecture and Allied Arts, a representative of Disability Services, the Director of Facilities Services or designee, the Director of University Planning, and each Vice President or designee.
The Campus Planning Committee shall report to the Administration. The Committee shall also provide reports to the University Senate. At a minimum thesereports shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the University Senate meeting in October. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
The Committee on Child Care and Family Support shall support efforts to address the family and child-care needs of University faculty, staff and students. It shall assess child-care and family-support needs, identify priorities, and develop proposals to meet them. It shall participate in long-range planning for child care and other family services, and in advocacy for the recognition of family needs across the campus community. It shall also foster communication and information exchanges among groups and individuals focused on family-related programs and policies.
Membership of the Committee on Child Care and Family Support is not fixed and traditionally consists of 6 faculty (including at least 1 member each from teaching faculty and officers of administration), 4 students (to include at least one GTF), 3 classified staff nominated by Human Resources/OPEU, plus the following ex officio, non-voting members: the Director of Family Housing, the Director of Human Resources or designee, representative from UO Planning Office, Assistant Dean for Family Programs, the Coordinator of EMU Child Care and Development Centers, the Director of Vivian Olum Child Development Center, Directors of contracted child-care services and the UO Work and Family Services Administrator, the latter of whom also provides staffing for this committee.
The Child Care and Family Support Committee shall report to the Administration and to University Senate. At a minimum thereport to the University Senate shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
The Committee on Courses shall be responsible for: (1) Screening all proposals for course changes and reporting its recommendations to the University faculty through the Faculty Senate; (2) Directing the University editor on the content and structure of the University Catalog; (3) Consulting with the Undergraduate Council and the Graduate Council on curricular patterns of concern; (4) Participating, on behalf of the University faculty, in planning the development and improvement of the instructional program of the institution; (5) Reviewing courses not taught on a regular basis; and, (6) Providing advice and assistance to schools and departments in the planning of the curriculum.When the committee is recessed, the chair of the committee shall have authority to approve immediate emergency requests for course changes subject to review when the committee resumes business. This authority may be delegated to the Provost in the absence of the chair.
Membership of the Committee on Courses consist of 5 teaching faculty (3 year, staggered terms), with no two from the same department, nor more than two from the same school or college, with the exception of the College of Arts and Sciences, nor no more than two from any one of the three CAS divisions of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities; 2 students (1 year terms); plus the following ex officio, nonvoting members: Catalog Editor or designee, Director of Academic Advising or designee, Registrar or designee, and Dean of the Graduate School or designee. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members.
The Committee on Courses shall report to the University Senate in the fall, winter and spring academic terms. Each report shall be in the form of a preliminary report of curricular changes which shall be approved by the University Senate before implementation.An annual written report shall be submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the final meeting of the University Senate in May.
Distinguished Service Awards & Honorary Degrees Committee shall be
responsible for the screening, investigation and recommendation of candidates
to receive the Distinguished Service awards (no more than 3 per year) and
Honorary Degrees (no more than 2 per year). The committeeâs recommendations
shall be presented to the University Senate for discussion and final approval.The
criteria for selection are contained within the pertinent University Assembly
minutes and are on file in the President's Office. The Distinguished Service
Award cannot be given to current University of Oregon faculty.
of the Distinguished Service Awards & Honorary Degrees Committee is
fixed and consists of5 teaching
faculty, plus the following ex officio members: UO President or
designee (chair), Advisory Council chair, University Senate president,
Graduate Council chair, Alumni director, A.S.U.O. president, and Student
Senate chair.
Distinguished Service Awards & Honorary Degrees Committee shall report
to the University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form
of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary
of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting
in May. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports
to the Senate as necessary.
