Spring 2006



The University of Oregon Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) Committee has three functions: communication, representation, and advocacy for non-tenure track instructional and research faculty to decision-making institutions and individuals on campus.  We work closely with the NTTF Implementation Committee, a committee within Academic Affairs charged with developing and implementing policy regarding NTTF members, to suggest and collect feedback on policies that affect NTTF.

This committee helps to facilitate communication between NTTF and university decision makers on matters of policy.  Part of our long-term agenda is to systematize communications and provide a clearinghouse for information about and for NTTF.  The most important element of this function is our relationship with the Implementation Committee.

While non-tenure-track faculty members are quite diverse, we seek the common areas of concern among them relating to their terms and conditions of labor. We provide a structural means for representing their concerns on all levels (UO Academic Affairs/President's Office/legislature/etc.) to improve compensation and working conditions for all NTTF at the University of Oregon.

We work with the Implementation Committee as advocates for and representatives of the interests of NTTF.  These interests include but are not limited to:


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