OAR 580-021-0140 Post Tenure Review
(1) Tenured faculty members shall be evaluated periodically and systematically
in accordance with guidelines developed by each institution.
(2) The purposes of post-tenure review are to:
(a) assure continued excellence in the academy,
(b) offer appropriate feedback and professional development opportunities
to tenured faculty,
(c) clearly link the level of remuneration to faculty performance, and
(d) provide accountability to the institution, public, and Board.
(3) Institutions shall develop post-tenure review guidelines in accordance
with the objectives and guidelines promulgated in IMD
4.002, OAR 580-021-0135(3), and OAR 580-021-0005(3)(A). Stat. Auth.
ORS 351 Stats. Implemented: ORS Hist: HEB 3-1978, f & ef. 6-5-78, HEB2-1999,
f. & ef. 3-1-99