Distinguished Teaching Award Committee shall be responsible forthe
screening, investigation and recommendation of candidates to receive any
Campus-wide teaching awards including, but not limited to, the Ersted Award
for Distinguished Teaching and the Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement
Award for Distinguished Teaching. The Office of the Vice President for
Academic Affairs and Provost provides the staffing for this committee
of the Distinguished Teaching Award Committee is fixed and consists of:
at least 4 and not more than 8 teaching faculty broadly representative
of the faculty at-large, 1 student, and the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
(ex officio, non-voting).
Distinguished Teaching Award Committee shall report to the University Senate.
At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report
submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate
no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee
shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Environmental Issues Committee shall be responsible for the following:
1) Consideration, investigation and reporting, in the form of advisories
or recommendations, on environmental issues that affect the quality of
life, safety, and health of the University community, as well as on those
issues about which the University should act as an educational resource;2)
Recommend promulgation of rules or policies directly related to environmental
issues affecting quality of life, safety, and/or health to be adopted by
the University administration and/or University Senate on behalf of the
University community; 3) Recommend educational programs, training sessions,
or workshops which could be offered to members of the University community
and/or the general public; 4) Recommend ways to inform the University community
about environmental issues; 5) Develop committee-sponsored research papers
on environmental issues affecting the University community; 6) Recommend
scheduling of environmental issue forums for the University community.The
Office of Public Safety provides the staffing for this committee.
of the Environmental Issues Committee is not fixed. It traditionally consists
of: 6 faculty (minimum 2 teaching faculty); 6 students who represent a
cross-section of student groups with environmental interests; 1 Management
Services representative; and 2 classified staff members. Ex officio,
non-votingmembers shall include:
University Planner or designee, Director of Physical Plant and/or Physical
Plant Recycling Coordinator, Director of Environmental Health and Safety,
and Director of Public Safety or designee.
Environmental Issues Committee shall report to the Administration. The
Committee shall also provide reports to the University Senate. At a minimum
thesereports shall be in the form
of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary
of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting
in May. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports
to the Senate as necessary.
Faculty Advisory Council shall be responsible for providing the President
and other Administration officials with faculty opinion and counsel on
the wide range of university affairs. In its relations with the President,
the Administration, and with the faculty, the Faculty Advisory Council
shall act either on request or on its own initiative.
of the Faculty Advisory Council is fixed and consists of 10 elected faculty
representing College of Arts and Sciences (4), Professional Schools and
Colleges (4) and Officers of Administration (2).No
two persons from the same CAS department, nor from the same professional
school or college, nor from the same administrative unit shall serve at
the same time.No person shall serve
simultaneously on the Faculty Advisory Council and the Faculty Personnel
Committee.The University Senate
president or designee shall be an ex officio member of the Faculty
Advisory Council with full privileges. The University President, Provost
and Vice Provost shall be ex officio, non-voting members. The following
administrators are ineligible to serve on this committee: the president;
the provost; vice presidents; vice provosts; associate or assistant vice
provosts; associate or assistant vice presidents; deans; and associate
deans or their equivalent.
Faculty Advisory Council shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum
this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Faculty Personnel Committee shall be responsible for advising the Provost
on all tenure and promotion cases.
