Charge to the Undergraduate Council

The following information comes from US001-6 passed by the Senate in Spring 2001

The Undergraduate Council shall be responsible for reviewing, evaluating and enhancing the quality of the University's academic program. The Council's charge includes:

Membership of the Undergraduate Council is fixed and consists of the following: 10 elected faculty representing the School of Architecture and Allied Arts (1), College of Business (1), College of Education (1), School of Journalism and Communication (1), School of Music (1) and the College of Arts and Sciences (5 total, no 2 from the same department; 1 each from Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences and 2 at-large representatives); Chair of the Committee on Courses; Chair of the Academic Requirements Committee; Chair of the Scholastic Review Committee; Chair of the CAS Curriculum Committee; 4 students (no more than 2 from the same school or college); Registrar (ex officio, non-voting); representative from the Office of Academic Affairs (ex officio, non-voting); representative from the Office of Academic advising (ex officio, non-voting); representative from the Library (ex officio, non-voting). All elected members shall serve staggered, 3-year terms, except for students, who shall serve 1-year terms.

The Undergraduate Council shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.

Web page spun on 7 September 2001 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises