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Re: starship-design: FTL

In a message dated 8/24/01 5:49:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
bfranchuk@jetnet.ab.ca writes:

> Steve VanDevender wrote:
>  > 
>  > Ben Franchuk writes:
>  > What do you think produced the cosmic microwave background?
>  But look 99%+ of all matter was distroyed. We should still be roasting in 
> all   
>  that energy. I thought the cosmic micrwave radation was from other stuff.

Some theorists were looking for the cause of the background radiation showing 
as static on TV's tuned to no channel and also found in background radiation 
of radio telescopes but had no luck in finding the cause as it was still 
their even when the pigion droppings were cleaned from the telescopes 

The big bang theorist were limping along on unsupported theory for so long 
the decided to use the undiscovered cause of background radiation to support 
the theory with a crutch by claiming it was created in the big bang and 
physical evidence of the big bang theories correctness.

Einstein thought the doppler shift used by the Lawyer Hubble to calculate the 
universe expansion rate leading to the big bang theory of Physisct was 
instead caused by the much smaller red shift of star light from the 
gravitaional fields of the stars. As the distant star light traveled through 
multitudes of gravitaional fields then the red shift accumulated to being 
larger than the doppler shift. The math was horrendous to calculate the 
expected measured accumulation of multidudes of individual red shifts so was 
not done until recently by computer power as data was collected from Pioneer, 
Under the guidence of Physiscist Dr Shipiro, a director of the Smithstonian 
Institute (Museum) whos name was given as the "Shiprio effect" from his 
research into Einstein's gravitaional red shift equations.

Big bang theory is dead in the water as is a sub c limit on rockets theory.
Supporting Links to follow as soon as I recall how to spell Shipeio :-)

>  > Remember the words of Douglas Adams:  "Space is big.  Really big.  You
>  > may think it's a long way to the corner chemist's, but that's nothing
>  > compared to space."
>  > 
>  > And there isn't that much mass in the universe, compared to the amount
>  > of space.
>  If we can have FTL travel discused what about all of Douglas Adams great
>  ideas for speedy travel. My favorite was the craft powered by "Bad News"
>  as we all know how fast that travels.:-)
>  -- 
>  Standard Disclaimer : 97% speculation 2% bad grammar 1% facts.
>  "Pre-historic Cpu's" http://www.jetnet.ab.ca/users/bfranchuk
>  Now with schematics.