FPC Membership. Membership of the Faculty Personnel Committee is fixed
and shall consist of ten (10) members who are elected to staggered two-year
terms.No person may serve two consecutive
terms. Five (5) members shall hold appointments in the College of Arts
and Sciences (CAS). Five (5) members shall hold appointments in the Professional
Schools and Colleges. Only regular tenured Officers of Instruction with
academic departmental, school, or college appointments of 0.5 FTE or greater
are eligible to serve on the FPC. The word `regular' excludes adjunct,
visiting, and courtesy appointments. The President, Vice-Presidents, Provost,
Vice-Provost, Associate or Assistant Provosts, Dean or Associate Deans
are ineligible to serve on the FPC. Department heads in the CAS are ineligible
to serve on the FPC. No individual may serve on the FPC during a year when
his or her promotion case will come before the FPC and must resign from
the FPC if this happens. No more than one person from the same department
in any School or College with departments shall serve at the same time
on the FPC; no more than one person from any School or College without
Departments may serve at the same time on the FPC. No person shall serve
simultaneously on the Faculty Advisory Council and the Faculty Personnel
Election of FPC members. Only members of the voting faculty who are Officers
of Instruction with tenure or in tenure track positions shall be eligible
to vote for elections to the FPC. The Secretary of the Faculty, with the
help of the University Senate, shall ensure that the number of candidates
nominated shall be at least one more than the number of open positions
in both the College of Arts and Sciences and in the Professional Schools
and Colleges. Candidates for the FPC may be nominated by any person who
is eligible to vote in the election for that position. Except in instances
of self-nomination, the nomination must be accompanied by evidence that
the person nominated is willing to serve in the position. Separate ballots
shall be prepared for the candidates from CAS and the Professional Schools
and Colleges. Both ballots shall be circulated to all eligible voting Officers
of Instruction. All members shall be elected for two-year terms, except
for those filling vacancies in unexpired terms. Elections for the FPC shall
be held in the spring quarter.
Student participation: Two University students, nominated by the appropriate
procedures within the ASUO and appointed by the President, shall serve
as voting participants in the deliberations of the committee. The student
participants are to abide by the usual regulations adopted by the committee
for its members.
Selection of the Chair: The FPC shall meet in the spring quarter subsequent
to the election of the new members. The continuing members and the new
members shall elect a chair for the following year.
Resignations: A member of the FPC who does not serve out his or her full
term shall be replaced by the normal election process if possible, and
if not, the person who received the next highest vote in most recent election
for the position shall be appointed to serve out that term.
Faculty Personnel Committee shall report to the University Senate. At a
minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report for
the previous academic year submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary
of the University Senate no later than the first University Senate meeting
in October. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports
to the Senate as necessary.
Foreign Studies Programs Committee shall: (a) regularly review and approve
the academic standards of organized foreign study programs now associated
with the University for the continued granting of academic credit; (b)
establish policy, evaluate, and make recommendations to the faculty, through
the Faculty Senate, regarding the approval of any proposed foreign studies
programs; (c) follow the most recent academic standards for Foreign Programs
enumerated by the Oregon State System of Higher Education.The
Committee works with the International Affairs Advisory Committee to recommend
broad institutional policies and goals for programs of study and other
opportunity abroad. The Office of International Education & Exchange
provides the staff for this committee.
of the Foreign Studies Programs Committee is not fixed, however, it must
include faculty and students. Membership traditionally includes 5-7 faculty
and 2 students, plus Director of International Education & Exchange
(ex officio).
Foreign Studies Programs Committee shall report to the University Senate.
At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report
submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate
no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee
shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Graduate Council shall advise the Dean of the Graduate School on matters
pertaining to graduate study at the University of Oregon. The Council shall
establish general policies and regulations governing graduate study at
the University of Oregon, excluding those matters requiring approval by
the Chancellor or the Oregon University System (OUS).Specifically,
and in addition to its advisory role, the Graduate Council shall be responsible
for: (1) Providing rules and procedures for the effective administration
and application of faculty policies and regulations; (2) Recommending changes
in, or additions to, the policies and major regulations of the Graduate
School; (3) Providing for the maintenance of high standards of graduate
instruction; (4) Considering all proposals for changes in courses carrying
graduate credit and to present its recommendations to the Committee on
Courses; and, (5) Participating in decennial Program Review. This legislation
shall not preclude the right of any faculty member to appeal to the general
faculty on matters pertaining to graduate policies and regulations.
