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starship-design: Re: Re: Aliens, why haven't they contact us?

In a message dated 7/18/97 7:16:33 AM, jimaclem@juno.com wrote:

>>>>>Immune systems usually see almost every non-self organism as 
>>dangerous. I
>>>>>wouldn't think that it doesn't matter much whether the non-self 
>>>>>comes from space or Earth.
>>>>>In some cases the body even starts killing something of itself, 
>>this is
>>>>>called an auto-immune disease.
>>>>Immune systems arn't that good at detecting, much less combating, 
>>>>non-self organism.  They are best at detecting and defeating things 
>>>>organism routinly is attacked by.  Alien micro life would not be 
>>>>were 'tuned' to fight or look for.
>>>As far as I know they are quite good at detecting, only finding the
>>>"antidote" before it is too late can be a problem. However 
>>>usually can help quite a lot.
>>You can't use an antibiotic on alien microbes.  They work by suttle
>>disruption of celular chemistry.  I.E. something that will kill them, 
>>but not
>>>And even if we were not immune to alien bacteria, would we be able to 
>>>it? Likely there are more Earthly bacteria that kill people than 
>>No way to know.  Can't even know anything basic about their celular
>>construction or chemistry.
>Just a thought to consider folks.  All living organisms on this planet,
>including viruses have DNA and RNA constructed from the same four
>proteins, adenine, cytosine, guanine and tyrosine.  (And I do mean ALL
>life forms on this planet, from viruses to trees to us).  The chances
>that an alien microbe, or anything else, would use these same proteins
>seem rather small, thus rendering them and us relatively harmless to each
>other since we cant read each other's cellular codes.

The problem with that common misundarstanding is that most deseases and
infections don't involve interaction with the organisms genetics.  Only viruse
s do.  Bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc just need compatable pretean
structures (very simple and common in nature) and an environment that isn't
leathal enough to kill them quickly.
