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Fwd: starship-design: Tourism

--- jakesmiley <jakesmiley@netzero.net> wrote:
> From: "jakesmiley" <jakesmiley@netzero.net>
> To: "starship-design" <starship-design@lists.uoregon.edu>
> Subject: starship-design: Tourism
> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:32:12 -0800
> Reply-to: "jakesmiley" <jakesmiley@netzero.net>
> Hello...
>     Unfortunately for space tourism, even a single scare will crush
> the
> industry.  For years the general populace has been subjected to
> numerous
> sci-fi flicks where large numbers of people die violently in a
> systems
> failure.  So, despite the safety of space-travel and redundancy
> there will
> always remain that terrible doubt.

I was thinking about space tourism, and who might be interested in
putting up the bucks to provide it, and I thought, Disney!

Of course, I don't even think Disney would do it, but they would
likely do the next best thing: send out a small ship or two, maybe
even unmanned, with lots of big cameras, and they'd put the footage
into an I-Max theater. Viewers could get most of the same thrills
without the expense and inconvenience.

Really, even without the fear of catastrophe, a lot of folks would be
leary about zero-gee, space sickness, and how to use the toilets, not
to mention other situations, like this scenario:

Passenger, tugging at a passing crewmwmber's sleeve: "Say, chief, I'm
dyin' for a cigarette. Is there anywhere I can smoke around here?"

Crewmember, pointing to the airlock: "Sure thing. You go through that
door and close it behind you, then go through the one just beyond it.
It's real spacious and has a great view."

Keep looking up,


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