of the Graduate Council is fixed at 14 voting members, consisting of 12
elected teaching faculty at the rank of assistant professor or above and
2 students plus the Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (ex
officio, non-voting). Of the 12 teaching faculty, 6 shall be from College
of Arts and Sciences representing the Humanities (2), the Social Sciences
(2), and the Natural Sciences (2), but no two shall be from the same CAS
department; 1 from each of the professional schools/colleges which include
the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, the Lundquist College of Business,
the College of Education, the School of Journalism and Communication, the
School of Music, and 1 at large representative from any of the professional
schools/colleges.The elected faculty
members of the Graduate Council shall come from departments that have graduate
major programs leading to a graduate degree and are conducted under the
jurisdiction of the Graduate School.One
student must be from a program leading to a master's degree and one must
be from a graduate program leading to a doctoral degree.Faculty
members of the Graduate Council shall be elected for 3-year terms. The
Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School shall be empowered to appoint
other ex-officio, non-voting members to represent important constituencies
of graduate students and faculty as needed.
Graduate Council shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum this
report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the
Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than
the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make
additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Intercollegiate Athletic Committee shall: (1) Advise the Administration,
the Senate and the Athletic Director on any athletic department policy
or program, including the athletic department budget; (2) Promote and safeguard
opportunities for student athletes to excel in academics and protect and
ensure the academic integrity of student athletes; and, (3) Promote greater
understanding, for the University community, of intercollegiate athletics
and the relationship between academics and athletics.
Intercollegiate Athletic Committee shall have one subcommittee, an executive
committee, consisting of the committee chair, one faculty member, one student
and the faculty athletic representative.The
executive committee shall be charged with maintaining close and timely
communications with the athletic department, through the Athletic Director
or designee.The executive committee
shall set the agenda and venue for IAC meetings.The
executive committee shall be empowered to call extraordinary meetings of
the IAC.
Chair of the IAC shall be elected at the final regularly scheduled Spring
meeting and must be a returning member. The Chair of the IAC shall be responsible
for forming the Executive Committee.It
is expected that the Executive Committee shall have regular contact with
the Athletic Department during the Summer.
of the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee is fixed and consists of sixteen
(16) voting members, eleven (11) teaching faculty and five (5) students.
Eight (8) teaching faculty members -- four (4) from the College of Arts
and Sciences and four (4) from other areas -- shall be elected to the committee
by the general faculty.An elected
or appointed faculty member may serve up to three consecutive terms.After
three terms the faculty member must be off the committee for two years
before being eligible for re-election or re-appointmentThe
University Senate shall appoint two faculty members to the IAC for two
year terms.The Faculty Athletic
Representative shall be an ex officio member of the committee with
full membership privileges.The five
students shall be appointed through the ASUO and the President's office.At
least one student member shall be a varsity student athlete. Students shall
serve one year terms and may serve up to three consecutive terms. The Athletic
Director and his designees on the IAC shall be ex-officio non-voting
members.No member of the IAC may
receive benefits from the Department of Athletics beyond what she or he
would otherwise be entitled to if she or he were not a member of the IAC.
Intercollegiate Athletic Committee shall report to the University Senate.
At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report
submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate
no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee
shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
IAC executive committee shall maintain communication with the Senate through
the IAC's senate appointees (who are eligible to serve on the executive
committee).The executive committee
shall meet with the Senate President and the Vice President for Academic
Affairs at the beginning of the academic year.
International Affairs Advisory Council shall be responsible for:(1)
Advising the Vice Provost for International Affairs on matters relating
to this office and the Universityâs international program committees; (2)
Identifying opportunities for international curriculum and academic program
coordination, planning, development, and enhancement; (3) Formulating strategies
for faculty development and internationalization, including fund-raising;
and serving as a panel to review and advise the awarding of foreign grants
for faculty and international programs whenever these become available;
(4) Identifying ways to make the student experience on campus more international
in character and to stimulate student interest in international education;
(5) Recommending broad institutional policies and goals for programs of
study and other opportunity abroad (in coordination with the Foreign Study
Programs Committee); (6) Identifying opportunities and procedures to improve
services for international students and scholars; (7) Advising the Vice
Provost, the Provost, and the University President on external relations
concerning the international dimensions of the University; (8) Promoting
and enhancing international living on campus by supporting and advising
the International House; and, (9) Recommending revised or new policies
as appropriate in any area of the University to strengthen the international
character of the University.The
Office of International Affairs provides the staffing for this committee.
