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starship-design: I'm New to the list.

I'm new here.  Is there a FAQ so I can get up to speed?

My apologies for my replies.  I inadvertently replied to the individual
only and had to go back and forward my replies to the list. (which had the
effect of quoting myself)

I am looking forward to being an active member of this list as the subject
has interested me for decades.


Ward R. Goodwin Jr.        Goodwin Consulting          wardish@mtinter.net
Head Ego		   P.O. Box 364                wardish@netscope.net
Voice - (540) 935-4141     Oakwood, VA  24614          Fax - (540) 498-3792
                         Meddle not in my affairs! 
      Forget not that thee are mortal, and taste well with sauce...
             Opinions expressed here cast no reflections...<G>