of the International Affairs Advisory Council is fixed and consists of
the: Chair, Foreign Studies Programs Committee; Director, Office of International
Education and Exchange; Director, International Studies Program, or his/her
designee; Chairs (or their designees) from the Asian Studies Committee,
the Russian/East European Studies Committee, the Latin American Studies
Committee, and the European Studies Committee; 3 additional teaching faculty
members broadly representative of the campus; and 2 students, one of which
shall be an international student.
International Affairs Advisory Council shall report to the University Senate.
At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report
submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate
no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee
shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Johnson Memorial Award Committee shall be responsible for identifying potential
recipients for the Johnson Memorial Award, and forwarding suggested recipients
to the President of the University. The Johnson Memorial Award is made
annually to a faculty member who by action and word as teacher, as scholar,
and as citizen of the academic community has, over a period of years, exemplified
commitment to the principles affirmed by the life and career of Charles
E. Johnson.Background on this award
is on file and available in the President's Office.
of the Johnson Memorial Award Committee is not fixed and traditionally
consists of 3-4 faculty, Secretary of the Faculty (ex officio),
and a representative from the Faculty Advisory Council (ex officio).The
Committee on Committees shall have the authority, in its annual role of
recommending committee membership, to include a student member and/or a
member from outside the University.
Johnson Memorial Award Committee shall report to the University Senate
and will make a report, in the form of suggestions of award recipients,
directly to the President of the University. The report to the Senate will,
at a minimum be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the
Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than
the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make
additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns Committee shall be responsible
for:a) Creating a safe and secure
campus for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons: b) Fostering
asense of community among lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender people at the University of Oregon; c) Working
to eliminate all types of discrimination based on sexual orientation and
gender identity in university programs, facilities, and services; and,
d) Sponsoring and encouraging educational programs that promote increased
tolerance and understanding onissues
of sexual and gender diversity.The
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns Committee is staffed by
the Office of Student Life.
regular membership of the committee shall consist of 4 faculty, 4 staff,
and 4 students; student members shall serve one-year terms.The
committee shall also include 4 ex-officio non-voting members, representing
the Department of Public Safety, Academic Advising, Human Resources, and
University Housing.The committee
shall appoint two co-chairs from among its members.The
committee shall establish such subcommittees as necessary and invite other
members of the university community to join these subcommittees.The
committee shall make every effort to maintain an appropriate balance of
teaching faculty, Officers of Administration, and classified staff.The
committee should seek adequate representation in its membership of those
persons who are openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender as well
as people of color and other underrepresented groups.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns Committee shall report
to the University Administration and to the University Senate. At a minimum
the report to the University Senate shall be in the form of an annual written
report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University
Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee
shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Library Committee shall be responsible for advising the University Administration
onlibrary affairs, serving in an
advisory capacity to the University Library administration, acting as a
liaison between the Library and faculty, and providing a faculty perspective
on Library budgetary matters.The
Office of the Librarian provides the staffing for this committee.
of the Library Committee is not fixed, consisting of 9-10 teaching faculty
and officers of research broadly representative of the breadth of academic
disciplines, plus 2 students.
Library Committee shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum this
report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the
Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than
the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make
additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
ROTC Advisory Committee shall be responsible for advising the University
President, the University faculty, and the Department of Military Science
on matters affecting the Reserve Officers Training Corps (R.O.T.C.) program
at the University and to work cooperatively with the department in reviewing
and making recommendations concerning the officer education program. Specifically,
the committee shall: (1) Advise the President, the faculty, and the Department
of Military Science on matters concerning military education on the campus;
(2) Review all courses to be offered by the R.O.T.C. and provide recommendations
to the Universityâs curriculum authorities, including recommendations on
degree credit where appropriate; (3) Review and recommend on all proposed
R.O.T.C. instructional appointments to the Provost; and, (4) Hear appeals
from students enrolled in R.O.T.C. on matters concerning their academic
standing in R.O.T.C. and make recommendations in such cases to the appropriate
of the ROTC Advisory Committee is fixed, consisting of: 3 faculty from
departments other than the Department of Military Science; the senior officer
of the ROTC program (ex officio), the Provost or designee (ex
officio, non-voting), and 2 students, 1 of whom must be currently enrolled
in the ROTC program and 1 who is not enrolled in ROTC.
ROTC Advisory Committee shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum
this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Committee on Scholarships shall be responsible to advise the Office of
Financial Aid on policy and procedures for the awarding of scholarships,
and to participate in the review of applications and the selection of candidates
for scholarships. The committee shall determine the criteria for the awarding
of scholarships and shall review applicant files. Successful applicants
and level of aid shall also be determined by the committee.
of the Committee on Scholarships is not fixed and includes at least one
teaching faculty member from each of the professional schools and each
of the 3 major divisions (Humanities, Social Science and Natural Science)
within the College of Arts and Sciences. Traditionally membership consists
of 10-12 teaching faculty, 2 students (who are recused from reviewing applications
from their peer group), plus the following ex officio members: Director
of Admissions, Vice Provost for Student Affairs or designee, Director of
Financial Aid, Director of Multicultural Affairs or designee, and Director
of U.O. Foundation or designee.
Committee on Scholarships shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum
this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Scholastic Review Committee is responsible for administering, within the
framework of faculty legislation, the undergraduate academic standards
of the University as they pertain to the level of academic performance
and progress toward a degree.The
SRC reviews the records of undergraduate students doing unsatisfactory
work, places such students on probation and sets individual goals for improvement,
disqualifies students from attending the University for continued unsatisfactory
scholarship, and passes on petitions for reinstatement. These responsibilities
are carried out in two ways: 1) End of Term Review -- in which the committee
reviews the academic records of undergraduate students who have been disqualified
based on academic performance, and 2) Petition Review -- in which the committee
acts upon petitions submitted by students for reinstatement, cancellation
of academic probation or disqualification, retroactive withdrawal, retroactive
change in grading option, or contested grade. Graduate students and law
school students are excluded from committee action or review for academic
warning, academic probation, and academic disqualification.The
Scholastic Review Committee differs from the Academic Requirements Committee
in that the SRC normally looks only at changes in the student record once
the academic term in question is completed.
of the Scholastic Review Committee is not fixed except for the 4 student
members. Membership traditionally includes 7-9 teaching faculty, 4 students,
and the following ex officio members: Registrar, a representative
from Academic Learning Services, the Multicultural Affairs Director or
designee, and 2 representatives from Academic Advising.
Scholastic Review Committee shall report to the University Senate. At a
minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Status of Women Committee shall be primarily concerned with women members
of the University community. The responsibilities of the committee shall
include the following: 1) To act in an advisory capacity in developing
affirmative action programs to the University administration, faculty,
and students; 2) To provide opportunities for women to explore a variety
of potential careers that may not be defined by traditional roles; 3) To
identify barriers which may block job opportunities and career development
of women, and to stimulate career development programs for women; 4) To
encourage more women to take part in the administration of the University,
and to encourage greater faculty and administrative efforts to assure that
access to participation in University governance is accorded women; and,
5) To review and consider other womanâs issues as appropriate.
of the Status of Women Committee is not fixed and shall include members
from both sexes and from the classified, faculty, and student constituencies.Membership
traditionally consists of 5-6 faculty, 3 classified staff, 3 students,
plus the Director of Affirmative Action (ex officio).
Status of Women Committee shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum
this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Student Conduct Committee, as designated in OAR 571-21-019, shall be responsible
for administering the Student Conduct Code and Student Conduct program
as follows: (1) The Student Conduct Committee shall be responsible for
formulating or approving, prior to implementation, regulations and enforcement
procedures pertaining to student disciplinary matters at the University
of Oregon, and recommending to the faculty policy or administrative changes
in any aspect of the Student Conduct Program; and (2)With
the consent of the President of the University, the Student Conduct Committee
may sub-delegate jurisdiction to handle violations of the Student Conduct
Code or other University regulations to University officials, committees,
or minor tribunals.The Student Conduct
Committee is staffed by the office of the Student Conduct Coordinator.
of the Student Conduct Committee is fixed by OAR regulations and consists
of4 faculty, 4 students, Director
of Residence Life or designee (ex officio, non-voting), Director
of Student Judicial Affairs (ex officio, non-voting), Secretary
(ex officio, non-voting).
Student Conduct Committee shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum
this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Student Conduct Hearing Board, as designated in OAR 571-21-0055, shall
be responsible for adjudicating on student conduct cases referred to the
Board. The Board shall specifically: (1) Convene a formal hearings panel
of two (2) faculty and three (3) students drawn from the Board to hear
the case; (2) Listen to evidence; (3) Decide if the Student Conduct Code
has been violated; and, (4) Determine which, if any, sanctions to impose,
ranging from a warning to expulsion from the University. Training and consultation
are provided by the University Legal Counsel and director of Student Judicial
of the Hearings Board is fixed by OAR statute and consists of a pool of
8 faculty and 10 students.
Student Conduct Hearings Board shall report to the University Senate. At
a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report
submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate
no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee
shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
responsibilities of the Student-Faculty Committee on Grievances shall,
as designated by OAR 571-03-006, be to: (1) Make itself readily accessible
to all members of the University community, and determine in each case
whether a particular grievance falls within its jurisdiction; (2) Receive
complaints or grievances against faculty, either officers of instruction
or officers of administration, arising out of their responsibilities as
officers of the institution; (3) Investigate and review these complaints
or grievances in an informal manner, affording full opportunity to the
concerned faculty member to be heard; (4) Attempt to resolve differences
or adjust grievances in an amicable fashion consistent with the understanding
of the parties and the best interests of the University; and, (5) Issue
such findings and recommendations (furnishing copies to the persons concerned)
to either the President (if the grievance was initiated by a faculty member)
or the appropriate Vice President (if the grievance was initiated by a
student) as appear appropriate under the circumstances. The complete operating
procedures for the committee are described in OAR 571-03-006.
membership of the Student-Faculty Committee on Grievances is fixed by OAR
Statute (OAR 571-03-006 (1)) and shall be composed of an equal number of
students and faculty. Suggested membership is 3 faculty and 3 students.
Student-Faculty Committee on Grievances shall report to the Administration
and to the University Senate. At a minimum the report to the University
Senate shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the
Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than
the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make
additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Summer Research Awards Committee shall be responsible for reviewing applications
forthe Summer Research Awards, awards
administered through the Office of Research and Faculty Development, and
to present recommendations to the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate
Education. The committee shall also address a research-specific issue and
report back to the University Senate on an as needed basis.The
Office of Research and Faculty Development provides the staffing for this
of the Summer Research Awards Committee is not fixed and traditionally
consists of the Vice Provost for Research or designee, 8-10 research-active
faculty, broadly representative of the faculty, who are themselves eligible
to receive the award; plus a representative from the Research & Faculty
Development Office (ex officio, non-voting).
Summer Research Awards Committee shall report to the University Senate.
At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report
submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate
no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee
shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Tenure Reduction, Retirement and Emeriti Committee shall advise the University
faculty and the Administration on matters of policy and practice concerning
all aspects of tenure reduction programs, conditions of retirement, and
rights of the emeriti.
of the Tenure Reduction, Retirement and Emeriti Committee is fixed and
consists of 3 faculty, at least one of which must be an emeritus/emerita
professor, and at least one faculty member who has signed up for the tenure
reduction program, plus the University Benefits Officer (ex officio,
non-voting) and the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel (ex officio,
Tenure Reduction, Retirement and Emeriti Committee shall report to the
University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an
annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary
of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting
in May. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports
to the Senate as necessary.
Undergraduate Council shall be responsible for reviewing, evaluating and
enhancing the quality of the Universityâs academic program.The
Councilâs charge includes: 1) Review and promote the objectives and purposes
of undergraduate education and assure that all policies and procedures,
curricula, personnel and teaching decisions that affect undergraduate education
are consistent and defensible with the institutionâs undergraduate education
mission as defined in the Universityâs Mission Statement and Statement
of Philosophy, Undergraduate Education; 2) Participate, on behalf of the
University faculty, in planning the development and improvement of the
undergraduate instructional program of the institution, in consultation
with the University President, officers of administration and with relevant
department heads and program directors; 3) Monitor and respond to general
academic policies, especially those which have and interactive impact on
undergraduate programs across the University; 4) Identify, develop and
advocate new and revised baccalaureate degree policies as appropriate;
5) Establish criteria and outcomes to determine the success of the overall
undergraduate program and review the program and its various components
in light of these criteria and outcomes; and, 6) Monitor the academic coherence,
quality, and standards of the undergraduate academic program to assure
that the quality and rigor of instruction and evaluation are consistent
across the curriculum.
of the Undergraduate Council is fixed and consists of the following: 10
elected faculty representing the School of Architecture and Allied Arts
(1), College of Business (1), College of Education (1), School of Journalism
and Communication (1), School of Music (1) and the College of Arts and
Sciences (5 total, no 2 from the same department; 1 each from Humanities,
Social Sciences and Natural Sciences and 2 at-large representatives); Chair
of the Committee on Courses; Chair of the Academic Requirements Committee;
Chair of the Scholastic Review Committee; Chair of the CAS Curriculum Committee;
4 students (no more than 2 from the same school or college);Registrar
(ex officio, non-voting); representative from the Office of Academic
Affairs (ex officio, non-voting); representative from the Office
of Academic advising (ex officio, non-voting); representative from
the Library (ex officio, non-voting). All elected members shall
serve staggered, 3-year terms, except for students, who shall serve 1-year
Undergraduate Council shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum
this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
University Appeals Board shall be, as designated in OAR 571-21-070,the
final appeals body within the Student Conduct Program. As set forth in
OAR 571-21-055(4), this Board shall be responsible for reviewing substantive
or procedural appeals from the decisions of the Student Conduct Hearings
Board.Whereas the Student Conduct
Committee oversees the entire Student Conduct Program structure, the University
Appeals Board is part of the adjudication process for complaints made against
students. The University Appeals Board does not hear live testimony; rather,
it evaluates records and reviews arguments of a case in previous tribunals.
Appeals are allowed only in limited circumstances.
of the University Appeals Board is fixed by OAR Statute (OAR 571-21-070(2)).
It consists of 3 faculty and 3 students. Members may be reappointed, but
no member may serve more than two consecutive terms.
University Appeals Board shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum
this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted
by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later
than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also
make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
Care & Family Support
on Courses
Service Award and Honorary Degrees
Teaching Awards
Advisory Council
Foreign Studies Programs
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Concerns
Graduate Council
Intercollegiate Athletics
International Affairs Advisory Council
Johnson Memorial Award
ROTC Advisory
Scholastic Review
Status of Women
Student Conduct
Student Conduct Hearings Board
Student-Faculty Committee on Grievances
Summer Research Awards
Tenure Reduction, Retirement & Emeriti
Undergraduate Council
University Appeals Board
Web page spun on 5 December 2007 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 Email:peter.gilkey.cc.67@aya.yale.edu of Deady Spider Enterprises |